Sunday, February 16, 2014

Top 5 Lies Christians Believe

My wife recommended that I read this funny yet challenging blog/article. It made me think so I would like to take a few sentences and respond to it and maybe enlighten and help others to think also. Here is the blog link:

So here is my response lie by lie.
1)You do not really need the church
This lie is simple to defunct. Paul tells us plainly in 1st Corinthians that we as Christians are part of a body with many parts and many roles. If I am an an ear or a mouth, I cannot function as the other parts of the body and need those parts to be a full true Christian. The New Testament also has more than 20 "one another" commands that are by God commanded to be preformed in the church family so that the church may grow and spread God's reputation to the world. God designed the Christian to live in a community where he or she can grow, mature, care, love, share, explore, and discover what it means to be a "little Christ". The church is necessary and command in the Bible which is the foundation of the Christian life. I would say to anyone that unless you are connected to a church family how could you ever say you are a Christian because Jesus came, lives, and died for the church, which is mutually His bride.

2)To be a Christian you just need to be "good" and act "nice"
This argument does not make sense to me because the Christian life is scandalous. The cross and the story if the gospel is not good or nice and calls for a life that is more than just nice or good. To be nice and good is what the culture wants but not Jesus. Jesus is about radical abandonment of what the culture wants and a life that goes against the grain. Jesus was rejected by the world and to live as a "little Christ" a person must be the same. Sin and death is not good and nice and to preach and let the world know they need Jesus, they need to know about their sin and pending death. The a person must understand that they need Jesus to cover them in His blood so that a holy righteous Father is satisfied. Then a life that relies on the Spirit to live in the midst of tension and struggle with overcoming sin and temptation. Being a Christian is not about being good or nice, it is about spreading the reputation of God far and wide and showing others Jesus in our lives.

3)God does not care about your small things
God is love. God loves His adopted family. Just like a loving father cares about the needs, wants, passions, and desires of their children; a Holy and perfect Father cares even more for our situations and "small things". God is also sovereign and in total and complete control of all situations and circumstances. As Romans reminds us God has the best in mind for those who love Him and are His children. Trust and faith are foundational aspects of the Christian life so a faith and trust in God and His complete and total control of every aspect. To be a "little Christ" one must have faith, like Jesus, that the loving Father has everything even the little things in control and has our best in mind in that control.

4)Only pastors can lead
This is a tough lie for me because I desire and pursue being a Pastor who leads God's church for Him. Yes, the New Testament makes it clear that Pastor's and Elders one day will be answerable to God for the state of the church's they lead and how spiritually strong or weak that church was. But when people think of Pastors they think that only formal paid people can lead. This is a lie. I have learned over the last few years that anyone can lead in the church and also in the family of God. God calls us all to be on a mission for Him, whether we are Pastors or are just a plumber. Anyone can make an impact for God and lead and inspire others to make the same impact for Him.

5)God just wants you to be happy
Was Jesus happy all the time? Was Jesus life always pleasant and full of fun and joy? When we are Christians we are "little Christ" which means we are to be like our Savior. This means when we are like Jesus sometimes life will be about suffering and pain as we follow the will of God. Jesus call us to go make disciples of the world and the world rejected Jesus, so they will reject us as we preach the gospel. Being rejected by the world and even some of our friends is not happy. And this is just one example of how life as a Christian will not always be happy. Life in Christ though will be joyful as we realize what God through Jesus has done for us, is doing with us, and will do for us one say. We as Christians are to be full of joy even when we are not happy. That is the difference.

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