Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Fear of God in Wisdom

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction".

There is a growing movement in the church today, that stresses "no fear needed for God". I have heard many comments by God's people that stress God's love and the need to no longer fear God because He is love. I even recently read a thought by a well-known Pastor, who said a fear of God is an Old Testament, old covenant, old dead thought, that must not be held to any more. There have been books written on God's love and how it wins over everything else. There have been sermon series and Christian conferences that stress a need to only embrace God as your "best friend" or "loving Father". I have even heard in my own congregation the sentiment that to fear the Lord is an immature belief for weak Christians that is wrong. Sadly, this is all non-biblical and a severe problem in the church today. 

"Then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge and understanding".

Fearing the Lord is a command all throughout Scripture. If a Christian is to obey the commands of God, 100% of God's commands, then fearing Him is a part of it. Yes, God is love. Yes, God has adopted us as His children. Yes, God has shown us mercy and compassion. As a wise theologian once stated, "the cross is where God's mercy and justice sweetly kiss". Yes, we as God's justified children, no longer must fear the final judgment. Yes, we as adopted sons of the King, no longer must fear final and full eternal condemnation. But that does not mean there is no longer a sense in which Christian's must fear the Lord. It is a command in the Bible and that is a good enough reason for a fear of the Lord. 

"Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil". 

Fearing the Lord is the most natural and wholesome response to knowledge of God. God is the one who created the entire universe of existence. God is the one who formed every single one of us in our mother's womb. God is the one who controls every hurricane and snowstorm. God is the one who feeds the birds. God is the one who can stop our hearts. God is the one who could (and might) send us to hell. God is the one who created, enacted, fulfilled, and applied the plan of salvation. God is the one who kills stars. God is the one who hatches eagles eggs. God is the one who multiplies our cells. God is the only sovereign, omniscient, infinite, holy, and eternal being in existence. A fear of the Lord is a most natural and important response a Christian must have to Him. 

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight".

Fearing the Lord is critical for the Christian life. As someone once declared, "a distorted view of God will inevitably lead to a distorted view of the Christian life". This means that if we do not fear the Lord, we will never live rightly, holy, gracefully, or fearfully in our Christian walk. To fully and rightly know God, fear of Him is a response. To live the Christian life correctly, for the glory of God alone, fear must be part of our walk with the Lord. If we want to parent our children correctly, fearing the Lord is a part of the Christian life. If we want to live a life of worship, fearing the Lord is a part of the Christian life. If we want to make disciples in the church and the world, fearing the Lord is a part of the Christian life. If we want to love our spouse compassionately, fearing the Lord is a part of the Christian life. If we want to steward all that God has given us, fearing the Lord is a part of the Christian life. If we want to work hard for our employer, fearing the Lord is a part of the Christian life. Fearing the Lord is a part of every step we take in this life. 

"The fear of the LORD prolongs life; but the years of the wicked will be short".

So, we have a choice. We can listen to the devil and not fear God. We can fall prey to soft theology and teaching and not fear the Lord. We can focus on the parts of God we want to and not fear the Lord. We can drink only milk and never eat the meat of God's Word and not fear the Lord. We can remain arrogant and prideful and not fear the Lord. We can remain stunted in our growth and Christian walk and not fear the Lord. Or we can grow in God's grace and wisdom of Him, and fear the Lord. It is ultimately our choice, but God's people will always rightly fear Him because they rightly now Him and rightly live for Him. If we are truly a child of God and Christian, we will fear the Lord. Fearing the Lord is not optional and must be obeyed. FEAR THE LORD!

"The fear of the LORD leads to life, and whoever has it rest satisfied; he will not be visited with harm".

So, let us be blessed by the God that we fear and let us be satisfied as God's children; FEAR THE LORD. 

*All the verses for fearing the Lord in this post come from only 1 book in the Bible. If only 1 book says this much, fearing the LORD must be a huge deal. * 

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