Thursday, January 9, 2014

Personal Reflection

My new goal this year, or a new years resolution as come people call it, was to live every day as if Jesus was coming back tomorrow. As I have been try to gauge how I am doing with this goal and thinking about my life as a lover of Jesus, I have tried to come up with personal questions I can ask myself. I have found 10 questions I ask myself each day as I try and reflect how I am doing in my walk with Christ and living as if each day is my last. Some of the questions I  have come up with and some I have taken from random sources as I have been reading. Here are the 10 questions I reflect on.

1. Am I spending time slowly reading God’s word and memorizing Scripture?
2. Am I having consistent, focused, extended times of prayer, including interceding for others?
3. Am I disciplined in my use of technology, in particular not getting distracted by emails and blogging in the evening and on my days off?
4. Am I getting enough rest and down time?
5. How has my eating habits been today?
6. Have I exercised in the last week?
7. Am I patient with my kids or am I angry with them when they disobey or behave in childish ways?
8. Where is my focus when I am with my family?
9. Is my study time focused enough on God or am I distracted and not fully in tune?
10. Have I done anything out of the ordinary to cherish and help my wife?

I have discovered that reflecting on my day and last few hours over some of these issues helps me understand where I need to grow. Some of these questions are not necessary spiritual but all of them are connect to the state of my spirit and walk with God. I pray that some of these questions help you as you walk with God each day to.

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