Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Jesus is Human

What is meant by the statement, "Jesus Christ is human"?
When the statement is made, “Jesus is human”, we are speaking to the truth that; Jesus, being yet fully God, was also fully man and human. Jesus had to be fully human, so He could substitute Himself for humans and take the sin of His elect upon Himself, as a full human. As the Nicene Creed declares, “Who [Jesus] for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man”.

First, even though Jesus Christ was fully God, He was also fully man. The one exception is that He was without sin. Jesus was 100% human, in His body, yet he lived a perfectly righteous life before God, to His glory, so as to be the perfect human and perfect Savior to save His human elect from their sin.

Jesus Christ’s humanity began at His birth. Jesus was born of a virgin by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35). He had no earthly father yet had an earthly mother (Matthew 1:16). This is the blessed union whereby Jesus was fully human in His nature, yet also fully divine in His being. Jesus was fully human, in that He experienced a human birth with a human parent.

The Bible gives many proofs of Christ’s humanity. He had a human body (Luke 2:52, Matthew 1:18). He experienced the physical needs of a human being. He got hungry (Matthew 4:2). He got thirsty (John 19:28). He got tired (John 4:6). He experienced the emotions of a human being. He felt compassion (Matthew 9:36). He expressed love (John 15:12-13). He felt temptation (Hebrews 4:15). He performed human activities. He prayed (Mark 1:35). He talked (Luke 21:29). He had human names. Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 2:22). Son of David (Mark 10:47). All of these proofs show that Jesus was fully human in His being and fully complete in His nature to save His elect.

Finally, Jesus was fully human, even through many heretics taught otherwise. Apollinarius wrongly taught that Jesus was only divine in His mind, and His human nature was the larger part of Him. Yes, Jesus was fully human, but he was also fully God. His human nature existed equally and fully with His divine nature, in His being. Eutyches taught that Jesus was a new kind of human. The Scriptures speak to the truth that Jesus was fully human, like His brothers in every way. Jesus was like every other human that has ever existed (except without sin). Both of these false teachings diminish Christ’s humanity and claim He was less than fully human. The Bible (and the orthodox Creeds that summarize the Bible) speaks to the truth that Jesus was fully human. So, when we declare that Jesus is human, we are celebrating the fact we have a Savior who is like us in every human way, yet without sin, was the complete and perfect sacrifice to save us humans from our sin.

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