Thursday, April 17, 2014

Jesus Compassion/Love

So there Jesus is, hanging on the cross. The blood, that is left in His body after the beatings and carrying the cross, is pouring out of the holes in His wrists and feet. The blood is beginning to drain into His longs and it is hard for Jesus to catch His breath. With every heart beat a surge of pain flows from His writs, feet, and head. Every time Jesus tries to adjust Himself or pull Himself up on the nails more and more His skin, bones, and muscles, tear and rip apart. But what is Jesus doing? Jesus is looking out at others, praying for others, and loving everyone that is around Him. Lets look at 2 of the last sentences Jesus get gasp from the cross.

Luke 23:43
Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise".

John 19:26-27
When Jesus saw His mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to His mother, "Dear women, here is your son" and to the disciple, "Here is your mother". From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.

Wow, in the midst of all the pain and suffering Jesus has a compassion and outlook to others. Jesus forgives and welcomes a criminal on the cross next to Him, into the heavenly kingdom. Then Jesus sees His mom and looks out for her future and gives His mom over to His closest friend, John, to look after and finds her protection. I know Jesus is God and is perfect but this example should still inspire and push is to always be others focused rather than self focused. Yes, we suffer, deal with pain, loss, and heartache, but many others could get to meet Jesus because even in the midst of our own pain we are looking out for them and bringing them into the kingdom.

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