Thursday, December 12, 2013

Advent Day #12- Struggle for Love

Last week I thought over and wrote about the important quality of joy and the fight for it that we as Jesus lovers have to keep it in our lives. This time of year is a very significant time to have joy, fight to keep it, and then show it to others. Another quality or state of being to have as lovers of Jesus, especially this time of year is love. We all want love. We want love from someone or from something in our lives and this time of year those feelings are compounded 100 times. But we only truly need 1 love in our lives and the definition of it is defined in the one being who is truly love. Lets let the Bible explain what I mean.

Romans 5:8
BUT GOD demonstrates His own love for us in this; While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

I love this verse and I love the "But God". We were God's enemies and because of our sin we deserved and called for God's justified wrath poured out on us. But God sent His Son in the form of a human baby in a smelly barn with crowd of animals in the small backwoods town of Bethlehem to make us His sons rather than His enemies. God's love for us put Jesus in that barn screaming the birth of a new life. God's love for us had Jesus worshiped by the city outcasts, shepherds, on the first night He was born. God's love for us sent Jesus in the flesh to pee and poop on himself while learning how to walk. God's love for us sent Jesus to stub his toe and smash His finger with a hammer while helping Joseph. God's love for us is the reason Christmas is the time of celebration and joy. God's love for us is all that we need and that love is the definition of love especially during this time of year. But that was not the end of God's love given. Look what Romans says a few verses earlier.

Romans 5:5
And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.

God's love gave us the same love to share with others. Now during this time of celebration and advent more than ever as we struggle to find the love we desire we should realize that as those who love Jesus we need to give God's love in us to others. That is what this time of year is about. Finding our joy and then sharing God's love in us with others. We have been given the greatest gift ever on the tree now we need to give this same gift in love to others. This should be the time of year that others see our love more than ever and then we are given the chance to share it with them. Do not let the struggle for love affect the showering of love to others. Be filled with the Spirit of joy and love not just during this time but all the time and shine that bright light to the lost who have no idea of God's love for them as they struggle to find the love they know they need

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