Thursday, February 26, 2015


I have been recently thinking about the ordinary Christian life. Many times we read about the radical Christian life, the missional Christian life, the fulfilled Christian life, or even the emotional Christian life. Ordinary is defined in the dictionary as; to be expected or usual. This got me thinking about my life everyday as a Christian. Here is a list of things that I have come up with that should be a part of ever day, which means this list is things I should expect everyday or should be a usual part of my day as a Christian.

Trust Christ
repent of my sin
read God's Word
abide in Jesus
love God
die to self
take up my cross and follow the Spirit
love my neighbor
proclaim the Gospel to myself along with family, friends, neighbors

Now many times we think of these things as radical for life. While they are radical for the world around us to see, they should not be radical for our lives daily. Radical in the dictionary has extreme in the definition. This list should not be extreme for our lives each day, this list should be expected for our lives each day. That means everyday I should be living the ordinary Christian life at work, at home, with my family, and in my community. Are you an ordinary Christian?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

An enemy of my enemy is a friend

"You have enemies? Good, that means you stood up for something, sometime in your life." ~Winston Churchill

"The supreme art of war is to subdue your enemy without fighting."~ Sun Tzu

"In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." ~ Martin Luther King JR

I read over all of these quotes recently and felt the power in the words. I never thought in my wildest dreams that there would be feelings inside me in ministry where I felt like I was trying to love an enemy. Each human being before they know Jesus and He draws them to Himself, are by nature enemies of the Cross. So when we reach out as the church into the lost and broken world we are reaching out to our enemies and presenting them with the good news of Salvation. So I knew that ministry would be a big part reaching the enemy for Jesus and loving the enemy for the sake of God. But I never thought that I would feel like those I am called to experience the "one anothers" with would feel like an enemy. Now, I am not saying it is their fault they feel like an enemy. I know the feelings inside me have come as a part of how I have acted and sinned in my still broken nature. And I know these people are not trying to act like enemies of mine (or at least I pray they are not). But Satan has filled my broken heart with feelings of depression and sadness and thoughts that they feel like an enemy. Whether it is the silence, the strong push back for things I stood for, or even the art of war, I hate the feelings of enemies.

But good has come from these feelings. They have driven me to my knees in prayer. I have found that these feelings go away when I pray for the feelings and people. I have been reminded that it is not for these people I do what I do. I have felt the conviction of the Spirit and the Words of Scripture saturate me with the truth it is the glory of God alone that matters. I have been reminded the more I read the Bible that "God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in him", not satisfaction in these feelings or people. God has show me I need to be zealous for Him and Him alone. God as reminded me now, a year in, that I minster for Him alone. And when He gets the glory it impact others whether they feel like an enemy or a friend.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


The Webster's dictionary defines avenge as; to take vengeance for or on behalf of, to exact satisfaction for a wrong by punishing the wrongdoer. In Numbers 35, God gives instructions for His people to have cities of refuge. The cities of refuge were a place for a person to go if they killed someone. The relative or avenger of the dead person would then go to the city where it was decided if the killer did it by accident or actually murder an innocent person. The avenger then would either leave because the killer was innocent and the death was an accident or the avenger would kill the murderer in vengeance for his relative that was murder. The avenger then would be cleared of the death of the murderer because he was getting vengeance and avenging his innocent relative that had been murder.

I am a comic book/movie junky and nerd. I love myself a good comic book. I love spending 2 hours watching a good comic book movie (has to be a marvel movie though to be good). I love watching the hero's save the day and rescuing the innocent people. My favorite comic book movie is "The Avengers". In that movie, Tony Stark as Ironman gives one of the best lines in the movie. He is talking face to face with the villain when all odds seem against the heroes. He tells the villain that the combined heroes should be called Avengers because they have come to get vengeance for the innocents of earth.

