Before you every do anything, that you know is coming, you visualize it in your mind. I like to call this the mind's eye. Before we run a mile, we will visualize the mile and how we will do in our mind to mentally prepare for the event. Before we take a test, we will visualize the answer and how each section will come, before we ever put pen to paper. Even before I wrote this post, I visualized in my mind what I was going to write about and think through. We do this as humans, becasue it is part of our nature. And our nature hates the unknown and uncontrollable. So we visualize what is about to take place, becasue we want to be aware, thinking through, and be prepared for what is in front.
As a Pastor and minister of the Gospel, it is no different. I can still see where I was the very fist time I visualized what being a Pastor would be like. I can still hear the conversations that I had with many different people of what leading God's sheep would entail. I can still remember the prayers, thanking God for calling me into this exciting adventure and journey of being His hands leading His people. And then the blood curdling screams bring me back to reality.
Being a Pastor, is more times than not, going to war. We go to war against heresy, the world's influence, our own sin nature, the devils' tempting, the sin nature of the people, and the brokenness of the whole. This war comes with causality, injury, sweat, fighting, stress, unexpected shots, and every single element that you think of when you think of a war. Being a Pastor is being a soldier in the trenches. And more times than I would like to admit, it strait sucks, is painful, and is the most unglorious thing a person can do. Being a Pastor is not at all what my mind's eye saw.
But my mind's eye did not also see the comradery that would come with being a soldier. I had the privilege and blessing today of enjoying some time with a fellow soldier in arms. It was a blessing to grab some coffee with a fellow minister of the Gospel. It was the bolt of courage that I needed to trudge on. Praying with, talking with, listening to, and sharing time with another Pastor is a part of being a soldier I cherish the most. Patching each other's injuries, giving courage to one another's battles, and lifting one another up in prayer, are all parts of the comradery that makes ministry a blessing. Spending time with a brother in arms is exactly what the doctor called for and not what my mind's eye saw.
So even though my mind's eye was no where close to picturing Gospel ministry correctly, I am glad to say that having brothers in arms, is also an element of being a Pastor, that I was not anticipating. So thank you Tim for a great time of encouragement. But more importantly, thank you God for this good gift that keeps in giving, in being able to spend time with a brother in arms.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Monday, January 30, 2017
What they mean to me
Last week, I wrote a post on each of the 5 Solas of the Reformation. I wrote about what each of them are, gave a few of the Scriptures from the Bible that speak about them, and pointed to important application that come with each one. These 5 posts, teaching the 5 Solas in a basic way, followed up 4 posts teaching the Latin phrases that went with the Reformation. I have been writing a lot of teaching thoughts down over the last few weeks, and Lord willing I want to write some more teaching thoughts on the doctrines of grace in the weeks ahead. But I thought I would take a break from teaching on this blog for a little and write some reflective post. So today I want to reflect a little on what the 5 Solas mean and do to me.
First, I love the 5 Solas dearly becasue they have shaped and directed my life continuously. Last Christmas my wife got me a shirt that has the 5 Solas listed on them in order; Gratia, Fide, Christus, Deo Gloria, and Scriptura. On the cover of my oldest study Bible, I have the Sola, Sola Scriptura drawn. A book mark that I am currently using while I read different books has, Sola Gratia, on it with the English equivalent underneath. Taped to my laptop I have the Sola, Deo Gloria, very clear, so that I can see it every time I open and get on my computer to do work or surf the internet. I say all this to show that I cherish the 5 Solas and try to keep them not only close to my heart, but very clearly in view all time. The Sola Scriptura wording on the cover of my Bible has ingrained in my mind that the Bible alone is what is going to teach me what obedience looks like, what the will of God is, and how best to glorify God. Pasting Sola Deo Gloria to my laptop has been a huge reminder for me that I must work and write for the glory of God above all, and that God must always be glorified with what I am viewing on the internet. These 5 Sola doctrines have not only shaped my daily activities, but have kept me on the strait path and moving in a growing direction, more like my Savior each day.
Not only has the 5 Solas shaped my life, at every turn, but I also love them because they separate me from anything that the Devil and this world thrown my way. Some people in this world say that all gods are the same, that all religions eventually get us to the same place. Solus Christus is very clear that Christ alone is where salvation, eternal bliss, and comfort for this life can be found. As Jesus Himself says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father but by me". The world, and sadly even many so called Christians, claim that we can work our way to being approved by God. Sola Fide clearly teaches that salvation comes through faith alone. I have great joy and comfort in knowing that it is my faith alone that brought me justification from God. There is no work in me that brought his salvation and there is no work in me that must secure my salvation. The world also screams, daily if we notice it, do what feels good or live to please yourself. Sola Deo Gloria is very to the point that we exist for God's glory and God's glory alone. That means that my purpose in waking up every day, my purpose in writing this post, and my purpose in preaching a sermon, is for the glory of God. The world, and again too many so called Christian, preach that we are all good in our own born state. The Bible is very clearly against that. We are born dead, born already condemned guilty of wrath, and in fact conceived in a sinful state before we even leave the womb. Sola Gratia claims that in spite of our dead fallen state, in grace of God alone, we are born again, made alive, and justified through Christ. And finally, the devil has the world screaming that we are the highest authority and experience and feelings are the way to know. Sola Scriptura counters that with all its might. It is God's Word alone that is the highest and greatest authority and the way to know God, His plan of salvation, and a life of obedience to the King. These 5 doctrine separate me from the world around and remind me that it is in God and what He does alone, not the world, the devil or even myself.
So as I think about and pray over the 5 Solas, I feel great comfort. They are like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. The world is dark and cold. The world is lost and going astray. Sadly even many so called Christians do not understand or hold to the truth. I keep these 5 truths close to my heart and mind and it comforts me to know that I am close to the heart and pleasure of God.
These solas also bring me great joy. I find immense joy in the truth that salvation rest in what God does, says, and is, not in anything of me. It would be a totally depressing fact if I played any part in saving myself. I am a lost, broken, dead, vile, and at times evil being. Joy in that fact that it is all found in God, is the joy that drives me to live life for all of God.
And finally these 5 solas bring me great peace. I find great assurance knowing that it all rests in God from the very beginning to the very end. I know and can read what God did, does, wants, and desires. This is peaceful and assuring to know I am simply a sentence away from knowing the very heart of God and see His grace at work. Without knowing it is all in God alone that my salvation rest, I would never have assurance or peace. I would run around like a chicken trying to figure it out, do the next saving act, or chasing after assurance of any sort. So in these 5 Solas I feel, great comfort, joy, and peace, knowing that salvation is by grace alone, in faith alone, through Christ alone, for the glory of God alone, all told in Scripture alone.
First, I love the 5 Solas dearly becasue they have shaped and directed my life continuously. Last Christmas my wife got me a shirt that has the 5 Solas listed on them in order; Gratia, Fide, Christus, Deo Gloria, and Scriptura. On the cover of my oldest study Bible, I have the Sola, Sola Scriptura drawn. A book mark that I am currently using while I read different books has, Sola Gratia, on it with the English equivalent underneath. Taped to my laptop I have the Sola, Deo Gloria, very clear, so that I can see it every time I open and get on my computer to do work or surf the internet. I say all this to show that I cherish the 5 Solas and try to keep them not only close to my heart, but very clearly in view all time. The Sola Scriptura wording on the cover of my Bible has ingrained in my mind that the Bible alone is what is going to teach me what obedience looks like, what the will of God is, and how best to glorify God. Pasting Sola Deo Gloria to my laptop has been a huge reminder for me that I must work and write for the glory of God above all, and that God must always be glorified with what I am viewing on the internet. These 5 Sola doctrines have not only shaped my daily activities, but have kept me on the strait path and moving in a growing direction, more like my Savior each day.
Not only has the 5 Solas shaped my life, at every turn, but I also love them because they separate me from anything that the Devil and this world thrown my way. Some people in this world say that all gods are the same, that all religions eventually get us to the same place. Solus Christus is very clear that Christ alone is where salvation, eternal bliss, and comfort for this life can be found. As Jesus Himself says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father but by me". The world, and sadly even many so called Christians, claim that we can work our way to being approved by God. Sola Fide clearly teaches that salvation comes through faith alone. I have great joy and comfort in knowing that it is my faith alone that brought me justification from God. There is no work in me that brought his salvation and there is no work in me that must secure my salvation. The world also screams, daily if we notice it, do what feels good or live to please yourself. Sola Deo Gloria is very to the point that we exist for God's glory and God's glory alone. That means that my purpose in waking up every day, my purpose in writing this post, and my purpose in preaching a sermon, is for the glory of God. The world, and again too many so called Christian, preach that we are all good in our own born state. The Bible is very clearly against that. We are born dead, born already condemned guilty of wrath, and in fact conceived in a sinful state before we even leave the womb. Sola Gratia claims that in spite of our dead fallen state, in grace of God alone, we are born again, made alive, and justified through Christ. And finally, the devil has the world screaming that we are the highest authority and experience and feelings are the way to know. Sola Scriptura counters that with all its might. It is God's Word alone that is the highest and greatest authority and the way to know God, His plan of salvation, and a life of obedience to the King. These 5 doctrine separate me from the world around and remind me that it is in God and what He does alone, not the world, the devil or even myself.
