John 10:16
"And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd."
So I have been thinking over this verse the last day or so. A few days ago, I looked at the first sentence and a couple of truths I understand from it. "I must bring them also" is what I would like to ponder a little bit now.
The first word is huge in this sentence, I. This means that Jesus is the one who brings in the outside sheep. As we looked at yesterday, there are individuals outside of the fold that Jesus calls sheep. But now Jesus, the shepherd must bring them in. Jesus must bring them in. That means the work of missions or bringing in others to the fold is Jesus job. That struck me in a big way when I started to think about it. I always thought missions was my job. But it is not, it is Jesus job to bring in the others. Jesus must bring them in. When I am talking to others about Jesus and bringing others into the fold, I am working for Jesus. I knew this but I forgot it is Jesus job. Jesus says I must bring them in. Do not forget it is Jesus job and when we help Jesus.
The second word in the clause, "I must bring them also", is must. Jesus must bring them in. Jesus is commanded to bring others into the fold. This is not optional. Must is a strong commanding word and action that will take place. Jesus MUST bring in others. What does that look like? Bringing in others to the fold must take place, by Jesus.
Both of these words say to me that, as an image bearer of Jesus now on the earth I am commanded to bring others in. When the world sees Jesus, they see Him through his sheep, which is me. That means I am what the world will see as Jesus, "I must bring them also". That means it is up to me to bring others into the fold with me and I do not have a choice. I do not have a choice to tell others about my Shepherd, my Savior. I do not have a choice to show in action who my protective Shepherd is. I must bring them also.
When was the last time you said to yourself, I must bring others into the fold with me, because Jesus must bring others in.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Friday, May 30, 2014
Quotable Friday
"Death is ours, it will be given to us- not as a gift we can reject, but as a triumphant gateway to glory."~John Piper
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Love People, Not Evangelism
Watch this 3 minute video and hear the call to love people.
Love People, Not Evangelism : Together for the Gospel
Love People, Not Evangelism : Together for the Gospel
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
When is a good time to pray?
So I have been working through a study on prayer with our Wednesday night group and we came tonight to the topic of when should I pray. Yes, the easy and right answer is all the time. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 teaches and reminds us that we need to be praying without ceasing. So a continual falling before and communicating with God is a must. But I will be the first person to tell you, that does not always happen and when we get in the middle of life and it's circumstances prayer is not always the gut reaction. I also think it is important to have intentional times of prayer that we go to when we should and need to pray. So I found 7 other times we need to pray outside of the "all times". Here is the list of the 7 important and need to have intentional times of prayer.
In the morning before the day starts- better even before the sun rises
In the night before we go to sleep- just make sure you finish before you fall asleep
In our busy times- go read Luke 5:15-16- we need a break sometimes
Before or after our meals-thankful that the cook did not kill us
Before any major circumstance or decisions- help going through them
After any major circumstance and decisions- thankful for making it through
Before temptation sets in- like before a man steps on a beach with his wife and kids
These are the 7 times that I think it is important to go to our knees and ask God for help or praise Him for His provisions. Pray in our lives must be intentional and we must sometimes push ourselves to pray. I know there are times when we do not feel like praying because of a distance from God or life problems but I guarantee those are the times we need to pray the most. We need to fall to our knees and get close to God. We need to open our ears and listen because when we set prayer as a priority in life and intentional set times to pray, we begin to enjoy the relationship and intimacy with God that will get us through our lives. Maybe a prayer routine or set times during the day will help motivate to pray. Maybe it is a special place or special time that can energize the prayer time. I just know that prayer is vital to the Christian existence and if the prayer fades so to will our walk with God. Set prayer before yourself and get intentional about when you pray because than pray will become easier, funner, and more enjoyable.
In the morning before the day starts- better even before the sun rises
In the night before we go to sleep- just make sure you finish before you fall asleep
In our busy times- go read Luke 5:15-16- we need a break sometimes
Before or after our meals-thankful that the cook did not kill us
Before any major circumstance or decisions- help going through them
After any major circumstance and decisions- thankful for making it through
Before temptation sets in- like before a man steps on a beach with his wife and kids
These are the 7 times that I think it is important to go to our knees and ask God for help or praise Him for His provisions. Pray in our lives must be intentional and we must sometimes push ourselves to pray. I know there are times when we do not feel like praying because of a distance from God or life problems but I guarantee those are the times we need to pray the most. We need to fall to our knees and get close to God. We need to open our ears and listen because when we set prayer as a priority in life and intentional set times to pray, we begin to enjoy the relationship and intimacy with God that will get us through our lives. Maybe a prayer routine or set times during the day will help motivate to pray. Maybe it is a special place or special time that can energize the prayer time. I just know that prayer is vital to the Christian existence and if the prayer fades so to will our walk with God. Set prayer before yourself and get intentional about when you pray because than pray will become easier, funner, and more enjoyable.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
John 10:16
John 10:16
"And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd."
The first things that struck me or the Holy Spirit illuminated and challenged me with was the first sentence in the verse. "And I have other sheep that are not of this fold." So Jesus has other sheep. I am not His only sheep. The pride I feel and even some arrogance that I am Jesus and He is mine is wrong. I should feel love in Jesus not pride. I am one of His sheep. Just like He chose and found me when I was not of this fold, so now that I am in this fold I should feel love for my Shepherd and find joy in supporting Jesus in bringing others into the fold. I am not the only sheep. Yes, Jesus knows my name, knows the hairs on my head, and has my life in His hands, but I am not the only sheep. I got challenged by that sentence, when was the last time I prayed for a sheep that was outside the fold that Jesus could bring in?
The second thing God showed me was that Jesus loves all the sheep. He says, I have sheep, which means even those outside of the fold. Jesus loves the others outside the fold just like they were His own. Those outside of the fold Jesus still calls His sheep, which means He loves so much that He brings them inside the fold with His other sheep and calls them by name. So I should love those outside of my fold. Jesus love everyone like His sheep, that means I should too. I need to love those outside of my fold like Jesus, sacrificially.
"Not of this fold", is how Jesus ends the sentence. That means if I am one of His sheep, I am in the fold. This is a comforting fact. I am in the fold of Jesus and am one of His sheep. If I watch the Shepherd as one of His sheep, I am safe and secure and should not fear.
"And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd."
The first things that struck me or the Holy Spirit illuminated and challenged me with was the first sentence in the verse. "And I have other sheep that are not of this fold." So Jesus has other sheep. I am not His only sheep. The pride I feel and even some arrogance that I am Jesus and He is mine is wrong. I should feel love in Jesus not pride. I am one of His sheep. Just like He chose and found me when I was not of this fold, so now that I am in this fold I should feel love for my Shepherd and find joy in supporting Jesus in bringing others into the fold. I am not the only sheep. Yes, Jesus knows my name, knows the hairs on my head, and has my life in His hands, but I am not the only sheep. I got challenged by that sentence, when was the last time I prayed for a sheep that was outside the fold that Jesus could bring in?
The second thing God showed me was that Jesus loves all the sheep. He says, I have sheep, which means even those outside of the fold. Jesus loves the others outside the fold just like they were His own. Those outside of the fold Jesus still calls His sheep, which means He loves so much that He brings them inside the fold with His other sheep and calls them by name. So I should love those outside of my fold. Jesus love everyone like His sheep, that means I should too. I need to love those outside of my fold like Jesus, sacrificially.
"Not of this fold", is how Jesus ends the sentence. That means if I am one of His sheep, I am in the fold. This is a comforting fact. I am in the fold of Jesus and am one of His sheep. If I watch the Shepherd as one of His sheep, I am safe and secure and should not fear.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Memorial Day Prayer
Today I wanted to post a Memorial Day prayer of thanksgiving.