Why do we ultimately have heroes and the hero mindset desire in our culture? Because everyone knows we need a hero, someone who will get vengeance for us because we are innocent or at least we think we are. Did you know every hero is just a shadow of the greatest Hero?. Even the avenger rule in Numbers 35 is a shadow for the greatest Hero. And here is the greatest kicker in the whole shadow and foretaste thought from not only Numbers 35 but the rest of the OT. The greatest Hero is not only the Avenger but also the only Innocent. Jesus Christ is the greatest hero there is. Jesus Christ is the perfect complete and only true avenger. But Jesus is also the innocent who pays the price as the avenger for us. Wow what a truly beautiful picture and truth we can hold on to and enjoy.

So next time you watch a hero movie, realize it is just humans desiring to know and have the hero in their lives. And realize we already have the perfect Hero and Avenger living and dying for us, we do not need a Captain America to save our day, WE HAVE JESUS!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Today I read 3 more chapters from Numbers. I looked ahead and realized that tomorrow will be the last day reading in the book. On March 1st I will begin to read Joshua, which means that the book of Deuteronomy will be read through in less then 10 days. Wow that is fast but I am covering the whole Bible in one year, so I should have expected that some books would be read through fast. This fast pace made me go back and think through what I have been reading over the last few days. I think my favorite section reading in Numbers was when Balaam's donkey started to talk. As a kid, I always wished that maybe, my pets or even a wild animal would talk to me. I used to imagine me and my superhero animal friends communicating and saving the day. But in Numbers, a real live animal talks. A donkey talks to it's owner. When this donkey talks it is in the middle of a longer narrative where the prophet Balaam from Peor  comes and instead of cursing Israel, God commands and he blesses Israel. When I was younger and immature, I wished like my superhero animal friends, that I was Balaam and I got to bless God's people and hear a donkey talk to me.

But now as an adult, I am thankful to God I am not Balaam. In my reading today, Balaam meets his demise as he is put to the sword and killed because he is a false prophet who tricks God's people into sleeping with and fornicating with the Midianite women (remember Phinehas from the other day's post). So, Balaam is actually a bad guy, not one of God's chosen people, who God uses to bless His people one time. God uses Balaam, a bad guy who ends in hell, to do His will. Glad I am not Balaam. But it challenges me in realizing that God uses both His chosen people and those He choses not to save for His work. That begs to ask me the question, is God using me because I am one of His or because I not one of His and He is using me anyway? That asks me another question then, how does my life, faith, words, and actions speak to my relationship with God? God does the saving. God does the using of people for His will. So does my life and fruit show that I am one of His , that He is using? We do not want to be like Balaam and be used by God but end up being put to eternal death by our sinful unrepentant life of folly.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Out with the Old in with the New

I can get some serious heart burn if I do not pay attention. I discovered this a few years ago while I was eating a large pizza, drink a gallon of tea, and watching a football game on the couch. I could not sleep that night as the burn kicked in and I got some serious stomach pain and even lost some of my voice the next day. So I know now that I have to watch what I eat, how much of some things I eat, and the fact that if I do not take care of myself, the heart burn kicks in and the Tums tablets struggle to help me feel good.

As I have been reading through the Torah to start the calendar year and specifically the Old Covenant from Exodus through Deuteronomy, I have been thinking about my hear burn. My hear burn is like my sin. I love pizza and Turkey Hill tea. Just like I love the world and the stuff of the world. But getting pizza and tea inside me creates bad feelings and pain deep within. The world takes my already sin nature and does the same thing. The world stirs my sin and makes it much worse to the point I feel guilt, remorse, and even sorrow over the sin I commit against God and others. So the heart burn is like my sin.

The Tums tablets are like the Old Covenant. The tums give me temporary relief. The tums mask the true problem and calm my stomach down for a little. The tums do not fix the problem they just help alleviate it for a few hours. The Old Covenant is the same way. It was temporary relief for the people. It gave them a break from the wrath of God because the animals took it. The Old Covenant masked the problem and truly did not fix the sin issue to the core.