So as I think about and pray over the 5 Solas, I feel great comfort. They are like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. The world is dark and cold. The world is lost and going astray. Sadly even many so called Christians do not understand or hold to the truth. I keep these 5 truths close to my heart and mind and it comforts me to know that I am close to the heart and pleasure of God.
These solas also bring me great joy. I find immense joy in the truth that salvation rest in what God does, says, and is, not in anything of me. It would be a totally depressing fact if I played any part in saving myself. I am a lost, broken, dead, vile, and at times evil being. Joy in that fact that it is all found in God, is the joy that drives me to live life for all of God.
And finally these 5 solas bring me great peace. I find great assurance knowing that it all rests in God from the very beginning to the very end. I know and can read what God did, does, wants, and desires. This is peaceful and assuring to know I am simply a sentence away from knowing the very heart of God and see His grace at work. Without knowing it is all in God alone that my salvation rest, I would never have assurance or peace. I would run around like a chicken trying to figure it out, do the next saving act, or chasing after assurance of any sort. So in these 5 Solas I feel, great comfort, joy, and peace, knowing that salvation is by grace alone, in faith alone, through Christ alone, for the glory of God alone, all told in Scripture alone.
Friday, January 27, 2017
Sola Scriptura
1 Peter 1:21
"For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit".
Deuteronomy 8:3
"And He humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers now, that He might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of God".
2 Timothy 3:16-17
"All Scripture is breathed out by God ad profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work".
Scripture alone is the final piece to the sola puzzle by the Reformers. Sola Scriptura wraps the bow nicely around the 5 Solas in a clear, concise, yet very critical way. This week we have seen that salvation from God comes by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for the glory of God alone. Sola Scriptura makes it clear first, that the only way to know the other 4 in any saving securing way, is through Scripture alone. Secondly, Sola Scriptura is very clear that since Scripture is the Word of God, then it is the final and highest authority alone. And finally Sola Scriptura was made clear in that Scripture alone is where a life of obedience can only be found for those who love God.
First, Sola Scriptura is the only place salvation can be found. Yes, the Gospel or good news is told by mouth from person to person. And yes, through preaching ministries, like Billy Graham, many people have found faith in Christ. But whether it is Billy Graham, the local Pastor, or even through friendship, the words of life and the good news is only found in the Bible itself. A person can't go into the woods and listen to the trees or birds tell them the good news. A person can't sit by the ocean and experience the roll of the waves and get saved. Salvation or more clearly, the plan of God to save His people will never be know, discovered, or learned without the Words of life being proclaimed. Sola Scripture or in Scripture alone is where our hope rest for the salvation of people. Experience, conscience, nature, or emotions will never lead a person to the saving knowledge of Jesus. Only in Scripture alone will the salvation of man be know.
Second, Sola Scriptura was a huge point for the Reformers in that Scripture alone was the final authority on all of life and faith. The Reformers stood in the face, of the Pope and the church, in their claim that there were other authorities that were equal to or even greater than the Bible. If, as the verses above show, the Bible is the very words of God to His people, and if God is the highest authority in the universe (spoiler alert; He is since He created it all), then that would mean His Word is the highest authority in this world and to His people. Now, we must be clear here and understand this is sola and not solo. Solo would imply that the Bible is all a person needs to live life. The Reformers were advocating Sola, in that Scripture alone is highest authority (and as seen in the last paragraph the only when it comes to true salvation knowledge). The Reformers were some of the clearest people to write about the importance of the faith community, the civil government, and family. So there are definitely other things that a person needs in this life, partnered with Scripture. But Sola Scriptura means that in authority, the Bible trumps every other authority in this world, every time.
Lastly, Sola Scriptura makes clear that it is the Bible where true obedience and a life lived for the glory of God will be found. From Genesis 1:27, through the final thought of Revelation 22 by John, the Bible makes known, through commands, what God wants His people to do. Through the commands of Christ and the application by Paul, the Bible tells a member of the family of God, how to live. Through the stories of Jacob and the Psalms of David, the Bible makes know what the child of God must think, feel, and understand. The Bible, if it is followed, will never steer a person wrong or lead a reader down the path of evil. If someone is following the Bible and goes that direction, it is always their misunderstanding, not the Bible leading them there. The Bible is the rule book for life, as the John Calvin rightly stated.
Sola Scripture is the icing on the cake. Without the Bible we would not know that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone and for the glory of God alone. Without the Bible we would be our own highest authority. Without the Bible we would have no real clue about God, His eternal plan that leads to Himself, or how a life of obedience is a life of fruit. The Doctrine of Scripture is my favorite and most cherish doctrine. Without the Bible we will never know the nature of God, the life of Jesus, the point of the church, the work of the Spirit, our sin nature, the will of God, or what God has planned for the future. The Bible is all sufficient for what we need. The Bible is necessary for a life of faith and obedience. The Bible is God's perfect, a never erroring Word. The Bible is the highest authority in this life. And becasue of the Bible's highest critical place, someday I know I will be able to stand before the writer of the Bible and hear His words, face to face. Without the Bible, the train will roll off the tracks, the car will drive off the road, and we would walk off a cliff (spiritually speaking). Thanks be to God, who told us all we need to be a part of His eternal saving plan. Because salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for the glory of God alone, we can read Scripture and know Scripture and submit to Scripture alone to enjoy and delight in God for all eternity, Sola Scriptura.
"For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit".
Deuteronomy 8:3
"And He humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers now, that He might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of God".
2 Timothy 3:16-17
"All Scripture is breathed out by God ad profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work".
Scripture alone is the final piece to the sola puzzle by the Reformers. Sola Scriptura wraps the bow nicely around the 5 Solas in a clear, concise, yet very critical way. This week we have seen that salvation from God comes by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for the glory of God alone. Sola Scriptura makes it clear first, that the only way to know the other 4 in any saving securing way, is through Scripture alone. Secondly, Sola Scriptura is very clear that since Scripture is the Word of God, then it is the final and highest authority alone. And finally Sola Scriptura was made clear in that Scripture alone is where a life of obedience can only be found for those who love God.
First, Sola Scriptura is the only place salvation can be found. Yes, the Gospel or good news is told by mouth from person to person. And yes, through preaching ministries, like Billy Graham, many people have found faith in Christ. But whether it is Billy Graham, the local Pastor, or even through friendship, the words of life and the good news is only found in the Bible itself. A person can't go into the woods and listen to the trees or birds tell them the good news. A person can't sit by the ocean and experience the roll of the waves and get saved. Salvation or more clearly, the plan of God to save His people will never be know, discovered, or learned without the Words of life being proclaimed. Sola Scripture or in Scripture alone is where our hope rest for the salvation of people. Experience, conscience, nature, or emotions will never lead a person to the saving knowledge of Jesus. Only in Scripture alone will the salvation of man be know.
Second, Sola Scriptura was a huge point for the Reformers in that Scripture alone was the final authority on all of life and faith. The Reformers stood in the face, of the Pope and the church, in their claim that there were other authorities that were equal to or even greater than the Bible. If, as the verses above show, the Bible is the very words of God to His people, and if God is the highest authority in the universe (spoiler alert; He is since He created it all), then that would mean His Word is the highest authority in this world and to His people. Now, we must be clear here and understand this is sola and not solo. Solo would imply that the Bible is all a person needs to live life. The Reformers were advocating Sola, in that Scripture alone is highest authority (and as seen in the last paragraph the only when it comes to true salvation knowledge). The Reformers were some of the clearest people to write about the importance of the faith community, the civil government, and family. So there are definitely other things that a person needs in this life, partnered with Scripture. But Sola Scriptura means that in authority, the Bible trumps every other authority in this world, every time.
Lastly, Sola Scriptura makes clear that it is the Bible where true obedience and a life lived for the glory of God will be found. From Genesis 1:27, through the final thought of Revelation 22 by John, the Bible makes known, through commands, what God wants His people to do. Through the commands of Christ and the application by Paul, the Bible tells a member of the family of God, how to live. Through the stories of Jacob and the Psalms of David, the Bible makes know what the child of God must think, feel, and understand. The Bible, if it is followed, will never steer a person wrong or lead a reader down the path of evil. If someone is following the Bible and goes that direction, it is always their misunderstanding, not the Bible leading them there. The Bible is the rule book for life, as the John Calvin rightly stated.
