Monday, May 12, 2014

Big Thoughts from recent sermon

This past week in the teaching time I took a look at some of the big important theological truths from the mission of Jesus (1 Peter 3:18-22). In this post I wanted to highlight them and try to explain each of them a little, so a better understanding could happen for those who might have been in the service, and also for a reminder of the importance of Jesus mission for those who were not in the service.

Jesus Mission- Jesus came into this life as a baby and lived a full life until his death and then ascension, so that He could deal with the problem of sin and save those sinners who would have faith and love for Him.

Sin- Sin is something we commit that can be called a crime, debt, or enmity. This sin is part of our being since birth and we are totally depraved in our nature, meaning that the sin problem affects everything about us.

Sufficient- Jesus came only once and only had to pay for the sin at one time on the cross. When Jesus was on the cross paying off the debt of sin, he was dealing with the sin at that one moment, where as if we had to pay for our own sin we would have to pay for it in hell for eternity without an end. Hell and our payment for our sin would be eternal.

Redemption- We are in bondage to Sin. Jesus came as our redeemer and paid the ransom for our bondage to sin. Jesus paid our ransom for sin, not to Satan or the world, but Jesus paid the Holy Father for the sin and set us free from the bondage to sin when He died on the cross.

Substitute- We deserve to die as the penalty for our sin. Jesus lived a vicarious life and died a vicarious death, meaning He took our place in living a perfect obedient righteous life and than took our place by dying for the penalty we have for sin.

Reconciliation- We are separated from God because of our sin. So Jesus came into the world on this first mission to set our relationship with the Father in Heaven back strait. Jesus bridge the gap between us and the Father by dying on the cross and paying the debt and fixing the enmity. Jesus also gives us reconciliation each day when we confess and repent, change of mind and direction, of our sin.

Propitiation- We deserve to bear God's wrath for sin. So Jesus came on the mission to bear God's wrath in our place and appease a Holy Righteous Judge. Because Jesus took God's wrath it was removed from us.

Expiation- Jesus in bearing God's wrath and removing it from us, allowed God to remove our sin penalty and never see it again. Jesus allowed God to forget and remove our sin as far as the east is from the west.

Life- After Jesus died on the cross for us, He was raised from the dead and given life. Jesus in this life, gives us hope that we too one day will have a new life when our bodies die and we also can have a new spirit in this life when we turn to Him, which is called regeneration.

Preaching- Jesus came on the mission to preach Himself and the entrance to the kingdom of Heaven into the world. We can join Jesus on this part of His mission when we also preach the good news of Jesus and the entrance of the kingdom of Heaven into this world and the work and power of the Holy Spirit.

Glorification- After Jesus ascended into Heaven, He sat down at the right hand of the Father and completed His first mission. Jesus now rules from on high, is our High Priest pleading to the Father, and is a loving King willing to shower His grace and mercy to us.

We, in response to the mission and work of Jesus, should let Him reign from our hearts as our loving Lord and Savior.

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