Last week, I wrote a post on each of the 5 Solas of the Reformation. I wrote about what each of them are, gave a few of the Scriptures from the Bible that speak about them, and pointed to important application that come with each one. These 5 posts, teaching the 5 Solas in a basic way, followed up 4 posts teaching the Latin phrases that went with the Reformation. I have been writing a lot of teaching thoughts down over the last few weeks, and Lord willing I want to write some more teaching thoughts on the doctrines of grace in the weeks ahead. But I thought I would take a break from teaching on this blog for a little and write some reflective post. So today I want to reflect a little on what the 5 Solas mean and do to me.
First, I love the 5 Solas dearly becasue they have shaped and directed my life continuously. Last Christmas my wife got me a shirt that has the 5 Solas listed on them in order; Gratia, Fide, Christus, Deo Gloria, and Scriptura. On the cover of my oldest study Bible, I have the Sola, Sola Scriptura drawn. A book mark that I am currently using while I read different books has, Sola Gratia, on it with the English equivalent underneath. Taped to my laptop I have the Sola, Deo Gloria, very clear, so that I can see it every time I open and get on my computer to do work or surf the internet. I say all this to show that I cherish the 5 Solas and try to keep them not only close to my heart, but very clearly in view all time. The Sola Scriptura wording on the cover of my Bible has ingrained in my mind that the Bible alone is what is going to teach me what obedience looks like, what the will of God is, and how best to glorify God. Pasting Sola Deo Gloria to my laptop has been a huge reminder for me that I must work and write for the glory of God above all, and that God must always be glorified with what I am viewing on the internet. These 5 Sola doctrines have not only shaped my daily activities, but have kept me on the strait path and moving in a growing direction, more like my Savior each day.
Not only has the 5 Solas shaped my life, at every turn, but I also love them because they separate me from anything that the Devil and this world thrown my way. Some people in this world say that all gods are the same, that all religions eventually get us to the same place. Solus Christus is very clear that Christ alone is where salvation, eternal bliss, and comfort for this life can be found. As Jesus Himself says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father but by me". The world, and sadly even many so called Christians, claim that we can work our way to being approved by God. Sola Fide clearly teaches that salvation comes through faith alone. I have great joy and comfort in knowing that it is my faith alone that brought me justification from God. There is no work in me that brought his salvation and there is no work in me that must secure my salvation. The world also screams, daily if we notice it, do what feels good or live to please yourself. Sola Deo Gloria is very to the point that we exist for God's glory and God's glory alone. That means that my purpose in waking up every day, my purpose in writing this post, and my purpose in preaching a sermon, is for the glory of God. The world, and again too many so called Christian, preach that we are all good in our own born state. The Bible is very clearly against that. We are born dead, born already condemned guilty of wrath, and in fact conceived in a sinful state before we even leave the womb. Sola Gratia claims that in spite of our dead fallen state, in grace of God alone, we are born again, made alive, and justified through Christ. And finally, the devil has the world screaming that we are the highest authority and experience and feelings are the way to know. Sola Scriptura counters that with all its might. It is God's Word alone that is the highest and greatest authority and the way to know God, His plan of salvation, and a life of obedience to the King. These 5 doctrine separate me from the world around and remind me that it is in God and what He does alone, not the world, the devil or even myself.
So as I think about and pray over the 5 Solas, I feel great comfort. They are like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. The world is dark and cold. The world is lost and going astray. Sadly even many so called Christians do not understand or hold to the truth. I keep these 5 truths close to my heart and mind and it comforts me to know that I am close to the heart and pleasure of God.
These solas also bring me great joy. I find immense joy in the truth that salvation rest in what God does, says, and is, not in anything of me. It would be a totally depressing fact if I played any part in saving myself. I am a lost, broken, dead, vile, and at times evil being. Joy in that fact that it is all found in God, is the joy that drives me to live life for all of God.
And finally these 5 solas bring me great peace. I find great assurance knowing that it all rests in God from the very beginning to the very end. I know and can read what God did, does, wants, and desires. This is peaceful and assuring to know I am simply a sentence away from knowing the very heart of God and see His grace at work. Without knowing it is all in God alone that my salvation rest, I would never have assurance or peace. I would run around like a chicken trying to figure it out, do the next saving act, or chasing after assurance of any sort. So in these 5 Solas I feel, great comfort, joy, and peace, knowing that salvation is by grace alone, in faith alone, through Christ alone, for the glory of God alone, all told in Scripture alone.
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