Sola Scripture is the icing on the cake. Without the Bible we would not know that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone and for the glory of God alone. Without the Bible we would be our own highest authority. Without the Bible we would have no real clue about God, His eternal plan that leads to Himself, or how a life of obedience is a life of fruit. The Doctrine of Scripture is my favorite and most cherish doctrine. Without the Bible we will never know the nature of God, the life of Jesus, the point of the church, the work of the Spirit, our sin nature, the will of God, or what God has planned for the future. The Bible is all sufficient for what we need. The Bible is necessary for a life of faith and obedience. The Bible is God's perfect, a never erroring Word. The Bible is the highest authority in this life. And becasue of the Bible's highest critical place, someday I know I will be able to stand before the writer of the Bible and hear His words, face to face. Without the Bible, the train will roll off the tracks, the car will drive off the road, and we would walk off a cliff (spiritually speaking). Thanks be to God, who told us all we need to be a part of His eternal saving plan. Because salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for the glory of God alone, we can read Scripture and know Scripture and submit to Scripture alone to enjoy and delight in God for all eternity, Sola Scriptura.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Soli Deo Gloria
Ephesians 1:12
"So that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of His glory".
Romans 3:23
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God".
1 Corinthians 10:31
"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God".
Salvation is for the glory of God alone. The fourth Sola of the five, points to the full weight that not only does God save for His glory alone, every single thing that takes place is for the glory of God alone. That means, God saves people for His glory. God lets people, in His justice, to their own devices for His glory. God causes the rain to come down on the just and the unjust, for His glory. God saves a cat out of a tree, for His glory. God lets cancer over take an individual for His glory. Simply put, not a single molecule or star exploding happens without God getting His glory. But this Sola, in the line with the other four Solas, is keeping the focus on the fact that God saves, justifies, shows grace, implants faith, and imputes Christ on each of us, all for His glory alone. We are simply benefactors of the glory of God.
First, God cares first and foremost about His own glory. The minute God did not care and focus on His own glory first, He is no longer God and we are worshiping an idol. If God cared about the glory of another being over His, at any point, even for that split second, He is no longer God, and we must respond by worshiping the being God cared about more than Himself. So for example, if somehow God cared about my glory even for a split second, over His, then everyone must begin to worship me above God. So God being God, means He cares for His glory above all and more important than all. And since He is God and sovereign, that means His glory is always the highest goal in every single thing. God will always get His glory, since He is God and that is what He cares about above all.
Second, since we are not God, God cares about His glory always above ours, and our own individual well-being. God getting His glory, means that every single action He does to us, is always for His glory. For God to show us grace, he is getting His glory first. For God to show us justice (what we deserve), He is getting His glory. For God to create a plan to save a people for Himself, is God getting His glory first. For God to then send His Son, to live perfectly and die perfectly, is for God to get His glory. For God then to make a certain person alive and impute, through faith, the righteousness of Christ, is for God to get His glory. And finally for the Holy Spirit to enter a person and apply the work of God, is for God to be getting His glory. Everything happens, especially in God's salvation, for His glory alone.
Thirdly, we are simply benefactors of the glory of God. We are living and existing, on the coat tails of the glory of God. This teaches us first, at the end of the day, it is only God's glory that matters. We pale in comparison to the glory of God. In fact, we do not even exist in the same map or sphere, as the glory of God. Secondly as benefactors of the glory of God, we are shown grace and are given the death of Christ, becasue it glorified God. If it did not glorify God, then we would not be shown grace and Christ would not have died. Christ died above and beyond for the glory of His Father above anything else. And lastly, as benefactors of the glory of God, we exist for the glory of God. This means, as Paul says, we must do every single thing for the glory of God alone, period.
Soli Deo Gloria, is my driving machine. The grace of God is like the oil of my engine. The faith of God is like the gas in the tank. The life and death of Christ alone is the body and parts of the car. But the glory of God is the engine that moves the car. Everything we do must be for the glory of God. And to do anything, other than for the glory of God, is a sin and falling short of it. And as Romans, among other places, shows, every single person is born falling short of the glory of God. But after God's grace alone brings salvation to me as an individual who has faith alone, and through Christ alone I am saved, I must then realize and live for the glory of God alone. Since salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone it is always and only will be for the glory of God alone. I must live in this comfort and contentment becasue then I can live for the Soli Deo Gloria.
"So that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of His glory".
Romans 3:23
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God".
1 Corinthians 10:31
"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God".
Salvation is for the glory of God alone. The fourth Sola of the five, points to the full weight that not only does God save for His glory alone, every single thing that takes place is for the glory of God alone. That means, God saves people for His glory. God lets people, in His justice, to their own devices for His glory. God causes the rain to come down on the just and the unjust, for His glory. God saves a cat out of a tree, for His glory. God lets cancer over take an individual for His glory. Simply put, not a single molecule or star exploding happens without God getting His glory. But this Sola, in the line with the other four Solas, is keeping the focus on the fact that God saves, justifies, shows grace, implants faith, and imputes Christ on each of us, all for His glory alone. We are simply benefactors of the glory of God.
First, God cares first and foremost about His own glory. The minute God did not care and focus on His own glory first, He is no longer God and we are worshiping an idol. If God cared about the glory of another being over His, at any point, even for that split second, He is no longer God, and we must respond by worshiping the being God cared about more than Himself. So for example, if somehow God cared about my glory even for a split second, over His, then everyone must begin to worship me above God. So God being God, means He cares for His glory above all and more important than all. And since He is God and sovereign, that means His glory is always the highest goal in every single thing. God will always get His glory, since He is God and that is what He cares about above all.
Second, since we are not God, God cares about His glory always above ours, and our own individual well-being. God getting His glory, means that every single action He does to us, is always for His glory. For God to show us grace, he is getting His glory first. For God to show us justice (what we deserve), He is getting His glory. For God to create a plan to save a people for Himself, is God getting His glory first. For God to then send His Son, to live perfectly and die perfectly, is for God to get His glory. For God then to make a certain person alive and impute, through faith, the righteousness of Christ, is for God to get His glory. And finally for the Holy Spirit to enter a person and apply the work of God, is for God to be getting His glory. Everything happens, especially in God's salvation, for His glory alone.
Thirdly, we are simply benefactors of the glory of God. We are living and existing, on the coat tails of the glory of God. This teaches us first, at the end of the day, it is only God's glory that matters. We pale in comparison to the glory of God. In fact, we do not even exist in the same map or sphere, as the glory of God. Secondly as benefactors of the glory of God, we are shown grace and are given the death of Christ, becasue it glorified God. If it did not glorify God, then we would not be shown grace and Christ would not have died. Christ died above and beyond for the glory of His Father above anything else. And lastly, as benefactors of the glory of God, we exist for the glory of God. This means, as Paul says, we must do every single thing for the glory of God alone, period.
Soli Deo Gloria, is my driving machine. The grace of God is like the oil of my engine. The faith of God is like the gas in the tank. The life and death of Christ alone is the body and parts of the car. But the glory of God is the engine that moves the car. Everything we do must be for the glory of God. And to do anything, other than for the glory of God, is a sin and falling short of it. And as Romans, among other places, shows, every single person is born falling short of the glory of God. But after God's grace alone brings salvation to me as an individual who has faith alone, and through Christ alone I am saved, I must then realize and live for the glory of God alone. Since salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone it is always and only will be for the glory of God alone. I must live in this comfort and contentment becasue then I can live for the Soli Deo Gloria.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Solus Christus
Romans 8:1
"There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ".
2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold the new has come".
2 Timothy 2:10
"Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory".
Salvation is in Christ alone. Solus Christus means simply that; salvation comes through Christ alone, is only found in Christ alone, and is only accomplished by Christ alone. Of the 5 Solas of the Reformation, this is the one that almost all Protestant Evangelicals agree on. Anyone who attends a church, even a liberal free-styling or legalistic bound church will at some point say that salvation comes from Jesus. So we all agree that salvation comes from Christ. The hang up with most people is the alone factor. Yes, we will admit that salvation is only possible because of Jesus. We will sing every Sunday that our saving faith rest on Jesus. And we will even give to the work of the spreading of the good news of Jesus. But when the rubber meets the road, we truly will wrestle and deny many times that it is Christ alone that accomplishes, brings, and has salvation alone.
