if God created the human body at creation in the form of Adam, and that
physical form is conceived at conception by the parents what does that mean for
the soul and spirit? Are the soul and spirit created by God at conception or
are they passed along by the parents at conception along with the body? God
created only once at the beginning of time with the seven days of creation and
He will recreate a new heaven and new earth at the end of time as well but He
does not create every time at the conception of new babies. So does that mean
that the parents can create a soul and spirit every time they conceive a new
child? Psalms 51:5 supports the idea of parents passing everything to their
children in stating, “Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my
mother conceived me”. This would explain
how and why every human being is born in a sinful state. It would show that
Adam’s sin is imputed to his ancestors and that no one excluding Jesus Christ
can escape the penalty for being born sinful. Jesus Christ was conceived by the
Holy Spirit with Mary so that is how Jesus was not born sinful or with a sin
nature. That is why Jesus was the only one who could ever die for sin and the
penalty for that sin.
know that all men are sinful and have fallen is the more important truth to
gather and to see how far men have fallen is the much better understanding to
have when it comes to the soul. All men’s souls are totally depraved and fallen
and a need for something is where the focus needs to be on, which brings us to
the fall and the realization that all men are sinful and ugly in God’s sight.
To understand the fall and how far humans have fallen is a great truth to focus
on in respect to mankind and the relationship to God. As was established
earlier, man was made in the image of God. This means in respect to the fall of
man many things were lost or distorted. First the fall of man from its perfect
state must be confirmed as an actual historical event, not some mere
mythological story. Genesis 3 records the events of man and woman failing their
first test from the serpent to challenge God. Genesis 3 also records man and
woman playing the blame game then to pass the fault and guilt to someone else.
Jesus confirms this event as actual history when He talks about the creator
stating, “That in the beginning the Creator made them male and female” (Matthew
19:3). So the historical event of the fall is recorded and proves that mankind
actually fell from the perfect state to a marred sinful state.
what exactly was the fall, what took place and what were the results of the
fall of man? The first step in the fall came in the form of a test from the
serpent, filled with the devil, to Eve. The serpent says, “Did God really say,
‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’”. The serpent is testing Eve and
leading her down a path that leads to ruin. After Eve’s response the serpent
then questions God, stating, “You will not surely die”. Eve then falls for the
three lusts in the sin nature, the lust for the flesh, “Saw the fruit was good
for food”, lust of the eyes, “pleasing to the eye”, and the lust of pride,
“Desirable for gaining wisdom”. Eve falls to her temptations and Adam joins her
when he also eats some of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good
and Evil. A direct disobedience of the will of God takes place. A fall from the
perfect created state ensues, and there are many results of this fall. First
and foremost is a spiritual separation and break from a direct relationship
with God the Creator, a break in the fellowship. Another major result of the
fall of man is a physical death and spiritual death. God realized He could not
have a sinful fallen man living forever in the world that He created, so God
let a physical death come to mankind. (Genesis 3)
participant of the fall also received consequences from God for their actions.
The serpent was punished by having to crawl on his belly for the rest of time. The
devil will ultimately be sent to hell and was punished by having his head
crushed by Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and the defeat of sin and death.
The woman will experience pain in childbirth, and her heir, Jesus, must die for
the salvation of all man because of the fall and entering of sin into the will
and plan of God. As for Adam, first he must work for his food and weeds will
spring up in nature so that toiling and work are now required. Death and the
curse to all of creation were given to Adam. Romans 8:19 tells us, “The
creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed” and
later in 22, “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains
of childbirth right up to the present time”. All of creation has suffered
because of the fall of man, not just mankind.
what does the fall mean for mankind today? How does Adam’s sin and stumble affect
us in the world today, and what sort of results has it given us besides the
results given by God in Genesis 3? Romans 5:12 reminds us, “Therefore, just as sin
entered the world through man, and death through sin, and in this way death
came to all men, because all sinned”. So all men have sinned, because it has
been imputed to us through Adam, which means all men are separated from God
because of that sin. All men have sinned though Adam and that first sin in the
Garden of Eden. All men are fallen and separated from God. All men are totally
depraved and lost without hope. Ephesians 2:1 reminds us, “As for you, you were
dead in your transgressions and sin”.
Mankind chases after their sin nature and desires rather than chasing
after a relationship with God. Man can do nothing on their own because they are
all lost and need God’s help. Man is sinful in all of its being and nature
because of the fall. Romans 7:18 reminds us again, “I know that nothing good
lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature”. Every single ounce of the human
being is pushing away from God and racing head long into the lust of the flesh
and sin nature. Titus 1:15 clarifies it again even more sating, “But to those
who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure”. The fall and entry of sin
into the perfect existence ruined everything, especially man in God’s eyes. Man
needs help from our Creator to get back in a right standing relationship. God
must first call us back so that man can chase again after God and His perfect
will and decrees.
are amazing creations by God. Creatures that if left perfect could do mighty
and creative activities to worship the Creator. But mankind could not stay in
this perfect state. Even with the moral code and the image of God as part of us
we still made mistakes. So the sin nature infiltrates every human down to the
core and flows through every aspect of man, the body, soul and spirit. Man is
fallen and needs to get back in that right standing with God. But man, cannot
in his own will or desire, he still needs God and depends upon God. Romans
3:10-12 needs to remind us again and again, “There is no one righteous, not
even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have
turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does
good, not even one” (NIV). The human mind body and soul are amazing but still
depraved. The question then is are you letting God call you and run from the
sin nature or are you letting the sin nature control you. Romans 8:8 remind us
nicely, “Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God”.
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