Tuesday, April 8, 2014

God has a sense of humor.....don't forget that

Many time when we think about God we think of His majesty and awesome glory. When we think of God's attributes we tend to think of His holiness, love, grace, mercy, and compassion. Sometimes we even let our minds wonder about God and we are reminded that God is joy, kindness, and goodness. But most of the time we tend to forget that God has a sense of humor and is the creator and designer of laughter. God loves to hear a baby giggle and a couple laugh over joys in life. God is the one who created the snort laugh, the wheezy laugh, the deep throat laugh, and the high pitch giggle. Think about how many different laughs that you know; God created and designed them all. So I know God has a sense of humor. Think of the platypus or the other funny creatures living in our world. Look at the creative ways we as humans all look different yet somehow all have similar traits. I know God has a sense of humor.

Here is a personal story from the last few days that I know gives God a sense of humor. I have been pursuing God and His journey in my life for over 5 years now. God has blessed me as of recently and placed a church family in my life to equip and grow with. Yesterday I was supposed to begin my first week in the office, studying, praying, reading, writing, and loving my new faith family. In the past 4 years at Lowe's I have only had to call in sick for myself 2 times, But Sunday evening, God in His sense of humor decided that I needed to get the stomach bug which turned into strep throat to keep me humble and laughing with Him. I love God for His humor and the way that when we know He is in charge in our lives and controls all things, we can laugh with Him.

So next time you think about God realize He created the laugh, designed things that make us chuckle, is controlling our lives with all our giggles, and has the most perfect and greatest sense of humor. Remember that humor because than we can laugh along with God and His good holy humor.

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