First, understanding that salvation is accomplished by Christ alone, means that the only thing we personally bring to our salvation is the sin nature that condemned Christ on the Cross. There is nothing we can do to save ourselves. There is nothing we bring to God's saving of us. In fact, there is no reason what so ever inside anyone that should merit the salvation that is found in Christ. When we proclaim solus christus, we are proclaiming that salvation is accomplished by Christ alone and then is given freely as a gift to whomever God and Christ chose to give it to. And that is why Paul can proclaim he endures everything, just so the message that salvation is Christ can be proclaimed and then change, through those words, those whom receive the gift.
Second, to proclaim Solus Christ is to proclaim that there is nothing we can do in ourselves to keep our salvation. Since salvation is from Christ alone, only remaining in Christ will salvation be found. It is one's relationship with Christ or to use the theological term, it is being "in Christ" that saves someone from the wrath and justice of God. And then remaining "in Christ" alone is where salvation is found. And being "in Christ" is an act that Christ and God do together by imputing Christ onto the individual. Being "in Christ" means that from the moment of imputation on, God the Father looks at the individual as if they are Christ alone. So to proclaim Solus Christus is to proclaim that the person is "in Christ" alone and they are viewed by God as "Christ alone".
And thirdly, Solus Christus is a declaration that we truly are never bearing any fruit on our own or that any fruit we bear is truly any fruit of us. Since salvation is in Christ alone and being secure for all eternity is in Christ alone, fruitfulness is ultimately only in Christ alone. And that implies it is and always will be Christ bear His fruit in us. This means that we are to remain faithful, affectionate, attached, and desiring Christ alone. And as we remain faithful, Christ will bear His fruit in us for the glory of His Father. That is when the Father can look down on us, as His Son, and proclaim, "well done, good and faithful servant". The fruit we bear after salvation comes through Christ alone, is really and truly only Christ fruit alone to bear.
So working through those three critical points, brings us face to face with the truth that we wrestle just as much with "Solus Chritus", as we do with the other four solas of the Reformation. But to understand that salvation is by the grace of God alone to those whom He implants the faith alone for salivation, must bring us to the reality that then salvation must only be totally in Christ alone. Salvation from the very beginning, from before time began, when the Father, the Son, and Spirit, made the covenant together to redeem a people, was only in Christ. And until the end of time, when the covenant of redemption is realized for all eternity and beyond, salvation will be in Christ alone. Yes it is the plan of the Father realized and applied by the Spirit. But salvation alone comes through the Son alone to those whom God has chosen alone, is a beautiful truth that must bring us comfort. To know that broken, fallen, weak, limited humans have no part in accomplishing their salvation (except to believe) must bring comfort to those broken, fallen, weak, limited humans in need of a Savior alone. We must proclaim now and for all eternity, with great joy, that salvation comes from the grace of God alone to those who have faith alone all though Christ alone for the glory of God alone and only told to us in Scripture alone.
"There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ".
2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold the new has come".
2 Timothy 2:10
"Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory".
Salvation is in Christ alone. Solus Christus means simply that; salvation comes through Christ alone, is only found in Christ alone, and is only accomplished by Christ alone. Of the 5 Solas of the Reformation, this is the one that almost all Protestant Evangelicals agree on. Anyone who attends a church, even a liberal free-styling or legalistic bound church will at some point say that salvation comes from Jesus. So we all agree that salvation comes from Christ. The hang up with most people is the alone factor. Yes, we will admit that salvation is only possible because of Jesus. We will sing every Sunday that our saving faith rest on Jesus. And we will even give to the work of the spreading of the good news of Jesus. But when the rubber meets the road, we truly will wrestle and deny many times that it is Christ alone that accomplishes, brings, and has salvation alone.
First, understanding that salvation is accomplished by Christ alone, means that the only thing we personally bring to our salvation is the sin nature that condemned Christ on the Cross. There is nothing we can do to save ourselves. There is nothing we bring to God's saving of us. In fact, there is no reason what so ever inside anyone that should merit the salvation that is found in Christ. When we proclaim solus christus, we are proclaiming that salvation is accomplished by Christ alone and then is given freely as a gift to whomever God and Christ chose to give it to. And that is why Paul can proclaim he endures everything, just so the message that salvation is Christ can be proclaimed and then change, through those words, those whom receive the gift.
Second, to proclaim Solus Christ is to proclaim that there is nothing we can do in ourselves to keep our salvation. Since salvation is from Christ alone, only remaining in Christ will salvation be found. It is one's relationship with Christ or to use the theological term, it is being "in Christ" that saves someone from the wrath and justice of God. And then remaining "in Christ" alone is where salvation is found. And being "in Christ" is an act that Christ and God do together by imputing Christ onto the individual. Being "in Christ" means that from the moment of imputation on, God the Father looks at the individual as if they are Christ alone. So to proclaim Solus Christus is to proclaim that the person is "in Christ" alone and they are viewed by God as "Christ alone".
And thirdly, Solus Christus is a declaration that we truly are never bearing any fruit on our own or that any fruit we bear is truly any fruit of us. Since salvation is in Christ alone and being secure for all eternity is in Christ alone, fruitfulness is ultimately only in Christ alone. And that implies it is and always will be Christ bear His fruit in us. This means that we are to remain faithful, affectionate, attached, and desiring Christ alone. And as we remain faithful, Christ will bear His fruit in us for the glory of His Father. That is when the Father can look down on us, as His Son, and proclaim, "well done, good and faithful servant". The fruit we bear after salvation comes through Christ alone, is really and truly only Christ fruit alone to bear.
So working through those three critical points, brings us face to face with the truth that we wrestle just as much with "Solus Chritus", as we do with the other four solas of the Reformation. But to understand that salvation is by the grace of God alone to those whom He implants the faith alone for salivation, must bring us to the reality that then salvation must only be totally in Christ alone. Salvation from the very beginning, from before time began, when the Father, the Son, and Spirit, made the covenant together to redeem a people, was only in Christ. And until the end of time, when the covenant of redemption is realized for all eternity and beyond, salvation will be in Christ alone. Yes it is the plan of the Father realized and applied by the Spirit. But salvation alone comes through the Son alone to those whom God has chosen alone, is a beautiful truth that must bring us comfort. To know that broken, fallen, weak, limited humans have no part in accomplishing their salvation (except to believe) must bring comfort to those broken, fallen, weak, limited humans in need of a Savior alone. We must proclaim now and for all eternity, with great joy, that salvation comes from the grace of God alone to those who have faith alone all though Christ alone for the glory of God alone and only told to us in Scripture alone.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Sola Fide
Philippians 3:9
"and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith".
Galatians 2:16
"yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but though faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, becasue by works of the law no one will be justified".
Romans 5:1
"Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ".
Salvation comes through faith alone. Not only did the Reformers confront and challenge the issue of grace or the absence of grace in the church, they also very much challenged the notion that it is more than faith alone that brings salvation. 500 years ago, faith was very absent from the doctrine of the church. People could work their way to heaven, buy their way out of hell, and do enough good to please God on their very own. Sola Fide came to challenge every single aspect of that notion. Salvation only comes to those who have faith. Even more importantly faith is not a reason someone is saved, faith just makes a way for God to extend salvation and save a person. Faith is like a conduit for God to extend a hand down and save a person by justifying them in the life and death of His Son Jesus. Yesterday's verses, along with the verses given above show the truth that salvation comes to a person through faith alone.
First, there is nothing a man can do on His own to be justified or saved. Justification is another layer of the doctrine of salvation. Justification means that God declares a person right before Him, justifies Him in His presence, and once more, through this simple declaration and act by God, a person is brought peace with God. For a person to be justified by God, they must have faith. And when a person simply has faith in God as a promise keeping God, God then can extend His legal and spiritual declaration upon the person and declare them right and make them righteous in His sight.
Second, once a person has been declared right and justified by God, the Bible is also very clear that He will never undeclare that person to be right or justified. When God saves someone He seals them and preserves them. The Bible is very clear from Genesis 3 all the way through Revelation 22, that once God declares something about someone, that declaration never goes away. So when someone is justified before God, they will, for all eternity, be justified before Him. And since faith is what gives God the declaring ability, once a person has faith in God, they will always have faith in God. Yes, sometimes a faith strains and weakens. But once a person has faith, if they truly had faith to begin with, they will always have faith in God.
Third, faith does not come from a person, but is given to the person by God. Augustine said it rightly, "what God requires of man, He always gives man". And as Ephesians 2, Romans 12, and many other places, both Old and New Testament show, faith is given to a person from God. Without God first working in the life and heart of a person, they will never have faith on their own. This means that God will always act first in the person by bringing them to life and planting a faith in Him, into their heart. And as I have already shown, once a person has faith, given to them by God, God will then extend His legal hand of justification and save the person and reconcile them to Himself. So faith alone not only teaches that faith is the only way God justifies, but faith also comes from God alone.
