Monday, May 2, 2016

Corporate worship pt. 1

This week I want to write a series of 4 posts about the seriousness of the Sunday Worship gatherings. I am going off the premise that everyone reading this is like me and understand the importance and place that Sunday and specifically the worship service has, in the life of everyone who calls Jesus, Lord of their lives. If Jesus is our King, His Word, His people, and His day are the most important things to us and our life in every other aspect revolves around the Word, His people, and Sunday. So if we understand the seriousness of Sunday and worship, the next question is, what do we do about the seriousness of Sunday Worship? That is the point and question behind this weeks posts.

So if Sunday is the most important day of the week and the worship service is one of, if the most, important event in our week, what can we do about this reality?

The first thing we can do is start early. If Sunday is the most important day in our week the place to begin is setting up the rest of our week to revolve around Sunday. The seriousness with which we come to corporate worship must begin far before we enter the doors of our church on Sunday mornings. We need to seize the rest of the week in anticipation of what Sunday has in story and what Sunday can bring us. We need to make Sunday so important we get ready throughout the week for it by worshiping with our family and spouses in anticipation for Sunday. We need to plan our Saturday events so that Sunday will not be a problem. We need to make clear with others that Sunday is our number 1 thing and that we would be glad to spend time with them as long as Sunday is not effected. Yes, this world does not regard Sunday's anymore with the reverence and the place it deserves. But starting early on our Sunday prep means that we place God and His corporate worship time above even what the world has set down. And when we leave the worship service and gathering on Sunday, we need to already be preparing for the very next week. Are we in the Word search out the passage for next Sunday's service? Are we talking with others about what is to come next Sunday? Does the rest of our family know by our lives that Sunday is more important than all else? And do we invite others to come with us to worship God and meet Him for the very first time?

The Lord of glory is speaking to us and the grace of Christ is being extended to us. And both of these happen every Sunday if we are serious and prepared for it. Do you start early each week getting ready for the coming Sunday?


  1. I have been told many times that going to church on Sunday morning cuts into peoples sleep. I'm sure in years past that I have used that excuse myself. Since God has opened my eyes to the gifts he has given me. I now tell those people (Jesus got nailed to a cross for me, so I guess I can lose a little sleep for him). That may seem kind of funny or even like I'm a smarty pants, but I'm serious when I say it. Jesus really did get nailed to cross for all of us. Attending church as a way of being grateful, should be a simple thing. Also if someone truly does believe in Jesus and the fact that through him we have eternal life. Then I think they would want to go to church on Sunday and every other day of the week, just to enjoy the feeling of knowing that you will live forever. Heck I feel bad when I don't read the bible for several days. Plus I enjoy talking to others at church. I get some interesting conversations on how others think about life with Jesus.

  2. I like your thinking in how Jesus took pain for you soon you can be a little tired for him. That's a great way to look at it.
