Psalms 118:21 "I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation."
I pray everyone had a blessed thanksgiving and that we
were all able to reflect and be thankful for the amazing God who loves
us and lets us know He loves us. As I was pondering the holiday and then the fact Christmas is now weeks away I
started to think about the correlation between thanksgiving and hope.
I shared a few days ago about what the focus of our thanksgiving should
be. I believe that most Jesus lovers are very thankful people. Those of
us who love Jesus truly are thankful for the ways He loves us. We are
thankful for the blessings and gifts that God gives us, like our
friends, family, material blessings, and spiritual blessings. We are
truly a thankful people for how God showers acts of grace on us, His
children. But has I pointed out in that post, we tend to miss a lot of
the time that it is God that we should be thankful for. Yes, be thankful
for the things He give us, but it should be focused primarily on who
God is. Be thankful for the fact of God as the creator, sustainer, and
Being we can have as a Father. To truly be thankful to God we must enjoy
and bask in who God is and all that means. Be thankful for the
blessings but more importantly be thankful for GOD and JESUS.
As, I was pondering the Christmas season coming up I began to think
about hope also I am finding out in my life and the life of other Jesus
lovers, we can fall into the trap of hope and the focus of hope the same
way as thanksgiving. What should we hope in? I find in my life
sometimes I am hoping in what God can do for me. I am hoping in the fact
God can provide me with a better financial state, or a position in the
ministry, or even little things like a better car. But when I am hoping
in what God can do or change for me I miss the point. Yes, when I pray I
should hope in what I am praying for and hope in God doing something
for me, but I should be hoping in God. When I hope in God I should hope
in who God is with all His attributes and qualities. I should hope in
God and His love for me, His power to help me grow, His provisions for
me, His answers for me. I should be hoping in all that God is and let
Him do for me and my prayers what He desires. I find if I hope in what
God can do, what happens when He sees it differently and acts
differently then my hope? Hope in God so that my hope will never change
or be crushed.
I find a connection here between my thanksgiving and my hope. Yes, it is
good to be thankful and hope in what God can do, BUT WE NEED TO TRULY
reminder that I need to preach to myself daily because then in all that
God allows this life to throw at me, I will always be thankful for
everything and hopeful in all of life.
I pray as we approach Christmas, our hope in God and in the power of His Son will grow.
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