Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Superbowl

 God showers the whole world with grace, mercy, and blessings everyday. I believe God showers His people, the church, with more blessings and grace than He does the world each day. But most days we forget, miss, or do not recognize God's gifts and grace in life's daily moments. I have been pondering the Super Bowl as a gift from God and an act of grace given to the world, especially His church. So I have come up with a list of the many different ways the Super Bowl is a gift and blessing from God.

1)Sports are a gift from God in the fact He gives us a body to move, run, jump, and enjoy the physical activities that football can bring.

2) Sports highest showcase, the Super Bowl, shows the true mastery, drive, and determination that God has given the human race.

3) The Super Bowl gives a chance for some of God's greatest athletes to tell the stories of how the gospel changed their lives and how they now live and play for Jesus. (a.k.a. Russel Wilson and Peyton Manning)

4) Football shows off the greatness of the mind that God has given some men as they scheme and figure as the coaches and management of the NFL Teams.

5) Football is a form of art, like music, drawing, painting, design, and singing. Art is a gift from God for us to enjoy and bring love and pleasure into our lives.

6) The Super Bowl's commercials allow us to laugh and find happiness sometimes which is a great gift from God.

7) It can bring emotions of joy, happiness, tears of joy, and a heart full of wonderful emotions as the teams win or lose. Emotions are an amazing gift from God.

8) The Super Bowl is a competition event. Competition in the pure true sense is a gift from God because lovers of Jesus can use this drive and emotion to drive one another in the church to be more and more like Jesus.

9) The Super Bowl and football in general can bring camaraderie to the faith family as members of the church root for the same team and have fun with those who root for another team.

10) The Super Bowl can be an intentional time that the faith family can gather and find pleasure in one another and the bond that is celebrated in the union of Jesus and His church, while eating great food and watching football while laughing together.

What would you add to the list?

God gives us amazing blessings, gifts, and grace each day. Let us be looking every where with our eyes wide open celebrating and praising God for His amazing love for us in the small moments of life.

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