Father, thank you for who you are.
Thank you for your provisions for me not only in history but also in this day.
I know that all of the things I have and enjoy are from you.
I know the enjoyment of a holiday and rest comes from you.
Father, Memorial Day and the celebration of America is about you.
I know today that many will not see this day as a gift from you.
I pray that you will continue to remind me that this day of memorial is even about you.
Thank you for the joy and celebration I can have knowing more deeply that today is about you.
Father, thank you for the Courage that you gave humans and mankind.
Thanks you for the courage given me this day to celebrate the gifts from you.
But thank you most for the courage that you gave Jesus.
I know that Jesus gave us the perfect courage as He took my place and gave me the biggest freedom
Lord, the Freedom I have is from you.
I thank you for the freedom I have in America so I can celebrate you better
But again, thank you for the freedom that Jesus gave me from sin
Father, the true freedom I enjoy in my walk with you is a gift given from you, so thank you
Liberty, Lord, is another amazing gift from you.
Thank you for the liberty and enjoyment that it brings on a day of memorial celebration.
But thank you more for the liberating way Jesus frees me and brings me back to you
And Father, the greatest liberty is from you so thank you for this amazing gift
Most important, Father thank you for the Sacrifice
Men have died to give me freedom and liberty and paid the sacrifice for me
Thank you for those men but Lord and Savior, thank you for your greatest sacrifice.
Thank you for your sacrifice of your Son and bringing me right with you.
Father, today is a memorial day of celebration
and I thank you for the gift of America and the Memorial of today
But most important Lord, today is a Memorial of you and Jesus and what you did for me
Thank you Father, for the memorial day and gift of salvation for me.
Father, thank you for who you are.
Thank you for your provisions for me not only in history but also in this day.
I know that all of the things I have and enjoy are from you.
I know the enjoyment of a holiday and rest comes from you.
Father, Memorial Day and the celebration of America is about you.
I know today that many will not see this day as a gift from you.
I pray that you will continue to remind me that this day of memorial is even about you.
Thank you for the joy and celebration I can have knowing more deeply that today is about you.
Father, thank you for the Courage that you gave humans and mankind.
Thanks you for the courage given me this day to celebrate the gifts from you.
But thank you most for the courage that you gave Jesus.
I know that Jesus gave us the perfect courage as He took my place and gave me the biggest freedom
Lord, the Freedom I have is from you.
I thank you for the freedom I have in America so I can celebrate you better
But again, thank you for the freedom that Jesus gave me from sin
Father, the true freedom I enjoy in my walk with you is a gift given from you, so thank you
Liberty, Lord, is another amazing gift from you.
Thank you for the liberty and enjoyment that it brings on a day of memorial celebration.
But thank you more for the liberating way Jesus frees me and brings me back to you
And Father, the greatest liberty is from you so thank you for this amazing gift
Most important, Father thank you for the Sacrifice
Men have died to give me freedom and liberty and paid the sacrifice for me
Thank you for those men but Lord and Savior, thank you for your greatest sacrifice.
Thank you for your sacrifice of your Son and bringing me right with you.
Father, today is a memorial day of celebration
and I thank you for the gift of America and the Memorial of today
But most important Lord, today is a Memorial of you and Jesus and what you did for me
Thank you Father, for the memorial day and gift of salvation for me.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Truly Amazed
I was reminded today that the teaching time is never about me, my gifts, my persuasion in speech, or my ability to expose a passage. I am very grateful for this because like every person, I have as many good days as I do bad days. Sometimes I go into the teaching time dealing with my own sin, my own challenges, or my own distractions. But I can take confidence in the fact that, the teaching time and getting the message of the Bible does not fall totally on my shoulders. Yes, there is a part I play in teaching the word of God and challenging the faith family, but I only play a part. As I was interacting today with my faith family after the service, I began be reminded that the Holy Spirit takes and plays a bigger part in the message from the Bible. He meets people with the word that they need. He takes my inability or my weakness and overcomes them. And when the Holy Spirit is truly honored and glorified, the teaching time is all about Him. It is truly amazing to me and a great comfort that the Holy Spirit makes it about Himself and uses the Bible and me to get His message across. I can take great comfort and confidence in the work of the Holy Spirit and He gives me courage to know that no matter how I feel about my ability in each teaching time, the Holy Spirit is in control and covers up my service with His grace. I can praise God confidently knowing that the teaching time is all about the Spirit and not about me.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014
Quotable Friday
"Those who preach do not come with a new word. Instead, they declare and apply that which has already been said" ~John Koesslor in Folly, Grace, Power; The Mysterious Act of Preaching
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Salvation in the Old Testament
Today I want to be a little more scholarly in my thoughts. I was recently asked a question by a fellow faith member that kind of went like this, how did the people in the Old Testament get saved and how did Jesus death play out for them. Here is my answer to that question.
Faith is a vital attribute of the believer that is talked about greatly throughout the Bible. The acts of the faithful and the description of faithfulness is scattered throughout Scripture. The eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews focused on the faithful servants of God. Faith was an important description of the New Testament believer. Paul continually writes about faith in his letters to the early church. He mentions faithfulness in the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22), he twice gives faith a description as an armor to put on from God (Eph. 6:16, 1 Thes. 5:8), and he commends many different people and individuals for their faith as a strength for him. Faith is discussed in great detail in the Old Testament as well. Habakkuk 2:4 says, “Behold, his soul is puffed up; it is not upright within him, but the righteous shall live by his faith”. Faith was a saving component in the Old Testament person. Many people are commended for their faith but also many people are condemned for their faithlessness. Ultimately faith was the deciding factor for a person. The Old Testament individual was saved by God through their faith in a coming Messiah and also their faith in God to take away sin in His grace that He had promised.
But how did grace from God play a part in the life of the Old Testament saint and how was it different for them to receive the grace since there was no physical form manifested yet in Jesus Christ? As we have already seen, grace was played out in the original law that was given to Moses. God was providing a way for His grace to be sustained without His son arriving yet. God showed His favor or grace many different times and many different ways throughout the Old Testament. To Adam, God gave a way and promise out of his sin. To Noah, God gave a way and promise to escape the coming flood. To Abraham, God gave a promise of the coming seed or heir even after Abraham thought he could do it his own way. God showed Abraham the ultimate grace when in Genesis 15:6 it says, “And he believed the Lord, and He counted it to him as righteousness”. Many other stories tell of God’s favor being shown to men and women who did not deserve it. Paul reminds us in Galatians 3:18, “For if the inheritance comes by the law, it no longer comes by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise”. Paul was saying that God showed His grace to them by the Law, which kept them under His grace because they could never keep the Law themselves, so God showed them His grace. The law is inferior to Christ, who is the fulfillment of the law. He provided a way that never had to be kept. True salvation, according to Paul, comes from God keeping His word, not by human action under the law. That is why Jesus Christ abolished the Law and gave us a new freedom in Him.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Pray in the Spirit
Jude 20
But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit
Romans 8:26-27
26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.
But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit
Romans 8:26-27
26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.
Ephesians 6:18
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
Have you ever thought about the fact that when you are praying to God you also have God inside you helping you pray? All three of the verses that I quote from above talk about the fact that we have the Holy Spirit inside us and He is there to help us to pray. As I have been thinking and praying about pray and the Holy Spirit I have discovered that there are some important truths and things we need to understand about our prayer lives and the Spirit. First, the Holy Spirit, as Romans states, is there to help us prayer and when we are not sure what we are to pray for, He will pray for us and guide our minds and hearts in prayer. Second, we need to be aware of the fact, as Ephesians talks about, we are filled with the Spirit of God and He is there to help us pray and be there to bring thoughts and prayers to our minds. Third, we must pray in the Spirit and as Jude highlights we must use Him in our prayers and let Him fill our prayer life. And fourth, we must not grieve the Holy Spirit in our lives by our actions and sins, so that He will be there when we need Him and our prayers will not be hindered before God the Father, to whom we are praying.
