Here is an amazing Thanksgiving prayer that I have had in my mind this entire week. We must not only be thankful this week, but throughout every week and every year. Thanksgiving must be on our lips continually, not becasue of our circumstances, but to Him who is behind every single circumstance.
"Honor and praise be unto you, O Lord our God, for all your tender mercies again bestowed upon us throughout another day.
Continual thanks be unto you for creating us in your own likeness; for redeeming us by the precious blood of your dear Son when we were lost; and for sanctifying us with the Holy Spirit.
We thank you, for your help and succour in our necessities, your protection in many dangers of body and soul; your comfort in our sorrows, and for sparing us in life, and giving us so large a time to repent. We are thankful for all the benefits, O most merciful Father, that we have received of your goodness alone, we thank you; and we beseech you to grant us always your Holy Spirit, that we may grow in grace, in steadfast faith, and perseverance in all good works, through Jesus Christ our Lord. We thank you for being you and being the only true good, true love, and faithful in all that you are for us".
-John Knox
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