As humans, we have great imaginations. With our imaginations we can create beautiful works of art, fantastic stories of heroism, and delicious meals that bring pleasure to the taste buds. Human imagination has designed beautiful architecture, built amazing devices that advance technology, and have created more games and sports that we can count for enjoyment. The human imagination is amazing and also endless in its dreams.
The human imagination is created and designed in us by God. God desired His human creation to worship Him. So God placed the imagination in humans so they could be being of worship better, in all the ways their imagination would lead them. God desired His human creation to worship Him by also being creators (as His image bearer) and using the imagination to create things that will bring praise and glory to the ultimate Creator. This is why humans can write stories that lead to worship of God. This is why humans can create magnificent meals that gather people to worship God and show Him gratitude for providing. This is why humans can create beautiful paintings and sculptures that reflect and bring God glory in His creative works. God gave humans their imagination so they could be creative beings themselves, that all reflects glory and praise back to Him.
All humans have an imagination. I remember as a young child playing in the back yard with my imagination, where animals could talk, monsters needed defeated, and the heroes (me as Captain America) would win. Last week I was making a meal for the kids and as I placed ingredients in the bowl, my imagination started to run and I began improvising and creating a meal from my mind. Just this morning, as I watched the newest movie trailer, my mind began to fill in the scenes of the trailer and imagine what the rest of the movie will be like next May. This is just a few ways my imagination was at work in my life. The rest of humanity is the same in how their imagination works. Tolkien used his imagination to create, "The Lord of the Rings". Pureflix, as a movie company, uses their imagination to create Christians movies that praise God. John Newton used his imagination to write the great hymn, "Amazing Grace".
So this leads to the question, do we as a human individual, use our imagination to bring God glory.
We all "day dream". We all create works of art in some form or another. We all use our minds, outside of reality, to think and create. But do we use our imagination to glorify God? We at creation were designed to use our imagination to give God His glory in being creative. But the fall and sin nature and the depraved state, has corrupted our imagination. This means we use our imaginations more that we would even imagination to sin and be self-absorbed. But as Christians we can and must use our imagination to glorify God. The question still remains, do we use our imagination to glorify God? Here are a few questions to ask ourselves to help discover how we use our imagination.
1)What do I think about when I am bored or daydreaming?
2)What was the last thing/food/song/art/toy/device/etc. that I created for God's glory?
3)Have I ever thought about what I think about?
4)Have I ever realized I am a creative being?
5)What have I done today, to give God His glory and did it come from me?
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