So for me to truly fix my heart burn and be healthy, I need to make a diet and lifestyle change. I need to stop eating greasy and spicy food. I need to get more sleep and stop drinking so much tea and coffee. This would all be a lifestyle change that would fix my hear burn permanently (unless I reverted back to pizza and tea). This life style change is like the New Covenant. The New covenant with Jesus fixes the sin problem. The New Covenant circumcises our hearts and gives us a new nature that does not like to sin or enjoy the sinful world. The New Covenant is the permanent fix to the problem that Tums or Old Covenant could not fix. The New Covenant is so much better and I am so blessed to be a recipient of the New Covenant.

Are you grateful for the New Covenant in Jesus and does your life show this life style change?

Monday, February 16, 2015

Phinehas and the verb

My kids love the Disney show Phineas and Ferb. I will admit, I enjoy watching the show with them when I can. The musical numbers or Perry the Platypus or the inventions they make up, all draw me into watching it. I find the show interesting because it is 2 brothers trying to get the most they can out of summer. When I was younger, all I wanted to do in the summer was sit around and play video games or go to the pool. But these brothers are trying to get the most out of each day because they know that summer only last so long before School starts again. I find it interesting to, the cartoon design of each of the characters. Ferb's head looks like a sideways T and Candace there sister, well her head has a long neck so it kind of looks like a backwards P. Phineas' head is a triangle but if you tilt your head a little while watching it you could also say it looks like the tip of an arrow or spear.

Now, you might be asking, what does this kids TV show have to do with Scripture or anything from the Bible. Let me explain. Today I was reading again from Numbers. In Numbers 25, Phinehas the son of the High Priest kills a sinner with a spear. See God did not want His people to be inter-marrying with the sinful idolatrous world around them. But the Hebrews forgot this so the men of Israel started to have sex and marry the Midianite women. Oh no! God was not happy and He brought about a plague and started to judge the people because of the sin of these men. Well, one day as Moses and the priests were weeping at the entrance to the Tabernacle, a Hebrew man walks right by them and takes a Midianite women into his tent. Well Phinehas sees this, is zealous for the glory of God and follows them into the tent and drives a spear through both the man and the women. God makes a special covenant with Phinehas because he is so zealous for the glory and honor of God, that he went and killed a sinner and the women.

For starters I find it interesting that Phineas' head looks like the tip of a spear and Phinehas killed someone by thrusting a spear through them. But I also find a better connection that is the point of my writing. Phineas is all about and zealous to get the most joy and fulfillment out of his summer. While Phinehas is zealous for the glory of God and His honor. Both of these Phineas/Phinehas are zealous for something. The question begins then are we the Phineas who is zealous for our own pleasure and joy or are we Phinehas who is most zealous for God and His joy and glory? Here are a few questions to help you know what you are zealous about.

Do you speak up when you hear God put down or do you hide?
Do you openly talk about God or do you join the negative dirty talk?
Do you give to God sacrificially or do you spend more money on yourself?
Do you use Saturday for your enjoyment only or does it set you up for God on Sunday?
Would you rather sleep or read your Bible?
Are you lazy or do you take care of the blessings God has given you?
Do you read the Bible with your kids or do you yell at them because they get in the way?
Are you broken and weeping over the glory and honor of God being diminished in your life?

Being zealous is not just an adjective, it is also a verb as you are active in pursing and pushing the honor and glory of God, not only in your life first, but also in the lives of your brothers and sisters around you that have missed or trampled it.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Walk by Faith

Ministry is tough. I find myself asking God daily, "are you sure this is what you want me to do? Are you sure I am qualified to lead a church? Are you sure you trust me to shepherd your sheep?" God typically answer with a simple reply, "walk by faith in me, obey what my will of desire is for you, and just do it!" I have find myself relating to a song by Jeremy Camp that I love and I wanted to share the lyrics today since I find myself singing it over and over again and reminding myself of the truth.