So what does the Holy Spirit do for us in our prayer lives beside helping us. First, knowing that the Holy Spirit will pray for us when we are not sure how to pray, will give us confidence, joy, and an assurance that our prayers are being heard and answered by God. The Holy Spirit will also stay in tune with our spirits so that our emotions, affections, and feelings will be more in-tune with God when we are praying through Spirit. Finally the Holy Spirit will clear our minds and help us stay focused on God and what we are praying for or praise God about. Remember the Holy Spirit is there not only to help us bring our request to God, but He is also there to help us shout and bring thanksgiving to God for His love and mighty power in our lives.
Next time you pray, remember that the Holy Spirit is right there with you, take confidence in Him and use Him to help your prayer life.
Here are some more answer to the test post from last week.
D. In which book and chapter(s) do you find the following?
31. God first speaks the Ten Commandments?- Exodus 20
32. The call of Abram?- Genesis 12
33. The Sermon on the Mount?- Matthew 5-7
34. The Great Commission?- Matthew 28
35. The Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples in wind, fire, and tongues?- Acts 2
36. Just as Adam was the head of the old humanity, Christ is the head of the new: “Just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous”?-Romans 5
37. ”But these three remain: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love”?- 1 Corinthians 13
38. A religious leader hears “Unless a man is born again he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven”?- John 3
39. Satan bound for a thousand years?- Revelation 20
40. The three Hebrews saved from the fiery furnace?- Daniel 3
Here are some more answer to the test post from last week.
D. In which book and chapter(s) do you find the following?
31. God first speaks the Ten Commandments?- Exodus 20
32. The call of Abram?- Genesis 12
33. The Sermon on the Mount?- Matthew 5-7
34. The Great Commission?- Matthew 28
35. The Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples in wind, fire, and tongues?- Acts 2
36. Just as Adam was the head of the old humanity, Christ is the head of the new: “Just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous”?-Romans 5
37. ”But these three remain: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love”?- 1 Corinthians 13
38. A religious leader hears “Unless a man is born again he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven”?- John 3
39. Satan bound for a thousand years?- Revelation 20
40. The three Hebrews saved from the fiery furnace?- Daniel 3
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
How do we serve?
So what was wrong with Martha's heart and issue from Luke 10? I do not believe she was sinning but she was rather serving out of the wrong motive and heart. Martha's relationship with Jesus in this story was about the service not the pleasure of the relationship. And I find that is where I am a lot of the time. Do I teach because I find pleasure in enjoying God or because I am doing His service? Do I tell others about My Jesus and what He can do because I find joy in that relationship that I cannot contain or because I find it a duty? I truly believe that the relationship with Jesus should stem everything else. My relationship with Jesus, the pleasure, joy, and excitement that this brings should stem the service. This was Martha's issue. After Jesus was done teaching, I can imagine that Mary would then love Jesus and enjoy Him by helping serve Him with her sister. But in the moment the more important task was enjoying the relationship with Jesus. The relationship should drive the service. That is the heart issue, service being driven by pleasure in the relationship rather than service out of duty. Next time I find my service for God to be draining or frustrating, I should check my relationship with God and see if that needs fixed first. When my service becomes anxious and stressful, I should check my pleasure and joy in God. My service should be like Mary, driven by my love and pleasure in God, not the reversal of serving to find love and pleasure. Thanks to Mary and Martha I need to find what is important before I begin my service.
B. Where geographically did the following events take place?
11. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments?- Mt Sinai
12. A silversmith caused a riot?- Ephesus
13. Elijah had a confrontation with the prophets of Baal?- Mt. Carmel
14. Believers were first called “Christians”?- Antioch
15. The river Jesus was baptized in?- Jordan
16. The walls of the city collapsed after the Israelites marched around it?- Jericho
17. Jesus walked on water?- Lake Galilee
18. The place where Jonah was supposed to be going when he fled to Tarshish?- Nineveh
19. The place where Paul was heading when he was blinded on the road?- Damascus
20. The river Ezekiel was at with the exiles when he received a vision from God?- Kebar River
B. Where geographically did the following events take place?
11. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments?- Mt Sinai
12. A silversmith caused a riot?- Ephesus
13. Elijah had a confrontation with the prophets of Baal?- Mt. Carmel
14. Believers were first called “Christians”?- Antioch
15. The river Jesus was baptized in?- Jordan
16. The walls of the city collapsed after the Israelites marched around it?- Jericho
17. Jesus walked on water?- Lake Galilee
18. The place where Jonah was supposed to be going when he fled to Tarshish?- Nineveh
19. The place where Paul was heading when he was blinded on the road?- Damascus
20. The river Ezekiel was at with the exiles when he received a vision from God?- Kebar River
Monday, May 19, 2014
Do you Thirst for God?- some more answers
What do we mean when we say focus on God. I have come to find what I believe is the clearest picture of focusing on God. It is the first 8 verses of Psalms 63. And here it is
O God, you are my God;
I earnestly search for you.
My soul thirsts for you;
my whole body longs for you
in this parched and weary land
where there is no water.
2 I have seen you in your sanctuary
and gazed upon your power and glory.
3 Your unfailing love is better than life itself;
how I praise you!
4 I will praise you as long as I live,
lifting up my hands to you in prayer.
5 You satisfy me more than the richest feast.
I will praise you with songs of joy.
6 I lie awake thinking of you,
meditating on you through the night.
7 Because you are my helper,
I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings.
8 I cling to you;
your strong right hand holds me securely.
I began to read this verse every day in preparation for understanding what it means to focus on God or even better to know God. I believe these verses are the perfect picture in a life that know's God and is continually seeking after Him. To focus on God is to know Him, have a relationship with Him, seek after Him, and ultimately have Him as the greatest treasure in our life. I pray that I can say truly that God is my greatest joy and treasure and that I can echo what the writer of this Psalm is expressing.
I. Match the verse with the doctrine it best supports. Each doctrine from the list will be used only once: providence, atonement, election, justification, immutability, sanctification, inspiration, deity of Christ, Trinity, total depravity
81. Just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do.- 1 Peter 1:15
82. God demonstrated his love for us in this, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.- Romans 5:8
83. What you meant for evil, God meant for good.- Genesis 50:20
84. He chose us in him before the foundation of the world.- Ephesians 1:4
85. I the Lord do not change.- Malachi 3:6
86. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will not count against him.- Romans 4:8
87. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. -John 1:1.
88. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.- Matthew 28:19
89. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.- 2 Peter 1:21
90. There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. - Romans 3:10-11
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Truly Blessed- with some more answers
Today was the installation service for my family and I with our church family. It was an amazing celebration of what God is doing in the life of my family and I and also in the faith family at our church. It was truly an amazing and very blessed filled experience. There was so many blessing today I could not name them all but I wanted to try and get a list. Here are all the ways I can remember feeling blessed today as the installation service and fellowship time took place.
Am truly blessed by God to be able to love Him and give back my life to His faith family and my church family.
Felt blessed being able to sit next to my beautiful beloved and know that her love will carry me through the tough times and she will always have my back. I love you forever babe!
Loved being able to sit with my children and praise God in song and spirit as we celebrated together our life in Jesus. Sam, Cara, Katie, and Ellie never forget joy in the Lord.
