Saturday, March 22, 2014


The world is crying out for redemption. I was watching "Frozen" the other night with the girls and it was my first time seeing the movie. I was not sure why the movie was so big for Disney until the ending when redemption was right in front as the story unfolded. Then today I was watch college basketball and in 2 different games the reporters told stories of players in that game having stories of redemption from this season. The world in it's core is crying out for redemption.

Why is redemption something that the world is crying out for and every time it sees or hears of it, it makes it know? Because the world and the people living in it know that this world is broken, fallen, run down, and at the core something is wrong and missing. The world knows that every time humans seem to make a positive advancement or go in a positive step forward, something bad happens. Or the fact that every new drug seems to have 6 new side effects. The world knows that something is broken and realizes that it cannot fix itself. That is why redemption is given such publicity and redemption is a story that can be told over and over again and desired to be heard again.

But what the world does not know or is not willing to accept is the fact that The Redemption has already happened. Jesus Christ bought us with His blood when we could not pay for it ourselves. That is the story of the redemption and it has happened and is a free gift that only must be grabbed. The world rejects that because they want to try to fix it themselves but true redemption only comes from someone outside of the situation, who is innocent, paying the price to fix and buy the situation right. That is why Jesus and the Cross are so amazing and powerful. The Cross is the true and only perfect act of redemption and Jesus paid for our sin in the wrath of a Holy God with His blood. That is the story of redemption that the whole world needs to hear and realize is there for them.

So next time you hear someone talking about a redemptive situation or is giving an act of redemption praise, tell them about Jesus and The True Redemption!!!!

But guess what, true redemption on the Cross did not stop there, it came with the power of the resurrection and that is what Easter Sunday is about and what gives full power to the redemption of the cross.

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