Would I believe you when you would say
Your hand will guide my every way
Will I receive the words You say
Every moment of every day

Well I will walk by faith
Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road
Prepares Your will for me

Help me to win my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I do

Well I'm broken- but I still see Your face
Well You've spoken- pouring Your words of grace

Well hallelujah, hallelu
(I will walk by faith)
Well hallelujah, hallelu
(I will walk by faith)

I will walk, I will walk, I will walk by faith
I will, I will, I will walk by faith

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Yesterday I started to read through the book of Numbers. Numbers is an interesting book in that some of it is like Leviticus in that it is law and holiness. In the reading today we found some of this Law as the purity of the camp and the Nazerite vow were commanded by God. Numbers is also similar to Exodus in that there is story mixed in to help illustrate a point and show some theological truth. This will be illustrated in the reading tomorrow as the Cloud of God and the leaving of Mount Sinai takes place. It is important to remember though as we read through any of Scripture that the setting and backdrop of the passage is in view.

In Genesis 15 and 17, God makes 2 covenant promises with Abraham. The first promise is the promise of an offspring to the point of a great nation. Numbers chapter 1 highlights the fulfillment of this promise as the people are counted and a nation of around 3 million is organized. The second promise to Abraham is the promise one day of the land. The rebellion of the spies, except Joshua and Caleb, show that the people have forgotten this promise. But at the end of the book as the nation is waiting for God across the Jordan river in Moab, the highlight and fulfillment of this promise is at hand. So as we read through Numbers we must keep the Covenant with Abraham in view. As we read about the faithfulness and rebellion of the people in this book we must keep the promises of God in view.

So what promises of God do we need to keep in view everyday in our lives so that we live more faithful to Him daily?
-"I will never leave you nor forsake you"
-"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases"
-"God's mercies never come to an end and are new every morning"
-"He who began a good work in you will see it through to completion"
-"His Word is truth"
-"His Word is a lamp for our feet"
-"The Law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul"
-"The commands of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart"
-"be Holy because I am Holy"
-"God is love"
-"I am not a God of confusion but a God of peace"
-"For I the Lord your God am a jealous God"
-"Vengeance is mine, I will repay"
-"I am coming soon"

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I have been hacked

Last month I gave my blog to a friend and fellow Elder from church to write in. Today I would like another friend and fellow Elder to share his thoughts in my blog. So here is what my good friend Mike has to say about life with and serving Jesus.  I love this man dearly and could not imagine my life and ministry at this point without him. These are some raw and honest thoughts but yet refreshing to know Mike still has confidence in who he is in Jesus and that confidence can help him in the quiet moments of reflection.

I have to admit, taking the time to read has been a chore for me the past several years.
I have a stack of books at home now that I have intended to read but for one reason or another, I don't make the effort. It's dishonest for me to tell someone who lends me a book that I'll read it but not get to it. I apologize for that.
That being said, I'll make another confession. In the past, I have treated Gods' Word like the Sunday newspaper. I skim through it, look at the parts that interest me, and then pitch it in the re-cycle bin. The next Sunday, same routine.  Not what you would expect an elder to say? Would you rather read, something to "make you feel good", or tickle your ears?  Something insightful, and thought-provoking? I'm not your guy. But God.
The past year has brought many changes in my life. My job is a roller coaster ride wearing a blindfold sitting backwards in the seat. I have been neglectful at home and not paid enough attention to Kim (who, by the way, is a saint). My house would give Bob Vila (TV home improvement guy) the shivers.    But God.
Then I was elected to be an elder. Warts and all. Then this and that and conflicts, and changes, and ruffled feathers, and blah blah blah.    But God.
I tried writing something insightful, with brevity, perhaps a small portion of wit and wisdom. In fact, I had started 3 different commentaries and tossed them.   But God.
At times I felt I have wasted a good portion of my life on ME. At times I felt alone in this life, even with Kim and the boys.  At times I had  wanted to run out the door down the street screaming at the top of my lungs. At times I had felt like falling asleep and not waking up. At times I put on a happy face and pretended.    But God.
I am a sinner, destined one day to spend eternity in Hell.   But God.
You can choose to dismiss this commentary. You can comment one way or another. You can un-elder me if that is what you want. At this point in my life, I am in His Hands, and I have God to answer to. I am His child and choose to devote my life completely to Him. I have nothing but myself to give. I am not a smart person, not eloquent and apparently not a good teacher. But I give what I am, and what I have, to God for His Honor and Glory. He has promised me a place with Him someday, not that I deserve it, or earned it with "good works", or looked on favorably by others. But by His Grace through His Sons' Sacrifice.....for me!!
And you too.

