So in celebration of writing this blog for over a month now, I wanted to revisit and revise my first ever blog post.
My first post I just wanted to explain the quiet part of my blog title. Habakkuk 2:20 states, "But the LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him." To me this is where life starts, ends, and should be all the time in the middle.This being the anniversary of the not so super storm Sandy, I am reminded of the quiet before the storm. Being quiet before God while life is going well and we are receiving blessing from God, can help us endure and withstand better the storms of life. Being quiet before the struggles and challenges come can help prepare us better. In the quiet moments we can gather supplies, like rooting our faith deeper in God, giving us a clearer picture of God so we can trust Him more, and also help our patience gain fortitude. All activities we can have in the quiet as we wait for the next storm of life that God allows to come our way.
Keeping quiet in life can also help you discover many enjoyments. Being quiet with our minds can allow God to show you the joys in life that He as blessed you with. Being quiet with our mouths can help us see the joy in our life that the voice and noise wipes out.
It can bring you much wisdom when you listen before you talk. It can make you a better and more generous person as you let others talk and have what looks like the spot light.
It can make you a more loving person so that the wrong and hurtful thing is not said. Being quiet is also where you learn the most and gain the most wisdom.
The quiet is where I discovered that I need to be and is the place I need to be in my God, the quiet. The quiet before Him, to listen to His voice.
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