1 Corinthians 10:31
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all for the glory of God"
I hate New Year's resolutions. I mean I am serious, they are something that I despise with a serious passion. In the past I have tried to set resolutions for the New Year, but by January 15th I seem to either have forgotten my goal or totally lazed on what I wanted to accomplish. Maybe it was watch tv less. Maybe it was read the Bible more. Maybe it was struggle less with a certain sin. Maybe it was love my wife better. All of these goals are good things and are aspects of my life that I need to get better on. But for some reason or another, probably my flesh, the realization of the goal is gone by the middle of January. As I was praying this past year during the transition from the past year into the New Year, I came to realize that resolutions are in on sense prideful and in another sense all about the same thing. First, I find resolutions as a prideful thing becasue they seem to always be about you and what you think you need to do better in your life. Lose weight, less tv, read Bible more, or get more exercise; these all seem to always be about us and making our life better. Second, as resolutions, if we are a true confessor of Jesus as Lord, seem to be focused on making our walk with Him or our life serving Him better. That to me shows that in reality all resolutions, if we love Jesus, should be about making His name greater and giving God the glory He deserves in our lives.
So why not, rather than say resolutions or how to make our lives better in the New Year, why not say lets see how we can give God more glory in the year ahead. Now that is something that I think I can get my head around and something that would last more than 2 weeks. Wake up everyday and in the best of my God given ability, make more of Him. So instead of saying resolutions or ways to make my life better, I want to say lets see how in the New Year, each day, I can make more of my God and raise the name of my Savior to a higher level. That is a goal I can get around each day and has a much wider impact than my weight or my technology consumption. Like 1 Corinthians says, in this New year, lets see how I can glorify my God better. Then and only then it is not about me and my problems that need fixing but about the glory if my God and is focused on Him. So here on January 4th the question is, how can I give God more glory today than I did yesterday?
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