Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Methods of growing into the image of Christ

I recently finished reading through a book on Christian discipleship and spiritual growth. This book discussed the many different ways that we as Christian can grow in our godliness and Christ like image. It spent much time talking about Bible reading, prayer life, accountability, evangelizing , and using spiritual gifts in the local church. But this book also pointed out a few areas and actions that Christians can find growth in, that are not normally seen. The book stated that we as Christian can find growth in a few places that we might not expect. We can grow more like Jesus in a few actions that we might not be ready to find growth in. I wanted to think about three of those places that we do not ordinarily look to for help in our Christian growth.

The first place that surprises many Christians in helping produce growth in their life, is ordinary means of grace. Many times it is the simple act that we do in our lives that will produce growth. Most times, as God's children, we tend to think big, broad, and even miraculous for growth. But God more times than not uses the simple actions and activities in life to produce growth. Baptism and the Lord Supper are two of the simple activities and ordinary means of God's grace that will produce growth. When we go through baptism or participate with our local church in communion, growth will be produced and it will produced to the point that we might not even notice it. But as the author states, through our baptism and witnessing continuous others baptism or through the frequent and continuous participation in the Eucharist, God will produce growth into our life. But God also uses other ordinary activities of grace to produce growth. God will use our helping an old lady across the street, a thank you card, a fellowship meal, or even a quiet date with our spouse, to bring growth in our lives. These are all means of God's grace in our lives, and we as God's children, should not only see these things as good gifts from God, but also ways that He will produce growth.

A second way that God brings growth to our lives is through the participating with our local church. This act is simple. We show up for church each and every week. We sing the worship songs to God. We surrender in the act of worship through tithing. And we listen intently as the Word of God is taught. Yes, we are to participate much deeper than this, but in more ways than one, simply showing up each an every week will produce growth in our lives. Making the gathered body of Christ, not only the most important thing in the week, but also the activity that dictates the rest of the week, will bring about growth and a godliness to the life of a Christ lover. We tend to think much deeper at times in searching for growth, but just visibly making God's gathered people first will bring growth. We need to realize this area of growth becasue if we don't, when our "duty" ends for a period, we will miss the opportunities that God wants us to grow by just simply showing up. Our church body growth can be much deeper than just the Sunday service attendance, but it will always start here and go from there. We can't miss the value and growth found in being there for our church body, each and every week.

The final area that will produce growth in our lives for Jesus, that we miss more times than not, is looking to the coming of Jesus. We as Christians in the 21st century, live, post Cross. This means Jesus is right now seated at the right hand of the Father in total control of everything. And one day, God the Father, is going to turn to His Son, and say it is time to gather the body. Then Jesus will return for His bride, in all His glory and revealing, and as they say, "the rest is history". We as Jesus lovers must look towards this day with an anticipation. In looking towards the return of Christ, we will find and produce growth in our lives. We will find the truth that we are aliens in this world. We will see that we are here on a mission in a foreign country. We will produce perseverance and courage in the face of opposition. We will produce a dissatisfied contentment. And this is all growth found in the view of looking forward. Yes, we must be looking to make disciples here and now. But we must also be looking towards the coming of the King. And this view will produce growth in our lives, if we let it.

So these are 3 areas in the life of a Christian that will produce growth, that we might not have thought of. The question now is, do we see and live in these 3 areas to find growth in Christ? Or are we missing so many ways that God will produce growth in our lives, if we let Him?

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