Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Crock Pot Christianity

Today I was reading as post on my favorite blog. He used the line "the work of the Lord in our lives is more like a crock pot than a microwave".  When I read this line for the first time in the article I glanced over it without much thought in the whole scheme of the article. But when I went back and reread it over, it started to get my mind thinking. This line struck me in 2 ways that I want to share.

First, I believe this line is a good description of what not only the works of God should do to us but also the words of God. I find in my life that the Bible has more of a crock pot effect on me rather than the microwave effect. When I open the Bible and simmer over a passage or truth and let it sink into my life, it seems to have a greater impact. Yes, the Bible can have an instant impact when I read it for the first time in a long time, but a deeper and longer eternal impact seems to happen when it has time to sink deep and fill me up with the flavor of God and His words. I find to when I focus my devotions on a single passage for 20 minutes rather than read a whole set of verses in 20 minutes, the time is more meaningful and God speaks softly and clearer to me. Not to say that reading the Bible through is bad, I believe it has many benefits that I do not want to explore at this time, but when was the last time we sat and simmered over a single passage and let it resonate in our hearts and minds.

The idea of God's work in our lives is a crock pot reminded me of the smell of the crock pot when I get home from work and my beloved has made a beef roast in it all day. I love the sweet smelling aroma when there is something cooking and simmering in the crock pot. This reminds me of 2 verses, Gen. 8:21 when Noah's sacrifice is a sweet smell to God and gives Him glory. It also brought Paul's 2 Cor. 2:15 when Paul describes us as the aroma of Christ to God. This means our lives should be a sweet smelling life pleasing to God. A life that is like a crock pot, slow cooking pot of glory to the King. Yes, simple fast quick acts can bring praise to God and give Him glory, but I find that a life slowly building, simmer with spice's of praise added to the life can give God a life more pleasing and honoring to Him.

When was the last time we thought about the life of a lover of Jesus as a crock pot; simmering and building with great smelling praise and glory to God?

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