So the declaration of Sola Fide is huge for the salvation of souls. Faith alone brings the salvation of God; not works, not goodness, not anything. But the faith that saves alone is first a gift from God alone and second never alone itself. The book of James is all about the faith that God gives to a person is never alone, in that it always is partnered with visible fruit. But the fruit is not what saves, faith alone is what saves. So Sola Fide is a very comforting truth in that God gives us the gift of faith to start and then justifies us by the faith He has just given us alone. And since salvation is by grace from God alone, we can rest assured in the faith that saves is from God alone and in His wisdom He chose to start and complete the work of saving us, in spite of the depraved condemned guilty state we were born in. Salvation is by the grace of God alone through the faith in God alone all done by the work of Christ alone only told in the Scripture alone and all for the glory of God alone. What a great comfort it is to know that in God's plan alone, He chose us to be a part of it. This strengthens our faith alone.
"and be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith".
Galatians 2:16
"yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but though faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, becasue by works of the law no one will be justified".
Romans 5:1
"Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ".
Salvation comes through faith alone. Not only did the Reformers confront and challenge the issue of grace or the absence of grace in the church, they also very much challenged the notion that it is more than faith alone that brings salvation. 500 years ago, faith was very absent from the doctrine of the church. People could work their way to heaven, buy their way out of hell, and do enough good to please God on their very own. Sola Fide came to challenge every single aspect of that notion. Salvation only comes to those who have faith. Even more importantly faith is not a reason someone is saved, faith just makes a way for God to extend salvation and save a person. Faith is like a conduit for God to extend a hand down and save a person by justifying them in the life and death of His Son Jesus. Yesterday's verses, along with the verses given above show the truth that salvation comes to a person through faith alone.
First, there is nothing a man can do on His own to be justified or saved. Justification is another layer of the doctrine of salvation. Justification means that God declares a person right before Him, justifies Him in His presence, and once more, through this simple declaration and act by God, a person is brought peace with God. For a person to be justified by God, they must have faith. And when a person simply has faith in God as a promise keeping God, God then can extend His legal and spiritual declaration upon the person and declare them right and make them righteous in His sight.
Second, once a person has been declared right and justified by God, the Bible is also very clear that He will never undeclare that person to be right or justified. When God saves someone He seals them and preserves them. The Bible is very clear from Genesis 3 all the way through Revelation 22, that once God declares something about someone, that declaration never goes away. So when someone is justified before God, they will, for all eternity, be justified before Him. And since faith is what gives God the declaring ability, once a person has faith in God, they will always have faith in God. Yes, sometimes a faith strains and weakens. But once a person has faith, if they truly had faith to begin with, they will always have faith in God.
Third, faith does not come from a person, but is given to the person by God. Augustine said it rightly, "what God requires of man, He always gives man". And as Ephesians 2, Romans 12, and many other places, both Old and New Testament show, faith is given to a person from God. Without God first working in the life and heart of a person, they will never have faith on their own. This means that God will always act first in the person by bringing them to life and planting a faith in Him, into their heart. And as I have already shown, once a person has faith, given to them by God, God will then extend His legal hand of justification and save the person and reconcile them to Himself. So faith alone not only teaches that faith is the only way God justifies, but faith also comes from God alone.
So the declaration of Sola Fide is huge for the salvation of souls. Faith alone brings the salvation of God; not works, not goodness, not anything. But the faith that saves alone is first a gift from God alone and second never alone itself. The book of James is all about the faith that God gives to a person is never alone, in that it always is partnered with visible fruit. But the fruit is not what saves, faith alone is what saves. So Sola Fide is a very comforting truth in that God gives us the gift of faith to start and then justifies us by the faith He has just given us alone. And since salvation is by grace from God alone, we can rest assured in the faith that saves is from God alone and in His wisdom He chose to start and complete the work of saving us, in spite of the depraved condemned guilty state we were born in. Salvation is by the grace of God alone through the faith in God alone all done by the work of Christ alone only told in the Scripture alone and all for the glory of God alone. What a great comfort it is to know that in God's plan alone, He chose us to be a part of it. This strengthens our faith alone.
Monday, January 23, 2017
Sola Gratia
Ephesians 2:8
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God,"
2 Thessalonians 2:16
"Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort, and good hope through grace,"
Titus 3:7
"so that being justified by His grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life,"
Salvation is by grace alone. These three verses are just a few examples of many that teach it is the grace of God that brings us anything we have, especially the salvation unto eternal life and comfort with Him. Salvation comes to the people of God through His grace alone. This is what the Latin phrase, "Sola Gratia" means. There is no other way that salvation comes from God to His people, except through His extended hand of grace. There is no merit, qualification, or reasons that people should be saved except for the very grace of God being extended to them. And without the grace of God being extended to people, they will never experience salvation and instead face the perfect justice of God.
First, there is no merit, qualification, or reason that God hands grace to His people. If there was a merit that a person could achieve to get grace, then it is no longer an act of grace, but an act of something that person deserves. For example, if I earn an A in my current class, then receiving an A is not grace but what I rightly deserve. If there was a qualification, say for example, good works, then again, it is no longer the grace of God that is being bestowed, but something that the person has earned and achieved on their own and God is simply giving to the person what they deserve. And lastly, there is no reason that a person is given the grace of God except the fact that it is the grace of God. If there was a reason inside a person that they should be given grace, then lastly again, it is no longer grace. Grace is simply unmerited favor of God being bestowed on the person. Grace will always be unmerited, undeserved, and have no reason in the person, That is why grace and salvation are a gift from God.
Second, there are only two choices and actions that a person will receive from God. Every single human being will either receive what they deserve from God or they will receive grace from God. That is it. There is no third or fourth choice in how God will interact with a person. For all eternity to come a person either receives what they deserve from God or they will receive grace from God. And what does a person deserve from God? Every single person who was ever conceived (except Christ alone) deserves the justice of God. And what is the justice of God? The justice of God is God being satisfied in payment for the sin nature and sins that are inside each and every person. And how is the justice of God bestowed on a person? The justice of God is met in a person by them bearing the wrath and judgement of God, which is done in eternity by being place in the real place called hell. So a person has only two results in this life, either they receive what they are due, which is the justice of God being poured out on them in wrath or they receive the grace of God. That is its. It is really simple, yet very hard to think through. it is either justice or grace. And grace will never be grace without justice in place already.
Third, the love of God does not save people without the grace of God overshadowing and running through it. I love my children, but there are times they deserve the punishment for what they do. So even in my love for my children, they get what they deserve becasue I love God above all and true love has to be met even in the judgment I bestow as a parent. God can love us, every single one of us. Which He does. But God loves Himself above all and to the highest degree. And since God loves Himself first and foremost every single person must meet His demands and the justice of God must be met. That means without the grace of God (in that Christ met the demands of God for His sheep) love is not enough to save. It is grace alone that bring salvation to His people.
So in closing, Sola Gratia means that it is the grace of God alone that saves. It is God in His grace giving the gift of His Son's imputed life and death to those whom He chooses to show grace to. God's love is the glue that keeps this all together, but it is the grace of God alone which will bring about, from the very beginning to the very end, His plan to save His people. God is a gracious God and without His grace, everyone is damned to Hell for what they rightly deserve. But God is grace and in that grace alone, salvation can come to me and anyone else that have faith in Christ alone for the glory of God alone told by Scripture alone. Oh what a glorious and gracious God we love and serve in that He showed me His unmerited favor in grace to save me from what I deserve. Thank you Lord for your grace shown to me.
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God,"
2 Thessalonians 2:16
"Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort, and good hope through grace,"
Titus 3:7
"so that being justified by His grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life,"
Salvation is by grace alone. These three verses are just a few examples of many that teach it is the grace of God that brings us anything we have, especially the salvation unto eternal life and comfort with Him. Salvation comes to the people of God through His grace alone. This is what the Latin phrase, "Sola Gratia" means. There is no other way that salvation comes from God to His people, except through His extended hand of grace. There is no merit, qualification, or reasons that people should be saved except for the very grace of God being extended to them. And without the grace of God being extended to people, they will never experience salvation and instead face the perfect justice of God.