Overjoyed to have my mom be able to attend in spite of her recent struggle and battle with cancer. I love you Mom
Very blessed to have my mother and father-in law support and love me like I am their own son and be able to celebrate with us today at church. Thanks Denny and Kim for your love and care.
Blessed to have many more members of my family be able to attend and celebrate what God is up to in the life of my family and I. Scott, Barb, Brittany, Scotty, Dustin, Amanda, Olivia, Aubrey, thanks for coming
Can never express in words how honored I am to have a brother who is closer than a friend who supports and counsels me and was able to bring his guitar to join in our praise. I love you Keith
Thankful for a sister-in-law who has fit right in and has supported and loved us like we were her own flesh and blood. Thanks Sara and little Arielle
Thankful for 3 of my closest friends and companions in this life (Seth, David, Jeff) being able to join the celebration and walking with me through this journey and encouraging and challenging me all the way. I love you men like brothers.
Blessed to have a great mentor and friend we able to be apart of the service and challenge me with what this new journey means. I love you Pastor Rich and Wednesday looks good.
Excited and proud of the 3 men I can call companions and Elders for the Gospel and overjoyed they were able to take part in the service today. Thanks, Clyde, Jeff, Mike and do not forget tomorrow nights meeting.
Glad to find a new cousin who is as close as friend and loved the fact Mike could make it.
Thankful and blessed to have an Aunt and Uncle be able to attend and shower their love on me as if I was there own son. I love you Uncle Rob and Aunt Tracy.
Blessed and thankful for the support of my home church and some of the members being able to attend and show support and celebration of how God is working. Thanks Pattons and Hodgsons
Excited and blessed to have a great worship leader to serve and praise God with each week at church and love his heart for God. Thanks Mike and keep on singing.
Am over blessed and totally in love with my church and faith family. Could not have asked for a better group of people to love God, praise God, serve God, and walk this journey we call life with than my new faith family at Zion. There are so many families and people that I have been truly blessed with that I could never say in words the blessing and courage I get from living and serving with them. I love you all very much and thank you; Fants, Sacketts, Dunnicks, Diehls, Earl Mike, Cousin Larry, Amspachers, Brandon, Wagners, Overmillers, Dietzs, Bryans, Barleys, Myers, Forkeys, Barb, Betty, Millians and all the rest that my tired eyes and mind have seem to forgotten.
I am truly a blessed man and can never express in words here how I feel and am overjoyed at what God has and will continue to do in my life and today was a blessing in my life that I will never forget. Thank you to all who had a part.
H. Arrange the following events in proper chronological order.
a. The giving of the Law
b. The atoning death of Christ
c. Malachi prophesies
d. The promise to Abraham
e. creation and fall
f. Pentecost
g. Exile in Babylon
h. David is King over Israel
i. Paul is shipwrecked
j. The Judges rule over Israel
Creation and fall
Promise to Abraham
giving of the Law
Judges rule over Israel
David King over Israel
Exile in Babylon
Malachi prophesies
atoning death of Christ
Paul is shipwrecked
Am truly blessed by God to be able to love Him and give back my life to His faith family and my church family.
Felt blessed being able to sit next to my beautiful beloved and know that her love will carry me through the tough times and she will always have my back. I love you forever babe!
Loved being able to sit with my children and praise God in song and spirit as we celebrated together our life in Jesus. Sam, Cara, Katie, and Ellie never forget joy in the Lord.
Overjoyed to have my mom be able to attend in spite of her recent struggle and battle with cancer. I love you Mom
Very blessed to have my mother and father-in law support and love me like I am their own son and be able to celebrate with us today at church. Thanks Denny and Kim for your love and care.
Blessed to have many more members of my family be able to attend and celebrate what God is up to in the life of my family and I. Scott, Barb, Brittany, Scotty, Dustin, Amanda, Olivia, Aubrey, thanks for coming
Can never express in words how honored I am to have a brother who is closer than a friend who supports and counsels me and was able to bring his guitar to join in our praise. I love you Keith
Thankful for a sister-in-law who has fit right in and has supported and loved us like we were her own flesh and blood. Thanks Sara and little Arielle
Thankful for 3 of my closest friends and companions in this life (Seth, David, Jeff) being able to join the celebration and walking with me through this journey and encouraging and challenging me all the way. I love you men like brothers.
Blessed to have a great mentor and friend we able to be apart of the service and challenge me with what this new journey means. I love you Pastor Rich and Wednesday looks good.
Excited and proud of the 3 men I can call companions and Elders for the Gospel and overjoyed they were able to take part in the service today. Thanks, Clyde, Jeff, Mike and do not forget tomorrow nights meeting.
Glad to find a new cousin who is as close as friend and loved the fact Mike could make it.
Thankful and blessed to have an Aunt and Uncle be able to attend and shower their love on me as if I was there own son. I love you Uncle Rob and Aunt Tracy.
Blessed and thankful for the support of my home church and some of the members being able to attend and show support and celebration of how God is working. Thanks Pattons and Hodgsons
Excited and blessed to have a great worship leader to serve and praise God with each week at church and love his heart for God. Thanks Mike and keep on singing.
Am over blessed and totally in love with my church and faith family. Could not have asked for a better group of people to love God, praise God, serve God, and walk this journey we call life with than my new faith family at Zion. There are so many families and people that I have been truly blessed with that I could never say in words the blessing and courage I get from living and serving with them. I love you all very much and thank you; Fants, Sacketts, Dunnicks, Diehls, Earl Mike, Cousin Larry, Amspachers, Brandon, Wagners, Overmillers, Dietzs, Bryans, Barleys, Myers, Forkeys, Barb, Betty, Millians and all the rest that my tired eyes and mind have seem to forgotten.
I am truly a blessed man and can never express in words here how I feel and am overjoyed at what God has and will continue to do in my life and today was a blessing in my life that I will never forget. Thank you to all who had a part.
H. Arrange the following events in proper chronological order.
a. The giving of the Law
b. The atoning death of Christ
c. Malachi prophesies
d. The promise to Abraham
e. creation and fall
f. Pentecost
g. Exile in Babylon
h. David is King over Israel
i. Paul is shipwrecked
j. The Judges rule over Israel
Creation and fall
Promise to Abraham
giving of the Law
Judges rule over Israel
David King over Israel
Exile in Babylon
Malachi prophesies
atoning death of Christ
Paul is shipwrecked
Saturday, May 17, 2014
The Gospels and some more answers
Up front, I want to say that these thoughts are not deep and no where close to exhaustive. If you desire a better understanding of the complete aspects of the 4 Gospels look to a good commentary or New Testament introduction, like "An Introduction to the New Testament" by DA Carson and Douglas Moo. But in a previous post I talked about how the different gospel accounts fill in the holes of each other and the important parts of the story. The 4 gospels fit together like a mosaic.
I want to touch a little in this post on why some of the gospels have the same story or teaching by Jesus but have it in a different way or format. We can have confidence in that each Gospel account is true and without error and that there is no mistake in a certain set of verses in the different accounts, especially the passion stories to end each Gospel. I believe we can have this confidence for 3 simple yet important things to remember.
First, each Gospel account is from a different person's perspective or view of the story. Matthew was a disciple with Jesus, so He got to see many events and teachings first hand. Mark, is the view of the Apostle Peter, and he is unique in that like Matthew he was there first hand but Peter was also one of the inner 3 that got special privileges that some of the others, like Matthew would not have. Luke is a descriptive narrative in that he interview many people including Mary and Paul to get his account. John, like Peter, was an inner apostle and got many first hand and intimate times with Jesus but John also does not include a lot of what Mark, ala Peter, records.
