Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sunday's Questions

As I finish up preparing my sermon for Sunday, I wanted to share tonight some of the questions that formulated part of my sermon and some of the questions I will asking my people to think about as I teach through 1 Peter 3:1-9. Here are the questions and food for thought.

What is my husband’s identity?
What are my husband’s insecurities?
In what areas of life does my husband perform well in?
How can I give my husband more admiration?
How and where can I support my husband?
How can I be a better companion to my husband?
What are my husband’s physical needs?

Husbands- Rate yourself on a scale of 1-5
I include my wife in envisioning the future
I accept spiritual responsibility for my family
I provide special time for my wife to pursue her own desires and wants and special interests
I praise my wife often in public
I put aside distractions so I can talk with my wife and family
I seek the consolation of my wife on every major and most minor life decisions
I pray with my wife regularly

Together as a married couple as these questions
Are we partner or competitors?
Are we helping each other become more spiritual?
Are we depending on the externals or the eternal together?
 Do we understand each other better?
Are we sensitive to each other’s feelings or are we taking each other for granted?
Are we seeing God answer our prayers?
Are we enriched because of our marriage or robbing each other of God’s blessing?

Church Together, ask these as a member of our church family
What are my preferences and are they theologically vital in the faith and salvation?
In what ways has my pride influenced my preferences?
Would harmony describe our church well?
Am I sympathetic and compassionate towards others and their preferences and likes?
Does courteous describe how I relate to others in my faith family?
Am I forgiving of others when they hurt or offend me with their ideas or preferences?
Do I humbly follow Jesus and our leaders as they lead God’s church?

Would Jesus be happy as my wife? Husband? Or part of this church family?

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