First, there is no merit, qualification, or reason that God hands grace to His people. If there was a merit that a person could achieve to get grace, then it is no longer an act of grace, but an act of something that person deserves. For example, if I earn an A in my current class, then receiving an A is not grace but what I rightly deserve. If there was a qualification, say for example, good works, then again, it is no longer the grace of God that is being bestowed, but something that the person has earned and achieved on their own and God is simply giving to the person what they deserve. And lastly, there is no reason that a person is given the grace of God except the fact that it is the grace of God. If there was a reason inside a person that they should be given grace, then lastly again, it is no longer grace. Grace is simply unmerited favor of God being bestowed on the person. Grace will always be unmerited, undeserved, and have no reason in the person, That is why grace and salvation are a gift from God.
Second, there are only two choices and actions that a person will receive from God. Every single human being will either receive what they deserve from God or they will receive grace from God. That is it. There is no third or fourth choice in how God will interact with a person. For all eternity to come a person either receives what they deserve from God or they will receive grace from God. And what does a person deserve from God? Every single person who was ever conceived (except Christ alone) deserves the justice of God. And what is the justice of God? The justice of God is God being satisfied in payment for the sin nature and sins that are inside each and every person. And how is the justice of God bestowed on a person? The justice of God is met in a person by them bearing the wrath and judgement of God, which is done in eternity by being place in the real place called hell. So a person has only two results in this life, either they receive what they are due, which is the justice of God being poured out on them in wrath or they receive the grace of God. That is its. It is really simple, yet very hard to think through. it is either justice or grace. And grace will never be grace without justice in place already.
Third, the love of God does not save people without the grace of God overshadowing and running through it. I love my children, but there are times they deserve the punishment for what they do. So even in my love for my children, they get what they deserve becasue I love God above all and true love has to be met even in the judgment I bestow as a parent. God can love us, every single one of us. Which He does. But God loves Himself above all and to the highest degree. And since God loves Himself first and foremost every single person must meet His demands and the justice of God must be met. That means without the grace of God (in that Christ met the demands of God for His sheep) love is not enough to save. It is grace alone that bring salvation to His people.
So in closing, Sola Gratia means that it is the grace of God alone that saves. It is God in His grace giving the gift of His Son's imputed life and death to those whom He chooses to show grace to. God's love is the glue that keeps this all together, but it is the grace of God alone which will bring about, from the very beginning to the very end, His plan to save His people. God is a gracious God and without His grace, everyone is damned to Hell for what they rightly deserve. But God is grace and in that grace alone, salvation can come to me and anyone else that have faith in Christ alone for the glory of God alone told by Scripture alone. Oh what a glorious and gracious God we love and serve in that He showed me His unmerited favor in grace to save me from what I deserve. Thank you Lord for your grace shown to me.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
The 5 Solas
This week I have been writing about certain Latin phrase that came out of the Reformation. These phrases were used by the Reformers, given to the Reformers, and drive home the importance of what the Reformers were all about. This week so far I have written a little on; Coram Deo, Post Tenebras Lux, and Semper Reformada. Today I am going to write a little bit on the 5 Solas or the 5 Sola phrases that came out of the Reformation and were used by the Reformers to be clear what they stood for. Today I am going to write a little about each, but Lord willing, I hope to write a post on each off the 5 Solas in the coming weeks.
The 5 Solas- Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solas Christus, Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Scriptura
So what are these 5 Solas? First, the Latin word "Sola" means alone. The Latin word "Sola" does not sound like the English word alone, but never the less, it means alone, only, or that singular thing. So when the word "Sola" is linked to the other Latin words, it means that in particular that item is the only way, only one, or in that item, person, or action alone, something comes. So, lets look at each Sola individually and this will make sense.
Sola Gratia
This phrase means Grace alone. Salvation is by grace from God alone. This is where the first of the 5 Solas begins. Salvation is found only in the grace of God, comes only from the grace of God, and is only a grace of God action, alone. This phrase keeps clear that it is grace alone where salvation from God is rooted.
Sola Fide
This phrase means faith alone. Not only is salvation from the grace of God alone, but it is only to those who posses faith alone. Nothing else a man needs for salvation. Faith alone in a man is where salvation can rest. Faith in God's promises is where salvation rest, alone.
Solas Christus
This phrase we can probably figure out by knowing the first two of the Solas. This phrase means in Christ alone. Not only is salvation from the grace of God alone in faith alone, but it is also only through Christ alone and Christ life and death, alone. Salvation only comes through Christ alone to those who are in Christ alone.
Soli Deo Gloria
Simply put, all of the above Solas are done for the glory of God alone. This Sola is the crux of the matter. God saves for His glory alone. He saves through Christ alone for His glory alone. He saves in faith alone for His glory alone. And lastly His grace alone is for His glory alone. God's glory alone is where every single thing and second is found.
Sola Scripture
This Sola is the dearest and nearest to my heart. We know all about the grace of God, the faith needed, Christ our Savior, and God's glory alone only through Scripture alone. The Bible is the only way we know God, know salvation, know Christ, and know obedience. Without the Bible every single human is lost. It is only from Scripture alone that we have anything.
So these are the 5 Solas. These phrase are critical not only to understanding the Reformers and the Reformation, but they are also critical to understanding right doctrine and right theology. And that is why I love them and cherish them in my memory. These 5 Solas keep the faith right, the truth pure, and the obedience of a Christian going. The Reformers and most solid theologians since, have used these 5 Solas to drive who and what they are. These 5 Solas are what drive me. They drive me to love my wife, raise my children, preach the Gospel to my church, and reach the lost with the good news of; salvation is grace alone in faith alone through Christ alone for the glory of God alone made know in Scripture alone.
The 5 Solas- Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solas Christus, Soli Deo Gloria, Sola Scriptura
So what are these 5 Solas? First, the Latin word "Sola" means alone. The Latin word "Sola" does not sound like the English word alone, but never the less, it means alone, only, or that singular thing. So when the word "Sola" is linked to the other Latin words, it means that in particular that item is the only way, only one, or in that item, person, or action alone, something comes. So, lets look at each Sola individually and this will make sense.
Sola Gratia
This phrase means Grace alone. Salvation is by grace from God alone. This is where the first of the 5 Solas begins. Salvation is found only in the grace of God, comes only from the grace of God, and is only a grace of God action, alone. This phrase keeps clear that it is grace alone where salvation from God is rooted.
Sola Fide
This phrase means faith alone. Not only is salvation from the grace of God alone, but it is only to those who posses faith alone. Nothing else a man needs for salvation. Faith alone in a man is where salvation can rest. Faith in God's promises is where salvation rest, alone.
Solas Christus
This phrase we can probably figure out by knowing the first two of the Solas. This phrase means in Christ alone. Not only is salvation from the grace of God alone in faith alone, but it is also only through Christ alone and Christ life and death, alone. Salvation only comes through Christ alone to those who are in Christ alone.
Soli Deo Gloria
Simply put, all of the above Solas are done for the glory of God alone. This Sola is the crux of the matter. God saves for His glory alone. He saves through Christ alone for His glory alone. He saves in faith alone for His glory alone. And lastly His grace alone is for His glory alone. God's glory alone is where every single thing and second is found.
Sola Scripture
This Sola is the dearest and nearest to my heart. We know all about the grace of God, the faith needed, Christ our Savior, and God's glory alone only through Scripture alone. The Bible is the only way we know God, know salvation, know Christ, and know obedience. Without the Bible every single human is lost. It is only from Scripture alone that we have anything.
So these are the 5 Solas. These phrase are critical not only to understanding the Reformers and the Reformation, but they are also critical to understanding right doctrine and right theology. And that is why I love them and cherish them in my memory. These 5 Solas keep the faith right, the truth pure, and the obedience of a Christian going. The Reformers and most solid theologians since, have used these 5 Solas to drive who and what they are. These 5 Solas are what drive me. They drive me to love my wife, raise my children, preach the Gospel to my church, and reach the lost with the good news of; salvation is grace alone in faith alone through Christ alone for the glory of God alone made know in Scripture alone.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Semper Reformanda
This week I have been writing a series of posts on important Latin phrases that came out of the Reformation. This week we have already looked at, Coram Deo and Post Tenebras Lux. Today I want to work through the Latin phrase Semper Reformanda.
Semper Reformanda
This Latin phrase is different than any of the other Latin phrases that I am looking at this week, becasue this phrase did not arise during the Reformation until much later than the other phrases. The 5 Sola's, Coram Deo, and even Post Tenebras Lux can be found early in the writing and sermons of the Reformers. But the Latin phrase Semper Reformanda did not come until a few years and even a decade or so had passed since the beginning of the Reformation. But this phrase is no less important than any of the other phrases that were used. Semper in Latin simply means always. We might know the Latin Semper from other phrases like Semper Fi. But when this Latin word is used, it is understood to be translated as always, continually, and never ceasing. The other Latin word, Reformanda, simply means reforming. As you can guess by how the Latin words looks, this word simply means reforming or fixing or adjusting. This word before it was linked to this phrase was given to the Reformers by the Reformers themselves becasue that is what they were. Luther and the rest were not church abolishers or church killers. Luther and the rest were simply calling for reform in the church or more importantly they were calling for the church to reform or adjust itself back to right Biblical truth and doctrine, especially the right doctrine of salvation. So the Reformers called themselves reformers or the noun form of this Latin word, Reformanda.
