Tuesday, September 9, 2014

God still works, in spite of me

This past Sunday was one of those days. I did not sleep right the night before. I felt groggy all day and was always feeling in a rush to do things. I felt more nervous than normal leading the worship service. I had distractions in my mind and emotions more than a normal day. It was one of those days where I stood up to teach and after I had finished I felt like throwing up. I have not had many of those days. but I know that everyone has days they feel off. I was glad when my head finally hit the pillow on Sunday night.

But I love more than anything how the Lord works in spite of ourselves. I read a preaching article on Monday that gave me encouragement. In the article the author states, "simply put, preaching is using the spoken word to open the written word to proclaim the Incarnate Word". This brought be joy in the fact that in spite of how I talk, it is always God talking first and last. God controls the word that was written and is the Incarnate Word. God then also controls through the Spirit how the words are received by the people in the pew. This is evidence by the encouragement that my beloved gave me when she was telling of a conversation she had with someone in church about how my teaching time spoke to them and they heard from God that day what they need for that day.

This type of day gives me hope then knowing that I can try all I want but it is all about God. This type of day then also drives me to work harder and draw closer to God knowing that if I prepare more and rely more on the power of God, He can do even more amazing things. I have been finding myself spending more time in prayer over my sermons the more I teach. I love days like this past Sunday because it reminds me that I need to get myself out of the way and let God do the talking and run His show. So, even though this was a Sunday that I will be glad to put behind me, it was a reminder, an encouragement, and a total dependence on the fact God is still at work when I feel like I am not. I pray now this week that I will have the power of the Spirit to feel confident and courageous as I share the Incarnate Word and get out of God's way.

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