This is the first of five posts, where I will reflect on this past year in a particular area. I want to begin thinking about the past year, thinking through the classes that I took for my Master's degree. I am currently sitting around 75% of the way done through getting my Master's of Divinity degree or known in most circles as an MDiv. Lord willing, in December 2017, I will graduate with my Master's degree, which will fully open the door for God to do great things with and through me. But I am not there yet, which means I am still in the middle of classes. The beauty of the program I am in, is that it places each class by itself, and allows me to focus my mind in growing and learning in one area in a short period, then moving on to the next class. So in 2016, I had the privilege of taking 6 classes. I am currently on Christmas break for the 6th class, which is the first of my few Hebrew language classes. So I wanted to think through the past year and remind myself what God has taught me in the other 5 classes I had the privilege of taking.
1)Strategic Methods of Adult Discipleship
This class was a learning process of thinking about teaching the people of God. In this class I worked through multiple resources on how to equip God's people to do works of ministry, especially the work of making disciples. This was an important class for me, in that, my #1 job as a Pastor and Elder is to equip the saint for works of ministry. This class drove home the point of the role of a teacher in equipping disciples who make disciples. A great class on methodology in equipping the saints. This was a great class to begin 2016 for me and re-energizing me in the work of shepherding the people of God.
2)Church change, conflict, and resolution
This class came at the perfect timing in the life of my ministry. Change is inevitable. Change is to be human and live in a world of change and brokenness. Change also bring conflict. The reality of my ministry is that I am a 180 degree change from the previous Pastor; in gifts, passions, philosophy, and even theology. This has brought much conflict. And this class taught me, from many great books, how to handle change, the conflict it brings, and how to find peace in resolution. I needed to learn deeper on the topics of change, conflict, and peaceful resolution. This class did just that.
3)Greek Exegesis from the Pastoral Epistles
Again, another class, at the time I needed it. In the spring of 2016, I preached through the book of 1 Timothy. I preached through this book, becasue the church I lead, needed to hear from this book on the many different topics that Paul covers. The topics like, Eldership, the role of a Pastor, the importance of right doctrine, and how all of these things connect to the life and character of a church. This class, was an in depth study on 1 Timothy along with 2 Timothy and Titus. This class came right when I needed the help in preaching from the Word of God. God brought me to a class that did exactly what I needed it to.
4)Theology for Ministry
This was a theology class, that taught me how to incorporate and use theology in ministry, along with the theology that plays itself out in ministry. Everyone is a theologian. The Pastor is very much a theologian. I personally pride myself on my theological understanding and knowledge of God and His Word. This class played right into my passions and bent as a Pastor. A great class to start the school year off with and a great class to jump back into hard work after a summer break.
5)The Leader's life and character
The final full class I had in 2016, was focused on the character, quality, and competence of a leader. As a Elder, I am an important leader in the life of God's people. People will only go as far as the leader leads them. And one of the greatest ways a leader leads, is through his life and example. This class taught me and showed me the important of my character and my quality as a leader. Through the study of leadership in Scripture and the life of leaders in the Bible, my character as a leader was brought to light.
I had some great classes in 2016. Now with Hebrew in the present and also the near future, as well as some communication, interpretation, and exegesis classes, 2017 looks like a great year to finish my degree, and become a sharper and greater tool in the hands of God.
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