Monday, June 9, 2014

The Church and giving

Everything we have including our money, jobs, houses, cars, land, investments, credit, businesses, vacations, food, and any other personal items, are from God (1 Chron. 29:14). That means our entire lives is run and provided for us by God.  Simply put, when we are thinking about tithing, giving our offerings back to God, and the topic of generosity, we are really asking how much of God’s wealth and blessings should I keep for myself. Generosity and tithing is an act of worship to God and is important for members of the church stewarding their gifts that God has given them. The Old Testament law made it clear for God’s people that they were to give over 25 percent away (Number 18:21-29, 27:30, Deut. 12:10-11, 17-18, 14:22-29, Lev. 19:9-10). This giving was not only to the tabernacle and God, but also to the priest and the poor and needy. The New Testament though focuses not on the amount that is give back to God but on the heart and generosity. 2 Corinthians 8-9 lays out some important truths for the church to think about when it comes to generosity and giving back to God what is already His. God children are to give sacrificially because giving to God is about sowing for Him and then reaping for Him. Generosity and giving to God is an act of worship that is a gospel issue. God has given many blessings so that they can make His name great through giving to others and His church. God’s people are not required by the law of the Old Testament to give or tithe back to God, but just like most everything else in the New Covenant, including the grace from God, it is shown to exceed the law standards. Therefore not only should God’s people be giving back to God for the work in His church but they should be starting at 10 percent in generosity and giving above that.

Not only should God’s people be giving generously to God’s mission and those in need, but God’s church should also be giving to missions and the needy. God’s church must be giving first to world missions and seeing the Gospel of Jesus spread to the nations. Second, the church must also be giving to the local missions and reaching the lost in the local community for the name of Jesus. And thirdly, the church must be giving in the mercy missions to the poor and reaching those in need in the local community as well. The church has a responsibility to reach the lost far and wide but also close to home through its giving and generous gifts. The people of God give to the church of God so that the name of God will be spread and His reputation will go forth with great power and love. 

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