Semper Reformanda simply means when combined together, "always reforming". I love this phrase and so did the Reformers becasue it brought with it the truth that a right church, a holy church, is always being reformed back to the Word of God by the Spirit of God. Because we are fallen sinful humans from conception, we are always traveling down the slipper slop, the pain of destruction, and even the way of compromises, whether we will admit it or not. Even Christian tend to compromise and adjust to the wrong or negative, if they are left to their own devices. But becasue God gave us His Word and we now have the Holy Spirit, we must be a people who are always reforming ourselves to the Word by the work of the Spirit. The Reformers understood that reformation must be taking place in the church continuously. And this through many times was linked to Romans 12:1, where God is calling His people to be transformed by the renewing, readjusting, and sanctifying of the mind through the Word. So just like the Reformers used Semper Reformanda, the church today must also use this important Latin phrase to always be reforming, always going back to the Word, and always be in a growing sanctifying relationship with the one who saves. I hope at the end of the day, I can say about my life and the churches that I have lead, Semper Reformanda!
Semper Reformanda
This Latin phrase is different than any of the other Latin phrases that I am looking at this week, becasue this phrase did not arise during the Reformation until much later than the other phrases. The 5 Sola's, Coram Deo, and even Post Tenebras Lux can be found early in the writing and sermons of the Reformers. But the Latin phrase Semper Reformanda did not come until a few years and even a decade or so had passed since the beginning of the Reformation. But this phrase is no less important than any of the other phrases that were used. Semper in Latin simply means always. We might know the Latin Semper from other phrases like Semper Fi. But when this Latin word is used, it is understood to be translated as always, continually, and never ceasing. The other Latin word, Reformanda, simply means reforming. As you can guess by how the Latin words looks, this word simply means reforming or fixing or adjusting. This word before it was linked to this phrase was given to the Reformers by the Reformers themselves becasue that is what they were. Luther and the rest were not church abolishers or church killers. Luther and the rest were simply calling for reform in the church or more importantly they were calling for the church to reform or adjust itself back to right Biblical truth and doctrine, especially the right doctrine of salvation. So the Reformers called themselves reformers or the noun form of this Latin word, Reformanda.
Semper Reformanda simply means when combined together, "always reforming". I love this phrase and so did the Reformers becasue it brought with it the truth that a right church, a holy church, is always being reformed back to the Word of God by the Spirit of God. Because we are fallen sinful humans from conception, we are always traveling down the slipper slop, the pain of destruction, and even the way of compromises, whether we will admit it or not. Even Christian tend to compromise and adjust to the wrong or negative, if they are left to their own devices. But becasue God gave us His Word and we now have the Holy Spirit, we must be a people who are always reforming ourselves to the Word by the work of the Spirit. The Reformers understood that reformation must be taking place in the church continuously. And this through many times was linked to Romans 12:1, where God is calling His people to be transformed by the renewing, readjusting, and sanctifying of the mind through the Word. So just like the Reformers used Semper Reformanda, the church today must also use this important Latin phrase to always be reforming, always going back to the Word, and always be in a growing sanctifying relationship with the one who saves. I hope at the end of the day, I can say about my life and the churches that I have lead, Semper Reformanda!
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Post Tenebras Lux
This weeks posts, I am working through important Latin phrases that the Reformers used to drive home Biblical truth in the face of heresy. Yesterday I worked through the phrase, Coram Deo. That phrase means, "living before the face of God". Today I want to work through the Latin phrase, Post Tenebras Lux. Again, these are Latin words that the reformers put together into a phrase that they would use to pass along Biblical truth.
Post Tenebras Lux
First, unlike Coram Deo, this 3 word phrase, when translated into English remains only 3 words. But the difference from Coram Deo is that in this phrase when translated into English does not reorder the words. Post in Latin is where we get our word post, in the sense of after or coming after another thing or action. The word post in Latin means after. The Latin word Tenebras means darkness. The Latin word Lux means light. So in Latin this word order would be read as after darkness light. And the Reformers used this same exact Latin word order to mean exactly what they wanted to say. They sued this phrase to drive home the point they were bringing light after the darkness that had been residing in the church for over 1000 years. The reformers had this phrase as a battle cry, a war cry on heresy, and a motivational phrase with one another to make it clear they were Gospel ministers of light. Luther, Calvin, Knox, and the rest understood that before the stance they brought against the Church, there was only darkness. Darkness in the church. Darkness in the world. And darkness in the souls of people. And they also understood that they were bringing light into the dark world, light into the church, and light once more into the souls of men. So they would cry, Post Tenebras Lux.
But Post Tenebras Lux was not just a battle cry by the reformers, it is also a phrase that we use 500 years later to describe the truth that they brought with their Biblical stance. Justification by faith alone, assurance of the believer, Scripture and Jesus alone, faith alone, and the doctrines of grace, are all the light that the Reformers brought back into the world. These are all Biblical truths that for over 1000 years were lost and the darkness hid from view of most people. But the light of salvation from God alone, is what this phrase can stand for. The truth that salvation is only God justifying a person. The truth that God only justifies a person based on their faith alone. The truth that faith only comes to a person when God gives it to them first as a gift. The truth that God chose to give the gift of faith to certain people. And the truth that this is all found only in Christ alone and His eternal plan with the Father to save the sheep. These truths that the Bible alone makes clear, are all truths of light that this phrase points too. So I love the phrase Post Tenebras Lux becasue it first reminds me of the courage, confidence, and convictions of men I owe my understanding to, men like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Knox. I also love this phrase becasue it points me back to the truths of Scripture that were lost for centuries and that are still lost on most people in the world today, and sadly even those in the church, even those who listen to me every Sunday. God chooses to bring light after darkness becasue He is God, so I simply respond with gratitude and obedience to the light that God brings. Post Tenebras Lux
Post Tenebras Lux
First, unlike Coram Deo, this 3 word phrase, when translated into English remains only 3 words. But the difference from Coram Deo is that in this phrase when translated into English does not reorder the words. Post in Latin is where we get our word post, in the sense of after or coming after another thing or action. The word post in Latin means after. The Latin word Tenebras means darkness. The Latin word Lux means light. So in Latin this word order would be read as after darkness light. And the Reformers used this same exact Latin word order to mean exactly what they wanted to say. They sued this phrase to drive home the point they were bringing light after the darkness that had been residing in the church for over 1000 years. The reformers had this phrase as a battle cry, a war cry on heresy, and a motivational phrase with one another to make it clear they were Gospel ministers of light. Luther, Calvin, Knox, and the rest understood that before the stance they brought against the Church, there was only darkness. Darkness in the church. Darkness in the world. And darkness in the souls of people. And they also understood that they were bringing light into the dark world, light into the church, and light once more into the souls of men. So they would cry, Post Tenebras Lux.
But Post Tenebras Lux was not just a battle cry by the reformers, it is also a phrase that we use 500 years later to describe the truth that they brought with their Biblical stance. Justification by faith alone, assurance of the believer, Scripture and Jesus alone, faith alone, and the doctrines of grace, are all the light that the Reformers brought back into the world. These are all Biblical truths that for over 1000 years were lost and the darkness hid from view of most people. But the light of salvation from God alone, is what this phrase can stand for. The truth that salvation is only God justifying a person. The truth that God only justifies a person based on their faith alone. The truth that faith only comes to a person when God gives it to them first as a gift. The truth that God chose to give the gift of faith to certain people. And the truth that this is all found only in Christ alone and His eternal plan with the Father to save the sheep. These truths that the Bible alone makes clear, are all truths of light that this phrase points too. So I love the phrase Post Tenebras Lux becasue it first reminds me of the courage, confidence, and convictions of men I owe my understanding to, men like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Knox. I also love this phrase becasue it points me back to the truths of Scripture that were lost for centuries and that are still lost on most people in the world today, and sadly even those in the church, even those who listen to me every Sunday. God chooses to bring light after darkness becasue He is God, so I simply respond with gratitude and obedience to the light that God brings. Post Tenebras Lux
Monday, January 16, 2017
Coram Deo
One of the things that I love, that came out of the Reformation, is the simple Latin phrases that impart Biblical truth. So during this week, I want to write a little about some of these phrases, the importance of them, and why they are helpful and truthful. Today I want to work through the Latin phrase, Coram deo.
