Many Times when we think about Jesus we think about His love, compassion, miracles, teaching, parables, and other stories that we know. But how many times do we think of Jesus' humility? On Palm Sunday when Jesus rides a donkey down Broadway and all the people put palm branches down, we need to be reminded of Jesus humility.
So there He is. The Son of God, Creator of the World, the man who was, is, and is to come. This man is Jesus, the one and only person who could die for the sin of the lost and wandering sheep. And He knows all that. Jesus knows He is the man. Jesus knows that in less than a week He will die on a cross, the most horrible and humiliating death possible. Jesus also knows that in a week He will be rising from the dead, triumphant and victorious over the grave, death, and sin. And yet Jesus goes about this day normally and humbly.
Jesus tells His disciples to go and fetch a donkey, not some white horse big and proud. Then Jesus tells the disciples to place some cloaks on the donkey and just lead Him into Jerusalem and to His next stop on this important journey. Jesus never asks for fanfare, the roar of the crowd or to have His disciples shout praise. And when all of the shouting and hosanna starts, Jesus does not do His 'Rocky Balboa' impression or His 'All hail god and king' chants. Jesus just sits on the donkey and takes in the scene with His disciples. This is Jesus' humility at work.
Jesus is the one being that should and could be full of pride but He is never that. Jesus goes out of His way to love the lowest people and care for the needs of the least. Yet Jesus never talks about His humility because Jesus knows the minute humility is talked about it disappears. Jesus is the most humble person to ever have lived and walked the earth but He could and should have been the proudest. And the last week of Jesus' life when He ultimately is the only person that could pay the debt of sin, His humility shines the brightest.
This week as we think about Jesus' death think about His humility and try and imitate our Savior and His humble spirit. Humility is the true attribute of a Jesus lover.
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