Recently, I have been thinking about the reasons we do not share
the Gospel with others. Evangelism is part of the Christian life. Yes, we must
support missionaries, local churches, and other Gospel ministries in our
community. But we are commanded to share the Gospel with those we meet every
day and with those God has put in our life. I personally do not share the good
news of Jesus as much as I should. None of us share the good news as much as we
should. The question is, why do we not share the Gospel with others? What holds
us back from using our mouth to tell others about Jesus and His death for
sinners? Why do we find it so hard many times to spread the grace and love of
God in words with others?
While I believe there are a
myriad of reasons we do not share the Gospel with the lost, I think there are 3
large, main reasons we do not. Of all the reasons that
prohibit us from evangelizing the lost, there are 3 reasons that keep surfacing
that seem to staple our mouth shut when the opportunity to share the Gospel
arises. Here are the 3 largest reasons we can't seem to share the Gospel enough
with others, and the solutions to each of the 3 reasons.
#1-We fear the response we
will receive when we share the Good News.
Simply put, we live in fear of rejection and anger. When the time comes to share our faith in words, we freeze
because we are scared the person will get angry with us. We imagine the person
calling us a bigot, intolerant, close-minded, weak, or stupid. We imagine the
person (after they hear the Gospel) getting red in the face, getting cold, or
turning away and cussing us out. When we could share God's love, we imagine the
person rejecting us, we imagine losing a friend, or worse we imagine the person
attacking us with their words or actions. Fear to the response of the other person,
is what stops us from sharing the Gospel as much as we should.
Solution: Fear God more than man.
God commands us to share the
Gospel. God commands us to make disciples. God commands us to be the bearer of
good news and blesses the feet of those who carry the good news. As
Jesus tells His followers, we must fear the one who can kill the soul, not
the one who could kill the body. Rather than fearing the response of humans, we
must fear the Lord. Fearing the Lord is the only solution to a lack of sharing the
#2-We do not believe the
person will change.
When the time comes to share
the Gospel with others, many times we do not open our mouths because we
think it won't matter. We believe the person who is about to hear the Gospel
will not change and will continue to live in sin. We do not believe the Gospel
has the real power to change a person. So, we move on with our lives assuming
the person will continue to live in sin. We do not believe in the power of the
Solution: Read the Bible
The Bible is full of stories of
people changed by the power of the Gospel. Some examples are; Abraham (idolater
to father of a nation), Judah (sexual pervert to son of blessing), David
(adulter and murderer to repenter), Peter (brash and outspoken to leader of the
church), Mary Magdalene (prostitute to follower of Jesus), and Paul (persecutor
to martyr). If we spend time in God's Word, the power of the Gospel will be
very clear. Jesus did not come down from heaven to die for His people so that
they were powerless. Jesus came to give His people power through the Holy
Spirit. The good news is the good news because it is the most powerful message
in history. We need to truly believe the Gospel has power to change since it
changed each one of us.
#3-We do not believe the
good news is actually good news.
Sadly, this is the worst reason
we do not share the Gospel. We do not believe in the news we are sharing. We do
not believe we were once sinners deserving the condemnation of God. We do not
believe in the justice or holiness of God. We do not believe hell is real. We
do not believe God has grace. We do not believe that people need to repent. We
do not believe Jesus died to accomplish salvation (instead we think salvation
is just possible). We do not believe eternal life is for everyone. We do not
believe the Holy Spirit regenerates dead people. We do not believe in the
resurrection. We do not believe in the return of Jesus. Simply put, there is
some part of the Gospel message we do not believe, so we refuse to share a
message we are not totally convinced is true.
Solution: Get on your knees and become a
If there is a part of the
Gospel message we do not believe, then we truly are not a Christian anyway. We
need to fully and completely believe the entirety of the Gospel message.
Every single human being is
a spiritual dead condemned sinner from birth. It is only in the grace of God,
the mission of Jesus (life, death, resurrection), and the application of the
Holy Spirit, that sinners will be saved. It is only through the
regeneration of the Spirit and the repentance of the sinner that God
justifies. Tt is only in the righteous life of Jesus and the sin applied to Him
on the cross that salvation occurs. Jesus will one day return to this earth for
those the Father elected in His grace who have believed and lived a life
of fruitful faith in Him.
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