I am reading a great book right now called, "Why We Love the Church" by Kevin DeYoung. In one of the open chapters he talks about the mission of the church and why God created it. He asks some very important question in relation to how the church is presenting the good news of Jesus. These questions got me to thinking about how I am presenting the gospel to others or how I am not presenting the gospel to others.
1) Are we getting in the way of the Gospel?- This question got me thinking and praying about my life and how the actions I do or do not do or the words I say stand in the way of the message of Jesus. How many times do I hurt or stop the work of Jesus because I do something that is contrary to that message? How many times do I say something that does not honor Jesus and sheds a bad light on the true message of love and mercy? Am I really getting in the way or hurting the gospel message because I am not given the power in my life over to Jesus to run it?
2)Are we believing the Gospel?- This is a big question because it asking do I really believe what I am preaching and telling others? Does my life match what I am saying? How may times does my life show that I truly believe what I am telling the other person?
3)Are we relying on the power of the Gospel?- Is my life built such that I am truly living in the power of Jesus and not in my own power and pride? Does my life truly reflect living in the arms of Jesus and showing others that Jesus is all that I need? Jesus is all that we ever need, do others actually see that?
4) Are we getting the Gospel out?- How many times do we actually say or do something rather than slink back into the shadows? If Jesus is truly all we need and we live in that power, His boldness should shine through us and the Gospel better come out somehow to others.
5)Are we getting the Gospel right?- How much time do we spend in the Word of God so that when the time comes we can fully and faithfully give a report of who Jesus is and what He has done for us and is still doing? To live in the power of the Gospel we need to live in the Word of God and let it saturate us.
6)Are we adorning the Gospel with good works?- Does our life reflect the faith we have. I am not saying by this that works save us, but if we live in Jesus and love Him, that love better show to others in the works of faith. Faith without action is dead. Does the Gospel look better to others because of what we are doing?
7) Are we praying for the work of the Gospel?- We need to be a people of prayer. My blog the other day talked about when we should be praying, FIRST. Before we ever present the Gospel to others we need to be on our knees praying for the hearts what will be touch and for the power of Jesus to impact others. Prays first and pray often.
8) Are we training our children in the Gospel?-I got nothing to add to this question because this one hit me the hardest. My children will make an impact of Jesus if they love Him to. Am I doing my job as their father in showing and teaching them about Jesus and His powerful message? My kids are my greatest mission field right now, am I doing my job. I pray that I am and I pray that God will cover up for my short comings when it comes to the Gospel and my kids.
Which question hit you the hardest, like the #8 hit me in the gut?
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