I was recently interacting with a friend about his life and church. During our time together he asked me a great question. My friend asked, "what are some factors I should consider, as my wife and I look for a new church". My friend and his family were feeling led by the Lord (for multiple reasons) to look for a new church family to join and begin worshiping with. I began to answer his questions by being honest and letting him know I have made some really stupid choices in my own life when considering a church to join. But I also let him know, I have begun to think through this question, in my own life of leading a church as Pastor. I gave him 10 factors, I thought were important to consider, when thinking about joining a church.
Here are the 10 factors I gave to my friend about finding a church match that fits, in no particular order
-Doctrinal stance.
What are the key doctrines of the church? What does the church consider to be essential doctrines of the faith? What does the church believe about the Bible? What does the doctrine of the church say about God's grace and His process of saving people? Are there doctrines one can disagree with, yet join and serve in the church? Is the church as a whole doctrinally unified?
-Financial aspects
Does the church handle their money well? Does the church give 10% to missions? Does the church have serious debt and incur debt on a regular basis? How does the church handle giving? Who controls the budget at the church? How is the yearly budget process handled?
-Ministry Philosophy
How does the church view its Pastor? Is there good teaching from the Bible at the church? What roles do the leaders play at the church? Is the sermon a central part of the weekly worship service? Are there other Bible studies and small groups that can be join?
-The children
Is children's ministry important at the church? What is the church's philosophy in how to teach and grow children? Are the children involved in the worship of the church? Does the church reach local kids for Christ?
What is the form of church government? How does the church handle the sacraments? What does the church believe about woman and formal/pastoral ministry? Does the church have church discipline? What does the church believe about church membership?
-Your Spouse
Will your spouse feel at home in the church? Will your spous's gifts be welcomed and used in the church? How does your spouse feel about the church? Are you and your spouse unified on your feelings about this church? What are your spouses concerns with the church?
-Missional Theology
How does the church reach the lost with the Gospel? What does the church feel is their main reason for existing? Does the church support foreign missionaries? Does the church support local missions? Does the church go on missions trips and get out into the world? What does the church do, individually, in making disciples? When was the last set of baptisms in the life of the church?
Are there many teenagers in the church? What does the church do to reach teens for Christ? Does the church value its teens? Does the church learn from its teens? What does the church do to help equip its teens for life? Does the church nurture its teens, as they go through the hardest stages of life?
How close are you to the church? Will you be close enough to the church to go daily and weekly for activities and meetings? Is the church a big part of your local community? Is the church reaching your local community with Christ?
How is this church going to equip me for ministry? How is this church going to equip my spouse for ministry? How is this church going to equip my kids for ministry? Will I see myself growing in my faith in the next 5 years becasue of this church?
These are the 10 areas that should be thought through (at least as I told them to my friend), as one considers a new church. Some of these factors are non-negotiable. Other factors on this list might be negotiable. These are not the only areas that one must consider. But asking yourself many of these questions will help decide whether the church and the person are a match or not. So if your are ever considering a new church or thinking through the current church you go to, ask many of these questions and pray hard to God about the role your local church has in your life for God's glory.
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