So this month I have chosen the topic of worship to read about in the Bible. There are many passages in the Bible that talk much about worship, including much more than I could read through in 1 month. So today I read through Deuteronomy 6:10-15. At first glance one might think that this passage does not really speak of worship. But if we slow down and read through the text a few times we can discover these verses have much to say about worship.
First, these verse talk much about what God does for His people. This shows us that worship in our lives must be bread in the knowledge that God does everything for us, is in control of all around us, and truly owns everything we think we posses. Knowing the complete sovereignty of God must be the place that worship starts and must be the engine that drives worship from us.
Second, forgetting God is not worship. Remembering God, being grateful for all things, and realizing that God is always present with us, must be the place we find ourselves in. When we try to walk away from God, remove God from our lives, or worse try to forget God completely, this will lead to a life that can never truly worship God.
Third, this passage shows us that worship is an exclusive action to God alone. One of the best book written on worship is entitled, "We become what we worship" and this book spells out the title in truth. If we worship God alone, then we will become imitators and pupils of Jesus and begin to look much like our Savior. If we worship others things like, money, sex, power, food, or relationships, then we will begin to look like them. This is not worship then but idolatry and that is the complete opposite of worship. Worship must be something we give God alone.
Worship is a broad truth with much to learn about. But just as worship is big and broad in its truth, it is also narrow and singular in that worship is a God focused action alone. Yes, we can be grateful for the warm house or the healthy spouse, but it must always lead back to that narrow singular focus of praise and reverence to God alone. We all still have much to learn about worship, which is why I am glad I can continue to read more about it in the days ahead.
When i think of worship, i think the Matthew 22, where Jesus was questioned by Pharisees about what is the greatest commandment. He replies Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. The second is love your neighbor as yourself. Worship has to be that all about God.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I think that when i say thanks to God for all the things in my life and when i repeatedly say the Lords prayer as Jesus told us to pray, that i am hopefully glorifying him. I pray that when i do this that it will make up for the times i had forgotten God.
Good points Bruce. There was definitely worship today with you over lunch!
ReplyDeleteYes i agree. I think that when we talk as we did today. It not only brings us closer as friends, but more importantly brings us closer as brothers of Christ..... It was a good day for me..