Sunday, November 30, 2014

Advent #1-Peace-Sermon afterthought

Peace, it is one of those words that is tossed around during the Christmas season. "We need to find our peace and discover it during this time of rapid activity", is what some would say. Others will state "that it is overrated and will never be had during this busy time". Some will shout "how can we have peace when there is war, famine, and world wide poverty that is killing millions each week". Peace, it is the controversial word that always comes up during the advent season. But for me I always go back and start first at what the Word of God says about something so lets take a look at a verse that talks about peace.

1 Timothy 2:1-2
"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made for everyone...that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness"

So Paul is urging us to live peaceful lives. So I would say then that a life full of peace should be found and chased after. We as lovers of Jesus know that this side of eternity true peace will not be found completely. There will always be wars, famine, poverty, and strife that stops peace because we live in a broken world full of sin, evil, and the work of Satan. But that should not stop us from living lives full of peace which is connected to godliness and holiness. OK so there is the ground work and starting point, we need to live lives of peace.

I will be the first person to tell you living a life of peace is a battle. Peace just like joy, love, and generosity are states of being that must be fought for and battled to keep in our lives. Peace does not come easy. Look at all the distractions, evils, and temptations that will keep us from experiencing true peace. But that is why we need to contend for peace and keeping it in our lives. The media, culture, world, others, and even ourselves will continually be telling us peace in our lives cannot be grasped. But the Bible says it differently. Peace can be attained and even kept in our lives but not without a fight. The battle for peace is a battle that takes place each day. It is a war that is fought hour by hour and even minute by minute but it is a fight that we need to contend as lovers of Jesus.

And look at this one verse from Timothy. Peace in our lives leads to godliness and holiness. These are 2 amazing things to have in our lives and descriptions to have of our character. Godliness and holiness are the most sought after and desired traits to have in one's life who truly loves Jesus. Peace in our lives will truly have amazing results. As I have been pondering the idea of peace I started to think of a few people I know that seem to keep winning the battle for peace. Peace in our lives will show to others. Others will know we keep winning the war for peace and then desire it in there lives also. Contend for peace, win the battle, keep it in life because it will have far reaching affects for the kingdom.

So winning the battle for peace is essential but again I will tell you, along with I think my wife, that I loose the battle for a peaceful spirit a,lot in my life. But here are a few things that I think will help in the contention for peace in our lives and Paul lays it right out for us in the verse above. First, a prayer life that's connected to God will grow and in effect bring peace in our lives. When we are continually taking what we are experiencing back to God and laying it at His feet to deal with, peace from that will come to replace some of the anxiety. A life of thanksgiving is the second step in the contention for peace. When we are thankful to God for what He gives us we will forget the current struggle and distraction in our lives. When we are thankful for the blessings God graciously gives in Jesus everything else pales. And I think a third step in battling for peace is, in saturate yourself in the Words of God. When we hear what God is telling us in His word, it will fill us with peace and draw us closer to His heart where true peace can be found.

A peaceful spirit and life of peace must be contended for and this time of year can and will magnify the desires for it but it will also hinder it and stop it more. We must contend, fight, battle, and even struggle for the life and spirit of peace because others will know and we will show what the true reason for the celebration is in Christmas. When we daily win the war for peace others will desire to be more in love with Jesus just like we are. I pray that you will experience some of the peace of God during this time so others will know about the baby and why He truly came.

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