Saturday, April 19, 2014

Jesus is Silent

So there you are. You have walked with Jesus for 3 years. He called you by name from your dad's fishing business and set you at work to walk, talk, and witness His ministry. You have seen Jesus raise the dead, calm the storm, and healed blind people. You have witnessed Jesus feeding 5,000 with 3 loaves and 2 fish. You have heard Jesus teach in stories and then got a first hand explanation from Him alone. Jesus told you about His Heavenly Father. Jesus allowed you to see Him transfigured and talk with Moses. Jesus has been your best friend and closest partner over the last 3 years. You have seen Jesus love, generosity, and compassion for the sick, lost, and hurting. You have seen Jesus stand against the Pharisee's and take command when He needed to. Finally after 3 years you get to see your friend ride in on a donkey and get praised by the crowds and worshiped like you know He should as a Messiah. Then you get to have an intimate supper and experience the Passover meal with Him and hear Jesus talk about and pray about you and watch as Jesus washes your feet.

Then the pain starts. You see Jesus pray to God in agony, watch as one of your other friends betrays Him and helps the Jewish leaders capture Him. Then you watch your best friend get mistreated, falsely accused and treated like a criminal. You see Jesus beaten twice and put on public display. Then you hear the crowds shouting to crucify Him. Next you watch as Jesus is lead down the street with His cross and as you hold and stand by Mary, Jesus, mom, you watch your best friend be crucified as His bone crunch and He yells in pain. As He is dying He talks to you and asks you to take care of His mom and take her as your own. Then you watch Him take His last breath and die.

He is gone. This man that you have come to love, cherish, and listen to for wisdom and guidance is gone. You cannot talk to Him and ask Him what is going on and what will happen next. Jesus is dead and buried and now your best friend and Messiah is gone and there is nothing left. The man you have come to rely upon is not there and there is nothing He can say to help you understand or not hurt. There is now a void and hole in your life and you are not sure how to fill it. You feel lost, confused, scared, and stuck between a rock and a hard place. And your not sure where to turn. Jesus is silent and you have nothing. It is Saturday.

Praise the Lord that tomorrow Jesus will rise from the grave and give us victory and hope again. Praise the Lord Jesus is never silent and not here like John must have felt on this Saturday. I thank God and shout for joy I can pray to Jesus and know He hears me and will respond. Praise the Lord I can read His word and know the end of the story. Praise the Lord for the resurrection and the power and security it can give us. He is risen, He is risen indeed.

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