Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Prayer for faith

This week, I have been reading a book on attitudes. It is entitled, "Lord, change my attitude" by James MacDonald (I hope to review it here when I am finished). In this book, MacDonald points to a negative and sinful attitude and follows it up with a good attitude that glorifies God that must replace the sinful attitude. In the chapter on replacing doubt with faith, he gives a prayer for faith. I find this prayer for faith important as I grow in faith. Here is the prayer...

"Father, thank you for giving me Your Word. Thank You for ordaining that the way to You is by faith. Forgive me for wishing that everything about You could be seen and known as a fact. Forgive me for preferring the ways of this physical world to the spiritual realities that You have chosen to create. Teach me deeper lessons about what it means to walk by faith. Give me spiritual eyes to see this world as You do. Help me to embrace by faith the brevity of life and the nearness of eternity. Give me strength to guide those I love toward faith in You, and help me to be a good example of what it means to really trust You. Lord, my needs are great, but You are a great and faithful God. I pray that You would, by Your Word and through my witness and walk of faith, increase my capacity to rest in and trust You. Might it be said of me before my days are through that I am a man of faith. Keep this goal ever before me, I pray in Jesus' precious name. Amen".

I thought this prayer for faith was important because it includes repentance for when our faith is weak, request of stronger faith, and a desire to take our faith and touch others with it. I hope this prayer is a challenge to our faith and helps equip stronger faith. 

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