Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
We all have our thoughts about Jesus' yoke of burden and what that means for us. I am reminded by this picture though and the verse above it that Jesus yoke is not something we have to bear alone. Just like in this picture the older ox (with the bigger horns on the left) is walking with and training the younger ox what the job is. So too Jesus walks with us as we together with Him bear the yoke of the Christian life. Jesus is walking right next to us, in the yoke with us, teaching us and guiding us. Only will the younger ox learn by walking step in step and mirroring the mature older ox. Just the same with us. We need to mirror Jesus and walk step in step with Him and then the yoke and burden it is pulling will be easy. So next time you think about the Christian life, or as I affectionately call it the Jesus lover life, remember that the yoke of burden is easier when we are step in step, mirroring the ox, Jesus, beside us in the yoke.
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