Thursday, May 3, 2018

Pursuit of Holiness

The last few weeks, I have been thinking and praying about my level of holiness. In response to this thought process and prayer, I read, Jerry Bridges book, "The Pursuit of Holiness". I read this book a number of years ago and it radically changed how I thought about my spiritual growth and sanctification. Reading it again this past week, it touched my mind, heart, and life once more. I would highly recommend every Christian read this book. 

The book begins pointing to the truth that God commands every believer to be holy as He is holy. This is the launching point for the entire book. If we agree with Bridges (and God) and understand our command and duty to be holy, then we will desire to read the rest of the book. We will discover what it means to be holy and how we can go about our growth and pursuit of holiness. But if we do not agree with the author and think we are not commanded to be holy, then the book moving forward will be a waste. Bridges does not waste ink getting down to the point.

After the chapter on being holy, becasue God is holy, Jerry Bridges takes the second and third chapters and discusses God's holiness. First, in chapter two, it is made crystal clear what God's holiness is, why it is important for our holiness, and the standard of holiness. Bridges follows this up, in chapter three, by declaring that God's holiness does not leave an option for us to be holy and the standard we are to pursue in our holiness. Before the author even gets into the official pursuit of holiness, he lays down important ground work for the reader to build from. 

Following the three foundation chapters on holiness, the book moves to 4 chapters on God's part in our holiness. The author is clear how Christ plays a part in our holiness. He also makes clear God's actions in our holiness and how the Holy Spirit fits into the pursuit of holiness. Bridges wants to make it abundantly clear before moving to the Christian's responsibility in their holiness; they are not alone in this pursuit. It is God's grace alone that saves and it is God's grace that equips, empowers, and gives the Christian their purist and desire to be holy. These four chapters are vital to Christian sanctification and pursuit of holiness. 

The next four chapters in the book lay down the Christian's responsibility to be holy. There actions they must do, to fulfill their duty of holiness. Bridges is clear on the place of obedience in holiness. He points to the importance of putting sin to death. He spends an entire chapter pointing to spiritual disciplines that drive holiness. And he finishes with the level of holiness in the body of a Christian. Just as it is God's grace alone that saves, but we are responsible to believe. So to it is God's grace alone that drives holiness, but it is our responsibility to be holy. 

The final six chapters of the book speak about different spheres that a holy Christian needs to know. Bridges speaks about the holiness of spirit, the holiness of the will, the habits of holiness, holiness and faith, holiness and an unholy world, and the joy of holiness. These final chapters complete the picture of what it means for a Christian to pursue holiness in their lives. 

Overall this book is extremely helpful in simplifying what it means to be a Christian. We are commanded by God to grow in our faith and holiness in Him. No, this does not mean it has to be a race, a sprint, a jog, or even a walk. Sometimes in our Christian lives we crawl in our growth. There are even periods in our Christian growth we are standing still or take a step backwards. But every single person that has been converted by God, is in a slow steady process of Christian growth. We have a lifetime of growth as Christians. This means we are all growing in our holiness and our level of holiness is a step forward every year or so. To grow in holiness is to be saved. To never grow in holiness is to be unsaved. Jerry Bridges gives a clear, hope filled discussion of what it means to be a Christian, growing in holiness. May we all look to God and take that next step in our holiness. 

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