Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Parts of Biblical Narrative

Over the past few weeks in my Sunday School class, I have been teaching the topic of Biblical Narrative. The class and I have been working through stories in the Bible, and are beginning to understand the parts of every story. In order to interpret Biblical Narrative correctly, we must have a correct hermeneutic. To have a correct hermeneutic, I have explained to my class, we must know the parts and plot of the story. In the weeks ahead, my class is going to understand how the characters function, why the settings are important, and design patterns in the stories. But over the last few weeks, we have learned together the plot and how it functions in the stories of the Bible.

First, here are the important parts of the plot in a Biblical Narrative.

Introduction-The opening thoughts in a story, that lay the groundwork and needed information for the story to be understood.

Conflict-Early in the story a conflict or problem takes place or is pointed to. The conflict is what drives the story. It is why the tension increases. It is the arrow that points to the climax. It is the problem that needs a resolution.

Tension-Moving from the conflict to the climax, the tension is each step in the story by its characters. The tension can be conversations, actions, or attitudes. As the tension begins to grow, the escalation towards the climax takes place. The growing tension of a story is the largest part of any story in the Bible.

Climax-This is the point in the story when all the forces driven by the conflict, collide. The climax is the peak point in the story. The climax is where the problem or conflict meets its resolution and the downward movement in the story begins.

Resolution-This is the final movement of a story. The conflict of the story has been resolved. The climax has taken place. The characters now move forward with lessons learned, problems solved, and faith grown.

Each of these parts in Biblical Narrative impact how a story is interpreted. If a part is missed or not understood, a story in the Bible can be misunderstood. As my classed learned over the last few weeks, if these parts of the story are identified correctly, the story becomes clear and the lesson we are to learn and the faith we are to grow, is seen. But if the parts of the story are not identified, then a story can be misapplied, not interpreted correctly, or create heresy.

The climax is the key. The climax of every story in the Bible is where the point of the story is seen. If the climax is misplaced to early, the lesson of the story is shorted. If the climax is misplaced to late in the story, too much application is stressed and a moralist is made. In Biblical Narrative, the climax of a story is where the intention and application of a story is found.

Here are a few examples of stories in the Bible and where each part fits in...

Genesis 22-Abram commanded to sacrifice Issac
Intro- v. 1a
Conflict- v. 1b-2
Growing Tension- v.3-14
Climax- v. 15-18
Resolution- v. 19-24

1 Samuel 17-David and Goliath
Intro- v. 1-3
Conflict- v. 4
Growing tension- v. 5-48
Climax- v. 48-49
Resolution v. 50-58 (this resolution is also an introduction for the next story)

Acts 9- Conversion of Saul
Intro- v. 1a
Conflict- v. 1b-2
Growing tension- v. 3-17
Climax- v. 18-19a
Resolution- v. 19b-22

Grand story of the Bible
Intro- Genesis 1-2 (Who God is and what He requires of man)
Conflict- Genesis 3 (Human sinful unbelief)
Growing tension- Genesis 3:15 onward (How God redeems a people for Himself)
Climax- "It is Finished" (God perfectly completes His plan of redemption)
Resolution- Acts-Revelation (How God's redeemed people must now live)

The Bible is God's living, breathing, and active Word. Yet it can be understood in a clear way. Understanding the Bible requires hard work. Yes, we can read the Scriptures and get simple truths out of it. But to handle the Bible correctly, to live out the commands fully, and to glorify God worshipful, we must understand and interpret the Bible rightly. To interpret Biblical Narrative correctly, we must understand the parts of the story. Identifying the 5 parts of the stories in the Bible will take us a long way in glorifying God by living out the truth in His Word. Let us put in the hard work and glorify God by knowing His Word rightly.

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