So, I want to table my second post about the confidence and joy we can have in the 4 separate but unified Gospel accounts of Jesus, to talk about love. I know, love, really, everyone either talks about love, in a on the surface not deep emotion, or either they take it to deep and go somewhere that love is not actually love. I know we also know everything we need to know about love too because we have the greatest example of love in the sacrifice of Christ. But, just stay with me for a few sentences and I hope that I can show love in a new light that I just discovered recently.
So I was reading a book the last few days and came across a line about love that struck me and made me think for a long time about what I knew about love. John Piper says, "Love is the oveflow of joy in God that gladly meets the needs of others". This one sentence made my head spin and also my understanding of life and what I thought I knew go round. So my love really starts in my relationship with God. For years I always thought my love for others was something on its own. But this one line opened my mind and heart to the idea that actually my love for others starts in my relationship with God. And more importantly my joy in God.
First, I could spend the next 15 blogs talking about my joy or lack there of in God but I want to focus on the love aspects. Second, I could also spend 15 blogs just cracking the topic of love for God, but again I want to focus on the connections of this joy verse my love for others. This connection is amazing when I really started to think about it. So if I truly love others like my wife, kids, or neighbors, it really must start in my joy in God overflowing in my life. This got me thinking then about when was the last time I was conscience about my joy in God. So I started to look more for the joy in my relationship with God. And that is when I started to notice my love level. When I was living a life in joy with God it started to ooze out into others and how I looked at them. Then I started to show love more and it was easier and even gave me more joy in those moments of love. So there is a connection.
And I will be honest, this is where I am at now. I have discovered that Piper is right. There is a connection with joy in God to love for others. And I challenged myself, next time it seems like I cannot love others or it is really hard to love others (which at this moment, I do not think that is actually forced love), I checked my joy in God. Finding joy in the relationship with God should be oozing out to others and if it is not, love will not be there. Is the joy we really have in God oozing out to love for others?
Monday, September 30, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
The 4 Gospels. part 1
So my one faithful reader has challenged me to be substantial with my writing. It was said I need to be deeper in how I write and not just spout off a question or 2 and write a few sentences. So I guess that means I need to get deeper with my thought process and actually write things out that my mind ponders deeply and put some of the depth of my mind on paper. Here it goes.
A few days ago I was reading for my church history class about how the early church was having discussions about and problems over the 4 different gospel accounts. One church in a city might only agree with say the writings of Mathew, while the church 20 miles away might only agree with Luke's account of Jesus. Even more of a problems was that certain church's might only have 1 or 2 writings and not have the other 2 gospel records. That had to be frustrating and challenging to not have all the letters and writings as the church's around them. This reading got me thinking about 2 important things I believe we as a church and as disciples take for granted.
First, what if we only had 1 or 2 of the gospel records. What if the church we went to only had say the books of Mark and John but not Matthew and Luke. What would that look like? Second, I got to thinking what ultimately is the purpose for having 4 different accounts of Jesus in the Bible and why do they have similar stories as each other in just a different way.
Up front, I want to say I believe all 4 Gospels from the Bible are the words of God and are important for Christians today. The Bible would not be complete without them. But I believe they as a whole give us a complete picture of who Jesus is and what His mission was about and then why that is important for us today. Imagine if Matthew was not in the Bible. We would not have the sermon on the mount or the story of the 3 wise dudes. Image if Mark was not in the Bible, we would not know that Jesus was a crazy, immediately, busy guy or that He was a suffering servant. If Luke was missing we would have not to much knowledge about Mary or any of the deep human heart wrenching moments of Jesus, like when He wept. If John was missing, well would not have any of the "I AM" statements and the famous description of Jesus in the upper room with His disciples when He comforts them with the Holy Spirit prophecy. So what we would be missing without each of the 4 books of the Bible we call Gospels, would leave major holes in the story. The Gospels fill the gaps of each other, tells parts of the story that another author left out, or give a deeper fuller discourse or saying from Jesus. Each Gospel is like a piece that fills a hole that somewhere was left out. If we did not have all 4 there would be holes, some big to fill and some smaller, but holes all the same. And I know that I am glad I do not have any holes in the gospel because then it gives me complete confidence in the Words of God.
Tomorrow, I will discuss while I believe the gospels tell the same story sometimes and why that is important and how the books compliment each other in the full picture.
But, I believe that the 4 Gospels are like a mosaic in that each of them gives us a piece of the picture but only together do they give us a full, wonderful, and amazing picture of who Christ is and what He is doing. I thank God each day that I live when I do so that I would not have to struggle with which book I ONLY has and which book or writing could I trust.