The second thing to remember is that the 4 Gospels were written by each author to different people and places. We know who Luke was writing because he says it right away in the beginning of his writing. So Luke was writing to a Greek man who was probably connected a lot to Greek and Hellenistic Jews. Church tradition teaches us who the other 3 accounts were writing to, Matthew was writing to a Jewish church in Syria, Mark was writing for the Christians in the city of Rome, and John was writing in essence for the whole world about a particular issue.
This brings us to the third thing to remember when reading and comparing the 4 Gospel. Each author had a different topic or issue to write about. Each author wanted to show Jesus in a certain light or an important aspects about the Savior. Matthew was writing to the Jews to show that Jesus was a better Israel and the true King. Mark had a key in that he wanted to show Jesus as a servant who would suffer for those he loves and that to follow Him meant the follower might have to suffer. Luke wants to show the things that have been said about Jesus are true and that he was a man who lived in the power of the Holy Spirit. John make is really clear why he is writing when he states it in 20:31, Jesus is the Christ the Son of God.
So in bringing this long post to a close, I could not have imagine not having each of the 4 different, unique, and amazing Gospel accounts to read and learn more about each day like some of the early 1st century church's. So we to can take confidence in know that all of the Bible is unified and complete for our benefit and knowledge of God's Word.
C. In which book of the Bible do you find the following?
21. Peter visits Cornelius where he learns that God accepts Jews and Gentiles?-Acts
22. Paul asks a runaway slave to be welcomed back?-Philemon
23. Israel worships a golden calf made by Aaron?-Exodus
24. The story of Joseph and he brothers?-Genesis
25. Twelve men explore the land of Canaan, but only two trust God to give it to them?-Numbers
26. God’s judgment on Israel is pictured by a prophet as horde of locusts?-Joel
27. A description of the armor of God-Ephesians
28. The words “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” in the Old Testament?-Psalms
29. A prophet marries a prostitute?-Hosea
30. The Magi visiting the Christ child?-Matthew
I want to touch a little in this post on why some of the gospels have the same story or teaching by Jesus but have it in a different way or format. We can have confidence in that each Gospel account is true and without error and that there is no mistake in a certain set of verses in the different accounts, especially the passion stories to end each Gospel. I believe we can have this confidence for 3 simple yet important things to remember.
First, each Gospel account is from a different person's perspective or view of the story. Matthew was a disciple with Jesus, so He got to see many events and teachings first hand. Mark, is the view of the Apostle Peter, and he is unique in that like Matthew he was there first hand but Peter was also one of the inner 3 that got special privileges that some of the others, like Matthew would not have. Luke is a descriptive narrative in that he interview many people including Mary and Paul to get his account. John, like Peter, was an inner apostle and got many first hand and intimate times with Jesus but John also does not include a lot of what Mark, ala Peter, records.
The second thing to remember is that the 4 Gospels were written by each author to different people and places. We know who Luke was writing because he says it right away in the beginning of his writing. So Luke was writing to a Greek man who was probably connected a lot to Greek and Hellenistic Jews. Church tradition teaches us who the other 3 accounts were writing to, Matthew was writing to a Jewish church in Syria, Mark was writing for the Christians in the city of Rome, and John was writing in essence for the whole world about a particular issue.
This brings us to the third thing to remember when reading and comparing the 4 Gospel. Each author had a different topic or issue to write about. Each author wanted to show Jesus in a certain light or an important aspects about the Savior. Matthew was writing to the Jews to show that Jesus was a better Israel and the true King. Mark had a key in that he wanted to show Jesus as a servant who would suffer for those he loves and that to follow Him meant the follower might have to suffer. Luke wants to show the things that have been said about Jesus are true and that he was a man who lived in the power of the Holy Spirit. John make is really clear why he is writing when he states it in 20:31, Jesus is the Christ the Son of God.
So in bringing this long post to a close, I could not have imagine not having each of the 4 different, unique, and amazing Gospel accounts to read and learn more about each day like some of the early 1st century church's. So we to can take confidence in know that all of the Bible is unified and complete for our benefit and knowledge of God's Word.
C. In which book of the Bible do you find the following?
21. Peter visits Cornelius where he learns that God accepts Jews and Gentiles?-Acts
22. Paul asks a runaway slave to be welcomed back?-Philemon
23. Israel worships a golden calf made by Aaron?-Exodus
24. The story of Joseph and he brothers?-Genesis
25. Twelve men explore the land of Canaan, but only two trust God to give it to them?-Numbers
26. God’s judgment on Israel is pictured by a prophet as horde of locusts?-Joel
27. A description of the armor of God-Ephesians
28. The words “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” in the Old Testament?-Psalms
29. A prophet marries a prostitute?-Hosea
30. The Magi visiting the Christ child?-Matthew
Friday, May 16, 2014
Quotable Friday- with some test answers
I have been reading a book this week entitled, "A Many Colored Kingdom" and it is teaching me how to minister and have spiritual formation across cultural lines. I found this line very important and it challenged me.
"Kingdom citizens are called to live as local faith communities, constantly seeking to benefit others, dissimilar parts of Christ's global church, and growing in communion with saints, near and far, in an ever more interlocking manner".
*Here are the answer to the first 10 questions from the "test" post.
A. Who did the following?
1. Wrote the book of Acts?- Luke
2. Appeared with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration?- Moses and Elijah
3. Directed the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem?-Nehemiah
4. Killed a thousand Philistines with a donkey’s jawbone?- Samson
5. Led the Israelites into the promised land?- Joshua
6. Was exiled to the island of Patmos where he wrote Revelation?- John
7. Was going to curse Israel, but had to bless them?- Balaam
8. Became the first King of the 10 tribes that broke away?- Jeroboam
9. Rescued David from her foolish husband Nabal?-Abigail
10. Was rebuked by Paul for refusing to eat with Gentiles?- Peter
"Kingdom citizens are called to live as local faith communities, constantly seeking to benefit others, dissimilar parts of Christ's global church, and growing in communion with saints, near and far, in an ever more interlocking manner".
*Here are the answer to the first 10 questions from the "test" post.
A. Who did the following?
1. Wrote the book of Acts?- Luke
2. Appeared with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration?- Moses and Elijah
3. Directed the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem?-Nehemiah
4. Killed a thousand Philistines with a donkey’s jawbone?- Samson
5. Led the Israelites into the promised land?- Joshua
6. Was exiled to the island of Patmos where he wrote Revelation?- John
7. Was going to curse Israel, but had to bless them?- Balaam
8. Became the first King of the 10 tribes that broke away?- Jeroboam
9. Rescued David from her foolish husband Nabal?-Abigail
10. Was rebuked by Paul for refusing to eat with Gentiles?- Peter
Thursday, May 15, 2014
It is a Test
I took a test today and was graced enough to get a B on it. So I thought I would post the questions on my blog to see how my readers might do. This test came from Pastor Kevin DeYoung's blog. Here you go and have fun.
A. Who did the following?
1. Wrote the book of Acts?
2. Appeared with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration?
3. Directed the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem?
4. Killed a thousand Philistines with a donkey’s jawbone?
5. Led the Israelites into the promised land?
6. Was exiled to the island of Patmos where he wrote Revelation?
7. Was going to curse Israel, but had to bless them?
8. Became the first King of the 10 tribes that broke away?
9. Rescued David from her foolish husband Nabal?
10. Was rebuked by Paul for refusing to eat with Gentiles?
1. Wrote the book of Acts?
2. Appeared with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration?
3. Directed the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem?
4. Killed a thousand Philistines with a donkey’s jawbone?
5. Led the Israelites into the promised land?
6. Was exiled to the island of Patmos where he wrote Revelation?
7. Was going to curse Israel, but had to bless them?
8. Became the first King of the 10 tribes that broke away?
9. Rescued David from her foolish husband Nabal?
10. Was rebuked by Paul for refusing to eat with Gentiles?
B. Where geographically did the following events take place?
11. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments?
