Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Still thinking about my sermon

So I am praying and thinking about my sermon for this coming Sunday and I came across this post that I wrote back in late January and thought everyone might like it again. I know my beloved will.

Story #1
So we had only been married for 3 weeks. We had just celebrated our first Christmas together in our small 1 bedroom apartment. This first apartment was small, very quaint, and yet very homey. The only problem was the bathroom was right across a small hallway from the bedroom. Well a few days after Christmas I got the stomach flu and for 12 hours could not stop throwing up. My beloved had to listen to me very loudly be sick in only the first month we were together stuck inside. And she is still with me today.

Story #2
So my son was very young still and did not understand germs yet. And he was still young enough that he had a nuk and would carry it every where. I had a bad habit as a dad that when I found it on the floor, I would just clean it off with my mouth before I would give it back to him. My beloved always warned me about putting his nuk in my mouth because of germs. But I would never listen. Well you guess it he got the stomach flu one time and was sick for a few days. But I did not know he had the germs for a day or 2 so I was sticking his nuk in my mouth with his germs. Guess what? I got the stomach flu and was down for the count for a few days myself. She still reminds me of that story and putting the nuk in my mouth 8 years later.

Story #3
My beloved is out at a doctors visit and I am home alone with all 4 kids. When all of a sudden the baby in the group starts to projectile vomit and letting it fly. I start to run around and try and help her while the other 3 kids first stare at me and the baby and then run for the stairs and getting away. So now I have a sick kid throwing up with no help and vomit all over the place. My wife walks through the door a little later and jumps right in and helps start the laundry, and keep the crying baby happy and get the other 3 kids in order. My beloved came home and help set things back in place and made my life plain and simple again.

So what is the benefit of having our spouse as our best friend? They help us with the vomit when no one else will. Yes that is true but more importantly the benefit of having them as our best friend is they get to see us in the hardest moments and darkest and smelliest times and will still love us no matter what. God has given us a truly great blessing in our spouse and the benefit they can be as we deal with sickness, stupidity, and the challenging moments in life. Thank God for His great gift and then thank you spouse for being your best friend. Just don't vomit on them:)

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