Monday, February 9, 2015


"Whew, I made it through that book." That is what I found myself saying this morning after I finished reading the last few chapters of Leviticus. It went by fast. I only started to read through the book on February 1st and now on the 9th we have finished the last chapters. It is a hard book to read through but I found an easy book to understand. Let me explain what I mean in that it is easy and hard at the same time.

First, Leviticus is a hard book to read through. This is the first big section of Scripture to read in that is not narrative or story. After reading through Genesis and then a good portion of Exodus, Leviticus is much different in style and type of reading. To add to the change in genre of reading, the Law style and commands are much more difficult to get through. The chapters on what a person could not touch, or eat, or do. The big sections that dealt with the Priest and their holiness were tough to read through. And even today as the year of Jubilee was read through, it seems very repetitive and meticulous to get into. This makes the book of Leviticus hard to make it through. I felt many times I was reading the same thing over and over and over again. I felt like saying, ok God I get it, "be holy because I am holy", I understand. I sometimes felt like it could be said in far less time and words.

But this brings us to the point in that Leviticus is easy to read. We know the big theme and point to the book, "I the Lord your God am Holy, so be Holy." I get that and I understand that. Compared to a book like Laminations and Isaiah, Leviticus is easy to understand. Just like the Hebrews were to be holy, we also in the church today are to be holy and being holy means following God's law and commands to the perfection. When we understand that we are to be holy, we then know why the few stories are added to Leviticus, like Nadab and Abihu and in the reading today the boy who blasphemes God. These stories are there to show us what being Holy is not. So Leviticus is much easier than most book of the Bible to understand which makes it much easier than most books to read.

So as I found myself struggling some days to read through Leviticus it was encouraging to know that the message was clear and easy for me to pick up on. I pray as I begin Numbers tomorrow that, even as some days will be a struggle to read through (like the ordering of the tribes) that most days the message and teaching from God will be easy to understand and pick up.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Holiness Code

Today in the Bible reading plan I am going through I got to read more from the holiness code of God. In Leviticus chapters 18-20 I read about who I should not be having sex with and when I break the holiness of God by committing acts of sin, what should happen to me. Knowing the holiness of God and this code, I should be stoned about 50 times already. But for God and His gracious love and His mercy. But what I found interesting in reading the 3 chapters, is in that God's holiness code effects every area of life. Sex, my relationship with my parents, my business practices, how I eat, how my week is organized around the Sabbath, how I manage my house and property, my relationship with my friends and neighbors, my worship back to God, and even the clothes I wear. God's holiness code covered 100% of the Hebrews life BUT IT ALSO COVERS 100% OF OUR LIVES. So that means to obey God is to remember and have His holiness and purity effect ever area of my life. I like the question approach again when I think of the holiness of God effecting my life. So let me ask some question to see and gauge our level of holiness and obedience to God.

What kind of movies and TV shows do you watch and like? are they holy and pleasing to God?
Are you honest with your employer? Do you give him/her your best?
Is your week organized around Sunday worship coming first?
Have you read the Bible and prayed with your spouse and children?
How is your level of you enjoy looking at others?
How much time do you spend on the internet or your smart phone?
Are you lazy at home or do you provide for your family in all areas?
Is your first reaction prayer?
What sinful/dishonoring to God habits do you have?
When was the last time you found yourself hungry to hear from God?

If your like me, a sinful broken person, you will not be able to answer everyone of these questions with a resounding Yes Jesus I love you all the time. Guess what, you would be stoned too. Praise be for Jesus and His grace for me a broken sinful person. "Be Holy, because I the LORD your God am Holy". Thank you Jesus for being Holy in my place perfectly.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Day of Atonement

Leviticus 16 gives the order for what is to take place during the most holy day of the year. During this day the High Priest offers atonement or payment for the sin of the whole community. During the ceremony he gives a bull and ram up for offering for the sin of himself and his family. The High Priest also offers 2 goats up in atonement for the people. Each of these 2 goats has a different job to play. Each goat gives us a different action of the atonement process and each goat gives us a different picture of what Jesus did on the cross. Let me explain and go a little deeper.