12. A silversmith caused a riot?
13. Elijah had a confrontation with the prophets of Baal?
14. Believers were first called “Christians”?
15. The river Jesus was baptized in?
16. The walls of the city collapsed after the Israelites marched around it?
17. Jesus walked on water?
18. The place where Jonah was supposed to be going when he fled to Tarshish?
19. The place where Paul was heading when he was blinded on the road?
20. The river Ezekiel was at with the exiles when he received a vision from God?
11. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments?
12. A silversmith caused a riot?
13. Elijah had a confrontation with the prophets of Baal?
14. Believers were first called “Christians”?
15. The river Jesus was baptized in?
16. The walls of the city collapsed after the Israelites marched around it?
17. Jesus walked on water?
18. The place where Jonah was supposed to be going when he fled to Tarshish?
19. The place where Paul was heading when he was blinded on the road?
20. The river Ezekiel was at with the exiles when he received a vision from God?
C. In which book of the Bible do you find the following?
21. Peter visits Cornelius where he learns that God accepts Jews and Gentiles?
22. Paul asks a runaway slave to be welcomed back?
23. Israel worships a golden calf made by Aaron?
24. The story of Joseph and he brothers?
25. Twelve men explore the land of Canaan, but only two trust God to give it to them?
26. God’s judgment on Israel is pictured by a prophet as horde of locusts?
27. A description of the armor of God
28. The words “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” in the Old Testament?
29. A prophet marries a prostitute?
30. The Magi visiting the Christ child?
21. Peter visits Cornelius where he learns that God accepts Jews and Gentiles?
22. Paul asks a runaway slave to be welcomed back?
23. Israel worships a golden calf made by Aaron?
24. The story of Joseph and he brothers?
25. Twelve men explore the land of Canaan, but only two trust God to give it to them?
26. God’s judgment on Israel is pictured by a prophet as horde of locusts?
27. A description of the armor of God
28. The words “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” in the Old Testament?
29. A prophet marries a prostitute?
30. The Magi visiting the Christ child?
D. In which book and chapter(s) do you find the following?
31. God first speaks the Ten Commandments?
32. The call of Abram?
33. The Sermon on the Mount?
34. The Great Commission?
35. The Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples in wind, fire, and tongues?
36. Just as Adam was the head of the old humanity, Christ is the head of the new: “Just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous”?
37. ”But these three remain: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love”?
38. A religious leader hears “Unless a man is born again he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven”?
39. Satan bound for a thousand years?
40. The three Hebrews saved from the fiery furnace?
31. God first speaks the Ten Commandments?
32. The call of Abram?
33. The Sermon on the Mount?
34. The Great Commission?
35. The Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples in wind, fire, and tongues?
36. Just as Adam was the head of the old humanity, Christ is the head of the new: “Just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous”?
37. ”But these three remain: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love”?
38. A religious leader hears “Unless a man is born again he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven”?
39. Satan bound for a thousand years?
40. The three Hebrews saved from the fiery furnace?
E. Give the main topic or event of the following Bible chapters
41. Genesis 3
42. Isaiah 53
43. Romans 4
44. Psalm 119
45. Hebrews 11
46. Acts 15
47. John 17
48. Revelation 21-22
49. Luke 15
50. Exodus 3
41. Genesis 3
42. Isaiah 53
43. Romans 4
44. Psalm 119
45. Hebrews 11
46. Acts 15
47. John 17
48. Revelation 21-22
49. Luke 15
50. Exodus 3
F. Who said the following?
51. If I perish, I perish.
52. What is truth?
53. After I am worn out and my master is old, will I now have this pleasure?…Will I really have a child, now that I am old?
54. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem…how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.
55. Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in the kingdom.
56. The fire and the wood are here, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?
57. He must increase; I must decrease.
58. Am I dog that you come at me with sticks?
59. I know my Redeemer lives and that in the end he will stand upon the earth?
60. Give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.
51. If I perish, I perish.
52. What is truth?
53. After I am worn out and my master is old, will I now have this pleasure?…Will I really have a child, now that I am old?
54. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem…how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.
55. Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in the kingdom.
56. The fire and the wood are here, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?
57. He must increase; I must decrease.
58. Am I dog that you come at me with sticks?
59. I know my Redeemer lives and that in the end he will stand upon the earth?
60. Give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.
G. If you encountered the following error, to which book would you turn for help? Choose the book that best addresses the error. Use each of the listed books only once: Genesis, Job, Song of Songs, Amos, John, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, 1 Timothy, James, Revelation.
61. ”As long as you believe the right things, it doesn’t matter how you live your life.”
62. ”I’m sure I don’t have any spiritual gifts. Only special people do.”
63. ”We are saved by Jesus, but we also have to do our part by obeying the law of the Old Testament.”
64. ”If you are sick, you must have sin in your life. Good people don’t suffer.”
65. ”God doesn’t care about the poor and oppressed. That’s the social gospel.”
66. ”I know God promises to bless me, but I can’t really trust him through the hard things in life, like famine, barrenness, and imprisonment.”
67. ”In the end it won’t make any difference who we followed or what we did with our lives. Jesus will treat everybody the same when he comes back.”
68. ”There’s nothing special about Jesus. He’s just one way among many, just another prophet or good moral teacher.”
69. ”The best way to pick your elders is by looking at how successful they are in the business world. Next, consider how many degrees they have. After that, popularity matters most. Finally, if you still can’t decide, go by good looks.”
70. ”The Bible doesn’t say anything about intimacy between a man and a woman. That’s too fleshly for God to care about.”
61. ”As long as you believe the right things, it doesn’t matter how you live your life.”
62. ”I’m sure I don’t have any spiritual gifts. Only special people do.”
63. ”We are saved by Jesus, but we also have to do our part by obeying the law of the Old Testament.”
64. ”If you are sick, you must have sin in your life. Good people don’t suffer.”
65. ”God doesn’t care about the poor and oppressed. That’s the social gospel.”
66. ”I know God promises to bless me, but I can’t really trust him through the hard things in life, like famine, barrenness, and imprisonment.”
67. ”In the end it won’t make any difference who we followed or what we did with our lives. Jesus will treat everybody the same when he comes back.”
68. ”There’s nothing special about Jesus. He’s just one way among many, just another prophet or good moral teacher.”
69. ”The best way to pick your elders is by looking at how successful they are in the business world. Next, consider how many degrees they have. After that, popularity matters most. Finally, if you still can’t decide, go by good looks.”
70. ”The Bible doesn’t say anything about intimacy between a man and a woman. That’s too fleshly for God to care about.”
H. Arrange the following events in proper chronological order.
a. The giving of the Law
b. The atoning death of Christ
c. Malachi prophesies
d. The promise to Abraham
e. creation and fall
f. Pentecost
g. Exile in Babylon
h. David is King over Israel
i. Paul is shipwrecked
j. The Judges rule over Israel
a. The giving of the Law
b. The atoning death of Christ
c. Malachi prophesies
d. The promise to Abraham
e. creation and fall
f. Pentecost
g. Exile in Babylon
h. David is King over Israel
i. Paul is shipwrecked
j. The Judges rule over Israel
I. Match the verse with the doctrine it best supports. Each doctrine from the list will be used only once: providence, atonement, election, justification, immutability, sanctification, inspiration, deity of Christ, Trinity, total depravity
81. Just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do. 1 Peter 1:15
82. God demonstrated his love for us in this, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
83. What you meant for evil, God meant for good. Genesis 50:20
84. He chose us in him before the foundation of the world. Ephesians 1:4
85. I the Lord do not change. Malachi 3:6
86. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will not count against him. Romans 4:8
87. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.John 1:1.
88. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19
89. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:21
90. There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. Romans 3:10-11
81. Just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do. 1 Peter 1:15
82. God demonstrated his love for us in this, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
83. What you meant for evil, God meant for good. Genesis 50:20
84. He chose us in him before the foundation of the world. Ephesians 1:4
85. I the Lord do not change. Malachi 3:6
86. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will not count against him. Romans 4:8
87. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.John 1:1.
88. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19
89. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. 2 Peter 1:21
90. There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. Romans 3:10-11
J. In which Old Testament book would you find the following Messianic prophecies? Books may be used more than once.
91. The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.
92. He would crush the head of the serpent.
93. He would come riding on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
94. Born of a virgin.
95. Came to preach good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the captives, release the prisoners from darkness, proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and comfort all who mourn.
96. Would be a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.
97. Would be like a sun of righteousness rising with healing in its wings.
98. ”They divided my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing.”
99. Buried with the rich in his death.
100. Like a lion’s cub of the tribe of Judah.
91. The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.
92. He would crush the head of the serpent.
93. He would come riding on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
94. Born of a virgin.
95. Came to preach good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the captives, release the prisoners from darkness, proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and comfort all who mourn.
96. Would be a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.
97. Would be like a sun of righteousness rising with healing in its wings.
98. ”They divided my garments among them and cast lots for my clothing.”
99. Buried with the rich in his death.
100. Like a lion’s cub of the tribe of Judah.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
4 Gospels
I was reading recently, how the early church was having discussions about and problems over the 4 different gospel accounts. One church in a city might only agree with say the writings of Mathew, while the church 20 miles away might only agree with Luke's account of Jesus. Even more of a problems was that certain church's might only have 1 or 2 writings and not have the other 2 gospel records. That had to be frustrating and challenging to not have all the letters and writings as the church's around them. This reading got me thinking about 2 important things I believe we as a church and as disciples take for granted.
First, what if we only had 1 or 2 of the gospel records? What if the church we went to only had, say the books of Mark and John but not Matthew and Luke? What would that look like? Second, I got to thinking what ultimately is the purpose for having 4 different accounts of Jesus in the Bible and why do they have similar stories as each other in just a different way.
Up front, I want to say I believe all 4 Gospels from the Bible are the words of God and are important for Christians today. The Bible would not be complete without them. But I believe they as a whole give us a complete picture of who Jesus is and what His mission was about and then why that is important for us today. Imagine if Matthew was not in the Bible. We would not have the sermon on the mount or the story of the 3 wise dudes. Image if Mark was not in the Bible, we would not know that Jesus was a crazy, immediately, busy guy or that He was a suffering servant. If Luke was missing we would have not to much knowledge about Mary or any of the deep human heart wrenching moments of Jesus, like when He wept. If John was missing, well would not have any of the "I AM" statements and the famous description of Jesus in the upper room with His disciples when He comforts them with the Holy Spirit prophecy.
So what we would be missing without each of the 4 books of the Bible we call Gospels, would leave major holes in the story. The Gospels fill the gaps of each other, tells parts of the story that another author left out, or give a deeper fuller discourse or saying from Jesus. Each Gospel is like a piece that fills a hole that somewhere was left out. If we did not have all 4 there would be holes, some big to fill and some smaller, but holes all the same. And I know that I am glad I do not have any holes in the gospel because then it gives me complete confidence in the Words of God.
I believe that the 4 Gospels are like a mosaic in that each of them gives us a piece of the picture but only together do they give us a full, wonderful, and amazing picture of who Christ is and what He is doing. I thank God each day that I live when I do so that I would not have to struggle with which book I ONLY has and which book or writing could I trust.
First, what if we only had 1 or 2 of the gospel records? What if the church we went to only had, say the books of Mark and John but not Matthew and Luke? What would that look like? Second, I got to thinking what ultimately is the purpose for having 4 different accounts of Jesus in the Bible and why do they have similar stories as each other in just a different way.
Up front, I want to say I believe all 4 Gospels from the Bible are the words of God and are important for Christians today. The Bible would not be complete without them. But I believe they as a whole give us a complete picture of who Jesus is and what His mission was about and then why that is important for us today. Imagine if Matthew was not in the Bible. We would not have the sermon on the mount or the story of the 3 wise dudes. Image if Mark was not in the Bible, we would not know that Jesus was a crazy, immediately, busy guy or that He was a suffering servant. If Luke was missing we would have not to much knowledge about Mary or any of the deep human heart wrenching moments of Jesus, like when He wept. If John was missing, well would not have any of the "I AM" statements and the famous description of Jesus in the upper room with His disciples when He comforts them with the Holy Spirit prophecy.
So what we would be missing without each of the 4 books of the Bible we call Gospels, would leave major holes in the story. The Gospels fill the gaps of each other, tells parts of the story that another author left out, or give a deeper fuller discourse or saying from Jesus. Each Gospel is like a piece that fills a hole that somewhere was left out. If we did not have all 4 there would be holes, some big to fill and some smaller, but holes all the same. And I know that I am glad I do not have any holes in the gospel because then it gives me complete confidence in the Words of God.
I believe that the 4 Gospels are like a mosaic in that each of them gives us a piece of the picture but only together do they give us a full, wonderful, and amazing picture of who Christ is and what He is doing. I thank God each day that I live when I do so that I would not have to struggle with which book I ONLY has and which book or writing could I trust.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Living life to the fullest, really?
A few weeks ago in my teaching time, I took a look at 1 Peter 3:10-17 and discussed what it would mean to live life to the fullest. When I say live life to the fullest, I mean, living each day as a good day, honoring God, praising God, and glorifying God, with our actions, thoughts, and words. The text looked at the tongue, pursuing peace, eagerly doing good, and always being prepared to share the reason for our hope. As I have been praying still about that teaching time a few weeks ago, I decided I wanted to clear 2 things up for my readers and those who might have heard and been in the service that day.
First, why are we living life to the fullest and living each day to the glory of God? Do we live like that because we do it out of duty to Jesus or do we live like that because we delight in Jesus? The Shorter Westminster Catechism ends it's first question with "the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever". That means there in our core part of our being we were designed by God to enjoy Him and delight in who He is. This, I will admit a lot of time for myself, is a struggle to sit and enjoy God and not try and respond out of duty for what He has done for me. We must remember that we can never pay God back for all His grace and mercy to us, and that when we try and pay God back out of duty, gratitude is not involved. To truly delight in God we need to be grateful for what He has done, enjoy the freedom in Him, and learn to enjoy God. Enjoying God looks like a relationship that loves to spend time with, talking with, serving with, and communing with Him. Remember that God wants our delight in Him not our duty. So living life to the fullest should never be about duty to God but should be a life that is delighting in God and the out pouring of that.
Second, do we live life to the fullest because we are trying to buy more of God's grace and mercy in our lives? Writer, Jerry Bridges, calls living life to the fullest, a pursuit of holiness. Can we say we pursue holiness on a daily basis? But Jerry also tells us in his helpful book, "The Disciplines of Grace" that even when we are living life to the fullest and are having a good day, we still can never earn or buy enough good to warrant God's grace and mercy in our lives. Jerry also adds than, that we can never have a bad enough day to not warrant God's grace and mercy in our lives. When we think we can buy God's grace in our lives we start to go the way of duty again and forget about delighting in God and the life and death of Jesus.
