When I was in Middle School, my English Teacher would always say, "there is no dumb questions". This teacher, and in fact anyone who says this statement, is simply trying to encourage other people to speak or ask what is on their mind. In truth, I believe this statement, there is truly no dumb question. Depending on what subject matter you know or are familiar with, questions from other people in these areas might seem dumb to you. But to the person asking the question, they are curious becasue they are ignorant in the subject. In subject matters like Marvel Comics, Lord of the Rings, Pittsburgh Sports, or Theology, I get asked questions all the time. To me, one who is knowledgeable about these areas, the questions can appear dumb. But to the person asking the question, they are not dumb becasue they are simply ignorant. On matters like Science, Engineering, or Fishing, I am the one who asks the "dumb" questions becasue I am ignorant in many subject matters. So there is no such thing as a dumb question, or is there???
I say all this about "dumb" questions because the Bible, God's Word, asks a lot of questions. God understands as fallen, broken, weak, and depraved humans, we ask many different questions to understand who we are, who He is, and how the world works. Sometimes in the Bible, it is the narrator asking the questions. Sometimes in the Bible, it is the characters in the stories asking the questions. Sometimes in the Bible, it is even Jesus Himself asking the question and following the question up with the answer in teaching or story form. God knows that we ask many different questions and even repeat asking the same questions over and over again.
But there is one question that the Bible does not ask. The Bible never asks, "is there a God"? The Bible no where asks this question. In fact, the Bible no where even answers this question. Is there a God is not asked in the Bible becasue the Bible assumes the answer without even giving it. Is there a God? "In the Beginning, God". From the very first sentence in the Bible, the Bible assumes the answer is YES. From the very first moment of existence, the answer is given and the question is never asked, because the question, "is there a God" is a "dumb" question.
If there is no God, there is no existence. If there is no God there is no life. If there is no God, then there is no talking, thinking, being or doing. Without God there is nothing. Without God there is no redemption of sinners. Without God there is no earth or heaven. Without God this blog does not exist. "In the beginning, God", is the foundation for every other knowledge, thought, truth, and statement ever made.
But because there is a God, there is redemption of sinners. Because there is a God there is truth and knowledge. Because there is a God, we as humans can exist and not only exist but have a good life. Because there is a God, everything else as we know it is "being".
Is there a God? "In the beginning, God", is about as an emphatic answer as we can get. The existence, in fact the preexistence of God, is foundation for everything else. That is why this is the exact truth that the Bible begins with. "In the beginning, God" is everything we need for life, faith, and existence. "In the beginning, God" is what we must all desire and want to know and be in a relationship above all else. "In the beginning, God" is our salvation and delight exists. "In the beginning" was all that we needed, GOD.
Now the real important question stems off of that, "how can I know rightly this God"? That is the right question. That is not a dumb question. That is the question for life and the question that drives faith. "How can I rightly this God?" is the question that drives the redemption of sinners and the saving of many souls. This question is the question God wants us to ask, the question Jesus came to proclaim, and the question that the Bible is all about.
So, "is there a God?" is not a dumb question in one sense, but a very dumb question in another sense. We are born, each one of us, with the answer to this question in our soul and conscience (Romans 1). "But how can I know rightly this God?" Well, that is the right question that must be asked. Let us celebrate this question, answer this question freely, and rejoice when a person comes to know the right answer to this question.
Do you know God rightly?
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