Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Do I worry?

We tend to worry about things in life because we are ignorant of who God is and the promises He has given us of His love and complete control over out lives. We need to respond to worry by studying the Bible.

When we worry it is a control issue. We want to be able to fix what is going on in our lives and control the circumstances that are happening to and around us. This is a selfish and a form of Idolatry in our lives. Instead we need to worship God by giving Him back the thrown of our lives and living in faith of Him, which will then result in us loving others first and desiring to serve those around us facing bad circumstances.

Worry is another form of being anxious and instead of it we need to be at peace with what God is doing.

We tend to worry sometimes because of our guilt about something, so instead of worrying we need to repent and turn it over to God.

We worry sometimes because of immoderation. We love this world to much and the things in it, which in turn can kill our joy if we are in bondage to this life and the worry it can bring.  So we should be generous with everything realizing that everything we have is God's and the only place to find joy is in the Lord. We should also kill our affections for this world and only focus them on God.

Worry can also happen when we worry about future blessings and passions for God. We instead of worrying about God's gifts we need to shout, I Trust God!

Worry can lead to confusion and deception in our lives, it can be a distraction to our mission. Worry leaves us vulnerable to other sins we could commit and ultimately worry makes us cowardice. So in response to worry we need to set our minds on and commit our lives to God. We need to be prepared and know God never said this life would be easy and with courage we need to keep remembering God's provisions in the past for us.

Satan leads us to worry because it can cause us crippling fear. So instead of worrying pray to Jesus.

Worry in the base form is an act of unbelief. So believe that Jesus loves us and does everything for our good.

Worry is finally a sin. So instead of sinning, do like Jesus commanded in Matthew 6:33-34 and Seek first the kingdom of God. 

Said the Raven to the Sparrow,
“I should really like to know
Why these anxious human beings
Rush about and worry so.”

Said the Sparrow to the Raven,
“Friend, I think that it must be
They have no Heavenly Father,
Such as cares for you and me."

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