Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Questions for Idolatry

If we are truly honest with ourselves, even as lovers of Jesus, we still struggle with idols of the heart and find ourselves many times worshiping something or someone other than Jesus. Every single sin we commit, is a simple act of unbelief in God. Which means that every time we sin, we sin becasue of an idol that has replaced Jesus in our heart. So we need all the help we can get to identify the idols in our hearts. Here is a list of questions I try to ask myself daily, so that I can identify idols that I am currently wrestling with and need to surrender to God.

1. What am I preoccupied with? 
2. What is the first thing on my mind in the morning or the last thing in my mind at night?
3. How would I answer this question, "if only _____, then I would be happy, fulfilled, and secure"? 
4. What do I want to preserve at all cost?
5. What do I want to avoid at all cost?
6. Where do I put my trust?
7. What do I fear?
8. When a certain desire is not met, do I feel frustration, anxiety resentment, bitterness, anger, or depression?
9. Is there something I desire so much that I am willing to disappoint or hurt others in order to have it? 

Walking these questions through your mind daily will help in identifying the idols of the heart. So what idols do you worship beside God? 

1 comment:

  1. All good questions to ask yourself. I find daily prayer helps me with SOME of my idols. However, i have to admit the biggest idol i have wins more than i like. That idol is me!! I want to be done with work. I want more money. Even i ask God to use me it is a matter of ( as long as i like it ). It is about me and not about giving God the glory or about remembering how Jesus served.

    I was talking with a good friend of mine last for many hours actually. To the point my wife called to check me. I was telling him how i was enjoying what God shows me daily. How he is giving me signs. He is changing me. When i left, i thought to myself that i was boasting in me and not boasting God. Makes me think of how far i have to go and that i am the biggest idol in my life..
