Ethics! When we hear the
word ethics, many different ideas or pictures might come to our mind. When we
read the word ethics, maybe the class we had in High School or college come to
our mind. When we see an article on ethics, the words integrity or moral conduct
might be there. When we hear someone say the word ethics, maybe topics like
money, sex, law, or conduct are brought to the fought of our minds. Ethics is a
very common word and idea, so multiple topics at once could arise when it is
Ethics is a broad
subject. Consequently, I can’t write everything there is on ethics. Books have
been written on ethics. Classes and whole college degrees focus on ethics. And
there is not enough space in this small article to discuss everything there is in
the field of ethics. My goal with the space remaining is to point to the
reality that every human has an ethical code and as Christians, we must think
through where our ethical code comes from.
Webster’s Dictionary
defines ethics as; “moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the
conduct of an activity”. In a simplified way, ethics is a moral code for why we
do what we do and why we believe what we believe. Why do we find murder wrong?
Our ethics tells us, murder is wrong. Why does being generous with the poor and
less fortunate, become something good done? Our ethical code tells us that
helping others is a good act. The ethical code or moral law of our mind
(individually) is what tells us as people what is both good and what is bad.
Ethics dictates much of what is done in this world and what we do as
First, this means that
every single person has an ethical law or moral code (inside them) that tells
them what is right and what is wrong. We as human beings are not neutral or “amoral”
beings. We as humans do not do something without a cause or without a guide.
Whether it is something in our mind that gives us a clue. Or something deep
within our heart (emotions/affection) that lead us. We as human beings are
always going about our lives and choices because of something inside us. This
means, in one sense, no human being has a “free” will to do anything they want
to do. Humans are always being driven and making decisions by the code or mind
inside them.
As a father, I protect my
children, not because it just happened to be that way, but because I know
protecting them is a good thing. As a neighbor, I do not throw dog poop at
others, not because I do not have any, but because I know throwing dog poop is
a wrong action. The conscience in my mind or the desire in my heart is what
dives my actions. And it is my ethical code or moral law that dictates my
conscience and desires.
We see major problems
with this today, as the world fights over what the individual ethical code says
is right and wrong. Many individuals find homosexuality as wrong because that
is their ethical code. Many people find abortion to be a heinous crime because
their moral code tells them it is evil. Certain individuals find euthanasia or
mass human genocide as bad, because the ethical code inside their conscience is
screaming at them. The world today fights over ethics, because each individual
person is driven inside them by a different ethical code.
This leads to the second
point of this article, where does the ethical code we have come from? Yes, we as humans are individuals. But, in our
make-up, we are human individuals who learn. A baby learns how to talk from watching
its parents. A son learns how to mow the lawn from watching and instruction
from his dad. A daughter learns how to put make-up on from watching and
listening to her mother. As individual humans, we learn, grow and are informed
through the world and people around us. The same is true for the ethical code
inside us.
Culture teaches the individual
ethics, both in what is acceptable and what actions are not acceptable. When a
culture shifts through the movement of the majority, the cultural influence on
the ethical code will shift. Culture teaches ethics through mass media, the publicly
circle, or through Hollywood and other forms of entertainment. Many human
individuals learn through the culture they live in, what is the ethical code of
conduct and belief.
School and education
teaches individuals what the ethical codes of life are. By educating students,
both on the knowledge for life, and the actions involved with that knowledge,
students can learn what is right in the world and what is wrong in the world.
In school, words like tolerance, good, free, right, and choice are all taught.
The education system is designed to teach the ethical and moral code of its
Family and the home can
teach the individual ethical code. Parents teach their children what is right
and wrong. Grandparents inform their family what is acceptable behavior and
what actions are unacceptable. Aunts, Uncles, cousins, and siblings, all can inform
the other individual family members what the moral code of life is.
And finally, God can
teach and inform the individual what the ethical code of life is. God speaks to
His Creation through His Word and communicates with the human individual what
is right belief and action and what is wrong belief and sinful actions. God
informs all He created what the ethics of His world must be.
This second point,
combines with the first point, to pose the question I want to leave this article
with. We all are ethical beings that do actions and hold beliefs based upon our
ethical code. The question is, which arena has the largest influence on our
ethical code; the culture, school, the family, or God? Check what we value,
what actions we do frequently, the desires or appetites of our heart, and the
purity of our minds. Checking these four areas will tell us, what arena has influenced
our ethical law. My hope and prayer, as Christians, is that our ethical code
and moral law is being influence solely by God, the one who Created us, saved
us, and sustains us in a life of good and bad.