A friend recently asked me, "what are the doctrines of grace"? To fully write about the doctrines of grace would take multiple posts. So, Lord willing, come December, after the thanksgiving holiday, I will write a series of post defining, explaining, and giving Biblical evidence for each of the doctrines of grace. Today, I just want to show why they are called the doctrines of grace and also tell what they are.
So simply put the doctrines of grace, are 6 doctrines or truths that the Bible teaches us. The 6 doctrines of grace are; the sovereignty of God, the total corruption of man, the unconditional election of God, the particular redemption of God, the irresistible calling of God, and the sealing of the saints by God. Here they are in a list form.
-Sovereignty of God's nature
-Total depravity of man
-Unconditional Election for salvation
-Particular redemption in salvation
-Effectual calling to salvation
-Eternal security
These are called the doctrines of grace becasue these are the 6 most visible actions of God's grace. Grace in the simplest way is receiving something that one does not deserve. In God's character, salvation comes by grace alone (Sola Gratia). Salvation is a gift from God, where as, he acts and does everything to, on, and for us, in the entire process of saving us. We play no whatsoever part in our own salvation, except the sin factor. God in His grace, totally controls every aspect of salvation (sovereignty of God). God, in His grace, then overcomes the corrupt nature of man and his inability to ever chose God on his own (total depravity). God then overcoming the nature of man, calls the elect or those he chose to save, on no condition of their own (unconditional election). God choosing some for salvation then guarantees their salvation in grace, by overcoming their nature and drawing them to Himself and placing in them the desire to want Him and delight in Him above all else (effectual calling). God then in grace guarantees the salvation of his elect, by making a way for the elect to be saved, orchestrating the plan at the perfect timing, in the perfect way, for the complete salvation of all those he chose for his free gift of salvation (particular redemption). Finally, in grace, God makes sure that those He chose for salvation, which again is a gift from God, make it to eternity with Him (eternal security). Simply put, from the very beginning to the very end, the doctrines of grace teach that it is God's grace and His grace alone, that saves a person. That is why they are called the doctrines of grace.
*Like I said earlier, hopefully I will write about each doctrine after the holiday this week.*
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