Coram Deo
This is a two word Latin phrase that when it is translated into English, is understood in a five word sentence. Each of these Latin words means something specific, but the Reformers turned these two words into a slogan or writing phraseology that meant more than the sum of the parts. The word coram in Latin means "in physical presence of". This word in Latin was used to describe a setting where a person or thing was in the physical or visible presence of someone or something else. Coram could be used in multiple ways. For example, the horse is in the coram of the barn or the soldier was in the coram of the fort or I am in the coram of the King. This word brought with it a physical and very visibly real presence of something. The word deo (which you sing in a few hymns) is the Latin word for sovereign God. Latin only has really 2 words for God, and the word deo is the word that brings power, glory, and ultimate, to the term of God. So a person would use the word deo to describe the Creator, Sustainer, and Savior of all life. So to combine these two words together, it would read in a strait translation, in the presence of God.
But the Reformers took this simple translated thought and turned it into the phrase that brought with it, "before the face of God". Now, yes this is not a direct translation, but think for a moment of the truth of what the Reformers meant. If a person is in the presence of God, then they would also be before God, like standing before His throne. And if a person was standing before the throne of God, then they would also be visible to God through His eyes and face. So to use these two Latin words to indicate the theological truth that someone is before the face of God, is not a stretch at all. And to bring the weight of the truth that someone is before the very face of God, means that God is not only seeing everything that is happening before Him, but He is also hearing it, smelling it, tasting it, and is able to talk back to the person. And this point, is the first important aspect the Reformers wanted to establish.
But the Reformers also used Coram Deo to drive home the point that everything a person does, says, thinks, and feels, is before the very face of God continuously. Coram Deo was used to bring the weight of the theological truth that God sees all, hears all, smells all, and is always able and always is talking to us (we will discover later this week how God is always talking to us). So when this simple two word Latin phrase was used it was being used to stress a life that was always being lived before the face of God and God was always in the know if everything of this life. And that is why I love this phrase. The Bible makes this phrase true. Every single person has, is, and will always be living their lives and every second of their lives, in the very real presence of God. Because He is God and we are not!
Coram Deo
This is a two word Latin phrase that when it is translated into English, is understood in a five word sentence. Each of these Latin words means something specific, but the Reformers turned these two words into a slogan or writing phraseology that meant more than the sum of the parts. The word coram in Latin means "in physical presence of". This word in Latin was used to describe a setting where a person or thing was in the physical or visible presence of someone or something else. Coram could be used in multiple ways. For example, the horse is in the coram of the barn or the soldier was in the coram of the fort or I am in the coram of the King. This word brought with it a physical and very visibly real presence of something. The word deo (which you sing in a few hymns) is the Latin word for sovereign God. Latin only has really 2 words for God, and the word deo is the word that brings power, glory, and ultimate, to the term of God. So a person would use the word deo to describe the Creator, Sustainer, and Savior of all life. So to combine these two words together, it would read in a strait translation, in the presence of God.
But the Reformers took this simple translated thought and turned it into the phrase that brought with it, "before the face of God". Now, yes this is not a direct translation, but think for a moment of the truth of what the Reformers meant. If a person is in the presence of God, then they would also be before God, like standing before His throne. And if a person was standing before the throne of God, then they would also be visible to God through His eyes and face. So to use these two Latin words to indicate the theological truth that someone is before the face of God, is not a stretch at all. And to bring the weight of the truth that someone is before the very face of God, means that God is not only seeing everything that is happening before Him, but He is also hearing it, smelling it, tasting it, and is able to talk back to the person. And this point, is the first important aspect the Reformers wanted to establish.
But the Reformers also used Coram Deo to drive home the point that everything a person does, says, thinks, and feels, is before the very face of God continuously. Coram Deo was used to bring the weight of the theological truth that God sees all, hears all, smells all, and is always able and always is talking to us (we will discover later this week how God is always talking to us). So when this simple two word Latin phrase was used it was being used to stress a life that was always being lived before the face of God and God was always in the know if everything of this life. And that is why I love this phrase. The Bible makes this phrase true. Every single person has, is, and will always be living their lives and every second of their lives, in the very real presence of God. Because He is God and we are not!
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Purpose Statement
Have you ever written a purpose statement? Some of us have written purpose statements for a business we were a part of, a church we were in leadership in, or a organization that we were steering. But have you ever written a purpose statement for your life? Each January, I sit down, very early in the month, and write out a purpose statement for the year ahead. I try to think of my goals for the year, things I want to accomplish in my life, and relationships I have that I want to impact. So at the beginning of every year, for at least the last 5, I have set out on the journey of the new year, with a statement that I have written, that gives me a razor focus for the weeks and months ahead.
But one thing that always informs my yearly purpose statement, is my life purpose statement. 6 years ago, a friend challenged me to write out, not only my testimony of salvation, but also a purpose statement for my life in response to God's salvation of me. So as part of my yearly purpose thoughts, I read over and pray about my life purpose. Some years I have tweaked my life's purpose and other years, the life purpose, informs my year ahead. So the question still remains, have you written out a life purpose statement or even a year purpose statement?
Here is my life purpose statement...
To raise the supremacy of God with my life, I will give Him my talents, passions, gifts, and desire, to inspire those in His kingdom to live lives in tune with His Word and lives of holiness and seek to show His grace and compassion to the sinful world, so that more people will be drawn to Him.
But one thing that always informs my yearly purpose statement, is my life purpose statement. 6 years ago, a friend challenged me to write out, not only my testimony of salvation, but also a purpose statement for my life in response to God's salvation of me. So as part of my yearly purpose thoughts, I read over and pray about my life purpose. Some years I have tweaked my life's purpose and other years, the life purpose, informs my year ahead. So the question still remains, have you written out a life purpose statement or even a year purpose statement?
Here is my life purpose statement...
To raise the supremacy of God with my life, I will give Him my talents, passions, gifts, and desire, to inspire those in His kingdom to live lives in tune with His Word and lives of holiness and seek to show His grace and compassion to the sinful world, so that more people will be drawn to Him.
Monday, January 2, 2017
The New Year
"What God requires, God provides" ~ Augustine
God is the very definition of good. God is the very definition of holy. God is the very definition of power. God is the only definition of sovereign. God is defined as love. God is very gracious. God is the ultimate and highest giver. God is also God, and we are and always will be not God. What God commands, must be done or else it is condemnation. What God desire we must do. And here is the beauty to remember in the year ahead. What God commands, God requires, and God desires to be, God will also provide what is needed to be. Here is a list of a few examples of this Biblical truth coming into play...
God requires faith in a person for Him to save God gives the gift of faith to people
God requires life, spiritual birth for the person to be God makes people alive in Christ
God commands us to abstain from sexual God gives us a covenant spouse
God requires us to make God gives us children, a church, a neighborhood, a workplace
God requires us not to God gives us a way out of every temptation
God requires us to be God gives us a church, family, friends, missionaries and money
God requires us to worship God gives us a heart, will, affections, and passions
God requires us to steward His stuff...So God gives us a brain and logical minds
God requires us to serve in His God places in each of us a spiritual gift
God requires us to know God gave us His written Word
God requires us to study and know Him God gave us His Spirit for illumination
And the list can keep going on and on and on
What God requires of us, He provides for us. What a great, amazing, gracious, and merciful God we have. Lets keep reminding ourselves of this in 2017!
God is the very definition of good. God is the very definition of holy. God is the very definition of power. God is the only definition of sovereign. God is defined as love. God is very gracious. God is the ultimate and highest giver. God is also God, and we are and always will be not God. What God commands, must be done or else it is condemnation. What God desire we must do. And here is the beauty to remember in the year ahead. What God commands, God requires, and God desires to be, God will also provide what is needed to be. Here is a list of a few examples of this Biblical truth coming into play...
God requires faith in a person for Him to save God gives the gift of faith to people
God requires life, spiritual birth for the person to be God makes people alive in Christ
God commands us to abstain from sexual God gives us a covenant spouse
God requires us to make God gives us children, a church, a neighborhood, a workplace
God requires us not to God gives us a way out of every temptation
God requires us to be God gives us a church, family, friends, missionaries and money
God requires us to worship God gives us a heart, will, affections, and passions
God requires us to steward His stuff...So God gives us a brain and logical minds
God requires us to serve in His God places in each of us a spiritual gift
God requires us to know God gave us His written Word
God requires us to study and know Him God gave us His Spirit for illumination
And the list can keep going on and on and on
What God requires of us, He provides for us. What a great, amazing, gracious, and merciful God we have. Lets keep reminding ourselves of this in 2017!
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