Goat #1- This is the goat of propitiation. This goat spills all his blood bearing the wrath of the holy God. This goat is the substitute for the people and pays for it with his life. This goat takes care of the penalty for the sin of the people. This goat is slaughtered, burned on the alter, and its blood is sprinkled before God on the Ark of the Covenant. This goat give us a picture of Jesus Christ and His penal substitution for us on the cross. This means that Jesus bore the penalty for us in our place and spilled all His blood for us. This is also called the vicarious atonement. Jesus Christ is our vicar in that He stood in our place and bore the full complete holy wrath of God for our sin. Jesus did not have to stand in for us but He did and bore the full propitiation for our sins.

Goat #2- This is the goat of expiation. This goat had all the sins of the people placed on him by the high priest and then it was sent out away into the wilderness. The expiation of sin is similar to the Psalms that says God does not remember our sins as far as the east is from the west. This means that the God will no longer remember the sins of the people because they have been removed from His sight. This expiation work is also done by Jesus on the cross. Jesus paid for our sin and then removed it from the sight of God for those who believe in Him. Jesus takes our sin by His payment and removes it from the sight of God, so when God the Father sees us, He does not see our sin but the perfect holiness of His Son. Then God can adopt us into His family and call us His child. Jesus through the cross expiates or removes our sin.

The whole Bible is the story of Jesus. The day of atonement is a day that gives us a great picture and foreshadows the cross. I hope and pray it gives us more thanksgiving as we see in the bloodiness of these goats that Jesus did an amazing work for us in our place so we could stand before the Father, if we just believe and obey.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Purity and Seperation

I read 5 more chapters today from Leviticus 11-15. First let me say Yuck. The section of skin defilements and bodily discharges gives me the shivers. But these 5 chapters are a huge part of the theme of the book; purity and separation. Leviticus 11:44 states, "I am the LORD your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy." God wanted to separate His people from the rest of the people from the earth. God was telling them, "I am separate from you, so you need to be separate from others. Do these things with purity and cleanness and this will separate you from others".

We in the church today, who call the LORD our God, also need to be separate. Now I am not saying that you cannot eat a pig or that you must go to your Pastor for skin check. But what I am saying is, does your life reflect the fact that you are one of the LORD's children and separate and holy from the rest of the unbelievers on the earth. Let me give you some questions that you can ask yourself to know if you are truly separated and holy before the LORD and different than those in this world.

Does your language stand out compared to others?
Do you have worldly habits?
Do others know by word AND deed that you truly love Jesus first?
Is your week organized and scheduled around gathering in church to worship God?
Do you honor the authority God has placed in your life?
Are you full of joy in all circumstances?
How much do you yell in anger at others?
Are you equipping others in your life to serve Jesus also?
Do you desire and hunger for the Word of God?
What makes you happy?

These are some questions that have helped me identify how my holiness, purity, and separation from the world is. Let me just add, when I mean separation, I mean separation like Jesus. Jesus lived in the world. Jesus loved others including the lost. Jesus reached out and touched the world spiritually and physically. But Jesus life and actions were separated from the world and He influenced them, not the other way around.

Do you influence the world by your holiness or does the world contaminate you?

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Tent of Meeting

Today in my Bible reading plan we read through Leviticus 8-10. I will be covering chapter 10 and the death of Nadab and Abihu on Sunday. These 3 chapters deal with the Priests and their Holiness towards God and more about God's Holiness towards the people. But as I have been reading through the book so far this week a title for the Tabernacle has stuck out to me; "the Tent of Meeting".

The tent of meeting or the tabernacle was called this by Moses in his writing because it was the place where the people met God. God dwelt and hovered over the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies. God's cloud and fire would also hover over the actual tent itself. Moses tells us that when the cloud or fire would rise and move the people were to move with it. The tent of meeting is where the people brought their offerings to meet God and sacrifice to Him. The tent of meeting is where Moses and Aaron would talk to God and hear from Him. The tent of meeting is where Yahweh was at and when the people wanted to see or hear from Him, that is where they would go.

