Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Jesus is coming back

What do the Scriptures say about the events associated with Christ's return?

The next visible action of our Savior, Jesus Christ, will be His second coming or His return to the earth. This is the events that Jesus tells his disciples about in the Upper Room Discourse when he tells them, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, that where I am you may be also” (John 14:3). All Christians agree that Jesus is coming again, returning for His people, but there is disagreement as to much of the details of when and how Christ will return the second time. But the Bible is clear on the important points of Christ’s second coming.

First, Christ could come back at anytime and God’s people must be ready. Matthew 24:42-44 gives a call for God’s people to watch closely for Christ coming. Mark 13:32-37 speaks about the reality that the hour of Christ’s return, no one but the Father knows and we as God’s people must be ready for his return. 1 Corinthians 16:22 is a call for God’s people to be ready because the return of Christ will come at an unexpected hour. 1 Thessalonians 5:2 speaks about the return of Christ, as if it is like a thief in the night. Hebrews 10:25 is a call for encouragement to God’s people because Jesus return is drawing near. And James 5:7-9 speaks about Christ’s return as being at hand and the judge is at the door waiting to come back.

Second, even though Christ’s return will come at an unexpected hour, there are preceding signs and events to His return. As Lois Berkhof states, “according to Scripture several important events must occur before the return of the Lord” (Systematic Theology pg. 696). The first of these events is made clear in Mark 13:10 where the Gospel must first be preached to all nations. Next there will be false teachers and prophets working miracles and signs, as told by Jesus Himself in Mark 13:22 and Matthew 24:23-24. There will also be a period of greater tribulation, both in the world and on God’s people, as demonstrated by Jesus teaching in multiple places (Mark 13:7-8, 19-20, Matthew 24:15-22, Luke 21:20-24) and the book of Revelations. Lastly, there will be signs from heaven and wonders on the earth as creation breaks down in God’s judgment (Mark 13:24-25, Matthew 24:29-30, Luke 21:25-27).

Christ’s return is made the clearest in all of Scripture in the book of Revelation. Revelation 19 shows Christ’s return is to defeat Satan and the nations (Revelation 19:11-21). Christ’s return also includes Old Testament and New Testament saints resurrection (Revelation 20:4). But most importantly, Revelation is clear that Christ will come a second time, not as a humble servant, but as a conquering King ready to judge the wicked and rule His kingdom. As Christians, we must agree on what is clear, Christ is coming a second time and we must be waiting and ready to join our Savior and King in His new Kingdom.

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