Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Church and discipleship

One of the largest and most important aspects of the inward ministry of the church is in the area of discipleship and spiritual growth. This inward ministry is not only important in the life of not only the church has a whole but also in the individual believers of Jesus. 1 Peter 2:2 states that just like new born babies crave milk, believers in Christ need to crave pure spiritual milk so that they can grow in their salvation. The Bible in numerous places gives the idea and picture that once a person accepts Jesus as their Savior they must deepen their walk, mature, be sanctified, and grow more into the image of Jesus and get away from the image of the world (Phil. 2:12-13, Titus 2:12, 1 John 3:3-10). This is why discipleship and growth must take place in the life of the church. So simply put, discipleship is the members of the faith family in a church helping, guiding, equipping, and leading one another in growth more like Jesus every day.

Discipleship and growth in the church and life of the faith family happens in 2 distinct but very connected ways.

-Teaching and instructional formation
The teaching and instructional aspects of discipleship can take place in many formats and in many places. Getting the word of God in the hands, minds, and hearts of believers can take place through expositional teaching or preaching in the worship service or classroom setting. Instructional formats can take place in locations like small groups where smaller Bible studies take place. Instructional times and formats could take place and lead to growth in activities like evangelism, church discipline, membership classes, and work projects. Any chance and opportunity that the church finds in teaching the Word of God through the Gospel or Biblical theology is leading in discipleship and growth. But these intentional and non intentional times of instruction are not the only ways discipleship can take place.

-Fellowship and rubbing shoulders together as a faith community

One on one times of discipleship can also take place. Peter reminds the younger men to humbly listen and respect the older men (1 Peter 5:1-5). Paul also instructed the younger women to learn from the older women (Titus 2:1-4). These verses show and state that discipleship can and should also happen through walking together in the faith family side by side. Mature Godly faith members can show by example and teaching by action what the true pure holy Christian love of Jesus is about. Discipleship can take place as an immature believer can watch and see how the Gospel is lived on a daily basis and also in specific settings from the life and actions of a mature follower. This shows that discipleship does not always have to be intentionally taught but can also be found through living life side by side together. Jesus designed the church to be a faith community and the Christian life not to be lived on an island. The church must use the community aspects in all ways in the growth and equipping of followers. 

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