Now understand this clearly, the tent of meeting does not equal our church building. Let me say that again, the tent of meeting/tabernacle does not equal our church building. Yes we gather in our church building with others in our faith family to worship God. Yes we go to the church building to hear from God and His Word and respond back in worship. But we do not need to go to the church building to only hear from and meet with God. We have the Holy Spirit living in us every minute of every day. We can talk to God every minute of every day and do not need to go to a place to do so. We have God living in us, which the Hebrews before the Cross did not have. The building is not what matters when the people gather, it is the people gathered together in community and fellowship for worship. We have the tent of meeting in our bodies, which Paul makes clear as a tent of sorts. And our tent/body is where true worship takes place as Paul states, "present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God." Out tent of meeting is our bodies not the church.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Beginning of Leviticus

Yesterday and today, in the Bible reading plan, I read through the first 7 chapters of the book of Leviticus. I realized after reading through Genesis (50 chapters) and Exodus (40 chapters) in the first month of the year, Leviticus is going to fly fast. But something big about the nature of God struck me the last 2 days as I read through these 7 chapters.

God is a God of order and organization. God had a plan and will for how He wanted every offering done, even to the point of what to wear when the ashes were moved outside of the fire and camp. This thought gives me a great comfort in the fact God is meticulous with how He does everything and is not random. God has a unique design for how He wants each sacrifice which means God has a unique design for how things are working in the world today. Knowing God is not random and is a God and Father of order is comforting and encouraging because I know then, what happens to me is not merely chance or random actions.

This order and organization of God also challenges me too. It makes me ask do I relate to God then in order? First, is my Sunday morning worship organized and orderly in its worship and response to a God of order? Also, is my life set in a way that is order around the God of order? God wants my entire life to be worshipful. Does my life reflect the order of God always in it or do I live randomly leave what is left for God? and getting to Him what it "falls into place"?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Superbowl

 God showers the whole world with grace, mercy, and blessings everyday. I believe God showers His people, the church, with more blessings and grace than He does the world each day. But most days we forget, miss, or do not recognize God's gifts and grace in life's daily moments. I have been pondering the Super Bowl as a gift from God and an act of grace given to the world, especially His church. So I have come up with a list of the many different ways the Super Bowl is a gift and blessing from God.

1)Sports are a gift from God in the fact He gives us a body to move, run, jump, and enjoy the physical activities that football can bring.

2) Sports highest showcase, the Super Bowl, shows the true mastery, drive, and determination that God has given the human race.

3) The Super Bowl gives a chance for some of God's greatest athletes to tell the stories of how the gospel changed their lives and how they now live and play for Jesus. (a.k.a. Russel Wilson and Peyton Manning)

4) Football shows off the greatness of the mind that God has given some men as they scheme and figure as the coaches and management of the NFL Teams.

5) Football is a form of art, like music, drawing, painting, design, and singing. Art is a gift from God for us to enjoy and bring love and pleasure into our lives.

6) The Super Bowl's commercials allow us to laugh and find happiness sometimes which is a great gift from God.

7) It can bring emotions of joy, happiness, tears of joy, and a heart full of wonderful emotions as the teams win or lose. Emotions are an amazing gift from God.

8) The Super Bowl is a competition event. Competition in the pure true sense is a gift from God because lovers of Jesus can use this drive and emotion to drive one another in the church to be more and more like Jesus.

9) The Super Bowl and football in general can bring camaraderie to the faith family as members of the church root for the same team and have fun with those who root for another team.

10) The Super Bowl can be an intentional time that the faith family can gather and find pleasure in one another and the bond that is celebrated in the union of Jesus and His church, while eating great food and watching football while laughing together.

What would you add to the list?

God gives us amazing blessings, gifts, and grace each day. Let us be looking every where with our eyes wide open celebrating and praising God for His amazing love for us in the small moments of life.