Sunday, June 29, 2014

Theological review of "Transformers: Age of Extinction"

I went to see the new transformers movie today with some great friends. Overall it was a good movie filled with a lot of action sequences. As a Transformers movie goes it was right on the par. The Transformers were the main focus and they lived up to the billing. The humans and their stories were secondary to Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and their story line. The movie did not contain to much human violence and the only real thing not to like about the movie was a few language lines. Specially I only notice 2 times that cause me to cringe, both times when the f* word was dropped blatantly. I will say though be prepared it is a longer movie at 2 hours and 45 minutes.

But there are 2 important theological truths that I noticed push in this movie that I wanted to point out.

First, there is a line and discussion between Optimus Prime and Mark Wahlberg's character. The line is about faith and the human is telling the transformer that he needs faith like humans. The transformer needs faith in himself and faith that mistakes can be made and it will all work out in the end because there is always treasure inside the mistake. I find this theological idea very interesting because I agree with the human, we as humans do have faith but the question that should be had is, what do we humans have faith in? Wahlberg's character would say we as humans have faith in ourselves and that is what helps us to make it through the mistake and  problem. I would say as humans our faith need to be in Jesus because He is the only one and reason we can ever make it through THE MISTAKE (sin) and the daily problems. Faith in Jesus is what it should be, not faith in ourselves.

The second theological truth to come out in the movie I also found very interesting. Optimus Prime ends the movie with a dialogue that states there are mysteries in the Universe that might never be know and that is ok. I agree with his line there, but what he says next I disagree with. Optimus after the mystery line says though that why we were made is not a mystery, it is for our importance and freedom. That line I disagree with because we as humans were made for Jesus and His worship alone. I agree the reason humans were created is not a mystery but the reason that is given is not true. We has humans were made for God and His worship and glory and that is it.

Those are some of the theological ideas that movies can teach us if we do not go in with a Biblical mindset and are aware.

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