So how can we end on the side of delight and not trying to earn or buy God's grace and mercy in our lives? How can we live life to the fullest? That is easy to say but hard to do, we need to preach the good news of the Gospel, Jesus death and resurrection, to ourselves everyday. We need to keep the cross in front of our view at every moment and in each day.
First, why are we living life to the fullest and living each day to the glory of God? Do we live like that because we do it out of duty to Jesus or do we live like that because we delight in Jesus? The Shorter Westminster Catechism ends it's first question with "the chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever". That means there in our core part of our being we were designed by God to enjoy Him and delight in who He is. This, I will admit a lot of time for myself, is a struggle to sit and enjoy God and not try and respond out of duty for what He has done for me. We must remember that we can never pay God back for all His grace and mercy to us, and that when we try and pay God back out of duty, gratitude is not involved. To truly delight in God we need to be grateful for what He has done, enjoy the freedom in Him, and learn to enjoy God. Enjoying God looks like a relationship that loves to spend time with, talking with, serving with, and communing with Him. Remember that God wants our delight in Him not our duty. So living life to the fullest should never be about duty to God but should be a life that is delighting in God and the out pouring of that.
Second, do we live life to the fullest because we are trying to buy more of God's grace and mercy in our lives? Writer, Jerry Bridges, calls living life to the fullest, a pursuit of holiness. Can we say we pursue holiness on a daily basis? But Jerry also tells us in his helpful book, "The Disciplines of Grace" that even when we are living life to the fullest and are having a good day, we still can never earn or buy enough good to warrant God's grace and mercy in our lives. Jerry also adds than, that we can never have a bad enough day to not warrant God's grace and mercy in our lives. When we think we can buy God's grace in our lives we start to go the way of duty again and forget about delighting in God and the life and death of Jesus.
So how can we end on the side of delight and not trying to earn or buy God's grace and mercy in our lives? How can we live life to the fullest? That is easy to say but hard to do, we need to preach the good news of the Gospel, Jesus death and resurrection, to ourselves everyday. We need to keep the cross in front of our view at every moment and in each day.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Big Thoughts from recent sermon
This past week in the teaching time I took a look at some of the big important theological truths from the mission of Jesus (1 Peter 3:18-22). In this post I wanted to highlight them and try to explain each of them a little, so a better understanding could happen for those who might have been in the service, and also for a reminder of the importance of Jesus mission for those who were not in the service.
Jesus Mission- Jesus came into this life as a baby and lived a full life until his death and then ascension, so that He could deal with the problem of sin and save those sinners who would have faith and love for Him.
Sin- Sin is something we commit that can be called a crime, debt, or enmity. This sin is part of our being since birth and we are totally depraved in our nature, meaning that the sin problem affects everything about us.
Sufficient- Jesus came only once and only had to pay for the sin at one time on the cross. When Jesus was on the cross paying off the debt of sin, he was dealing with the sin at that one moment, where as if we had to pay for our own sin we would have to pay for it in hell for eternity without an end. Hell and our payment for our sin would be eternal.
Redemption- We are in bondage to Sin. Jesus came as our redeemer and paid the ransom for our bondage to sin. Jesus paid our ransom for sin, not to Satan or the world, but Jesus paid the Holy Father for the sin and set us free from the bondage to sin when He died on the cross.
Substitute- We deserve to die as the penalty for our sin. Jesus lived a vicarious life and died a vicarious death, meaning He took our place in living a perfect obedient righteous life and than took our place by dying for the penalty we have for sin.
Reconciliation- We are separated from God because of our sin. So Jesus came into the world on this first mission to set our relationship with the Father in Heaven back strait. Jesus bridge the gap between us and the Father by dying on the cross and paying the debt and fixing the enmity. Jesus also gives us reconciliation each day when we confess and repent, change of mind and direction, of our sin.
Propitiation- We deserve to bear God's wrath for sin. So Jesus came on the mission to bear God's wrath in our place and appease a Holy Righteous Judge. Because Jesus took God's wrath it was removed from us.
Expiation- Jesus in bearing God's wrath and removing it from us, allowed God to remove our sin penalty and never see it again. Jesus allowed God to forget and remove our sin as far as the east is from the west.
Life- After Jesus died on the cross for us, He was raised from the dead and given life. Jesus in this life, gives us hope that we too one day will have a new life when our bodies die and we also can have a new spirit in this life when we turn to Him, which is called regeneration.
Preaching- Jesus came on the mission to preach Himself and the entrance to the kingdom of Heaven into the world. We can join Jesus on this part of His mission when we also preach the good news of Jesus and the entrance of the kingdom of Heaven into this world and the work and power of the Holy Spirit.
Glorification- After Jesus ascended into Heaven, He sat down at the right hand of the Father and completed His first mission. Jesus now rules from on high, is our High Priest pleading to the Father, and is a loving King willing to shower His grace and mercy to us.
We, in response to the mission and work of Jesus, should let Him reign from our hearts as our loving Lord and Savior.
Jesus Mission- Jesus came into this life as a baby and lived a full life until his death and then ascension, so that He could deal with the problem of sin and save those sinners who would have faith and love for Him.
Sin- Sin is something we commit that can be called a crime, debt, or enmity. This sin is part of our being since birth and we are totally depraved in our nature, meaning that the sin problem affects everything about us.
Sufficient- Jesus came only once and only had to pay for the sin at one time on the cross. When Jesus was on the cross paying off the debt of sin, he was dealing with the sin at that one moment, where as if we had to pay for our own sin we would have to pay for it in hell for eternity without an end. Hell and our payment for our sin would be eternal.
Redemption- We are in bondage to Sin. Jesus came as our redeemer and paid the ransom for our bondage to sin. Jesus paid our ransom for sin, not to Satan or the world, but Jesus paid the Holy Father for the sin and set us free from the bondage to sin when He died on the cross.
Substitute- We deserve to die as the penalty for our sin. Jesus lived a vicarious life and died a vicarious death, meaning He took our place in living a perfect obedient righteous life and than took our place by dying for the penalty we have for sin.
Reconciliation- We are separated from God because of our sin. So Jesus came into the world on this first mission to set our relationship with the Father in Heaven back strait. Jesus bridge the gap between us and the Father by dying on the cross and paying the debt and fixing the enmity. Jesus also gives us reconciliation each day when we confess and repent, change of mind and direction, of our sin.
Propitiation- We deserve to bear God's wrath for sin. So Jesus came on the mission to bear God's wrath in our place and appease a Holy Righteous Judge. Because Jesus took God's wrath it was removed from us.
Expiation- Jesus in bearing God's wrath and removing it from us, allowed God to remove our sin penalty and never see it again. Jesus allowed God to forget and remove our sin as far as the east is from the west.
Life- After Jesus died on the cross for us, He was raised from the dead and given life. Jesus in this life, gives us hope that we too one day will have a new life when our bodies die and we also can have a new spirit in this life when we turn to Him, which is called regeneration.
Preaching- Jesus came on the mission to preach Himself and the entrance to the kingdom of Heaven into the world. We can join Jesus on this part of His mission when we also preach the good news of Jesus and the entrance of the kingdom of Heaven into this world and the work and power of the Holy Spirit.
Glorification- After Jesus ascended into Heaven, He sat down at the right hand of the Father and completed His first mission. Jesus now rules from on high, is our High Priest pleading to the Father, and is a loving King willing to shower His grace and mercy to us.
We, in response to the mission and work of Jesus, should let Him reign from our hearts as our loving Lord and Savior.
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