A few days ago I was reading for my church history class about how the early church was having discussions about and problems over the 4 different gospel accounts. One church in a city might only agree with say the writings of Mathew, while the church 20 miles away might only agree with Luke's account of Jesus. Even more of a problems was that certain church's might only have 1 or 2 writings and not have the other 2 gospel records. That had to be frustrating and challenging to not have all the letters and writings as the church's around them. This reading got me thinking about 2 important things I believe we as a church and as disciples take for granted.
First, what if we only had 1 or 2 of the gospel records. What if the church we went to only had say the books of Mark and John but not Matthew and Luke. What would that look like? Second, I got to thinking what ultimately is the purpose for having 4 different accounts of Jesus in the Bible and why do they have similar stories as each other in just a different way.
Up front, I want to say I believe all 4 Gospels from the Bible are the words of God and are important for Christians today. The Bible would not be complete without them. But I believe they as a whole give us a complete picture of who Jesus is and what His mission was about and then why that is important for us today. Imagine if Matthew was not in the Bible. We would not have the sermon on the mount or the story of the 3 wise dudes. Image if Mark was not in the Bible, we would not know that Jesus was a crazy, immediately, busy guy or that He was a suffering servant. If Luke was missing we would have not to much knowledge about Mary or any of the deep human heart wrenching moments of Jesus, like when He wept. If John was missing, well would not have any of the "I AM" statements and the famous description of Jesus in the upper room with His disciples when He comforts them with the Holy Spirit prophecy. So what we would be missing without each of the 4 books of the Bible we call Gospels, would leave major holes in the story. The Gospels fill the gaps of each other, tells parts of the story that another author left out, or give a deeper fuller discourse or saying from Jesus. Each Gospel is like a piece that fills a hole that somewhere was left out. If we did not have all 4 there would be holes, some big to fill and some smaller, but holes all the same. And I know that I am glad I do not have any holes in the gospel because then it gives me complete confidence in the Words of God.
Tomorrow, I will discuss while I believe the gospels tell the same story sometimes and why that is important and how the books compliment each other in the full picture.
But, I believe that the 4 Gospels are like a mosaic in that each of them gives us a piece of the picture but only together do they give us a full, wonderful, and amazing picture of who Christ is and what He is doing. I thank God each day that I live when I do so that I would not have to struggle with which book I ONLY has and which book or writing could I trust.
Third Line Life
Line 1
I believe in God and the gospel of Christ
enough to benefit from it.
Line 2
I believe in God and Christ’s gospel enough
to contribute comfortably (on my terms).
Line 3
I believe in God and Christ’s gospel enough
to give my life to it (on His terms).
Which line do each of us live in?
Which line should we each be living in?
Which line does Christ want us to live in?
Friday, September 27, 2013
I believe there are many different ideas about confidence and what it is and what it looks like. I believe confidence is something important for every human being to have. I believe it is vital for every believer in Christ to be confident even more. Confidence in God, His grace for us, and His plan for us is important for every disciple of Christ to have.
In my New Testament class I was reading through the Gospels and discovered a great moment from the life and passion of Jesus, of His confidence in His Father. Jesus states, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit" (Luke 23:46). This is a great moment at the climax of Christ death where He puts His full faith, trust, and confidence into the plan, will, and grace of His Father. Christ is showing a confident trust in the Father's control. Just moments before this statement, Christ also says, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34). This statement by Jesus shows that He was in complete anguish and being crushed for bearing the sin and wrath of God and the separation of the Father and Son in that moment.
These two moments by Christ show us something important to remember. Even in life, when the hurricane and tempest come, even when the weight of sin and the consequences of it, even when we are being crushed in life; we can still have confidence that God is in control. Christ bore our sins, so that we would not have to. Christ was crushed and burdened beyond anything that we can bear ourselves or even imagine. But in that moment He was an example for us to still have confidence in God. Christ died so we would not have to, so that we can have the confidence in those crushing moments to still look to the grace, will, and strength of the one who bore the weight so we would not have to.
That is true confidence, and a confident spirit in God can withstand anything that life or evil throw at us.
In my New Testament class I was reading through the Gospels and discovered a great moment from the life and passion of Jesus, of His confidence in His Father. Jesus states, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit" (Luke 23:46). This is a great moment at the climax of Christ death where He puts His full faith, trust, and confidence into the plan, will, and grace of His Father. Christ is showing a confident trust in the Father's control. Just moments before this statement, Christ also says, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34). This statement by Jesus shows that He was in complete anguish and being crushed for bearing the sin and wrath of God and the separation of the Father and Son in that moment.
These two moments by Christ show us something important to remember. Even in life, when the hurricane and tempest come, even when the weight of sin and the consequences of it, even when we are being crushed in life; we can still have confidence that God is in control. Christ bore our sins, so that we would not have to. Christ was crushed and burdened beyond anything that we can bear ourselves or even imagine. But in that moment He was an example for us to still have confidence in God. Christ died so we would not have to, so that we can have the confidence in those crushing moments to still look to the grace, will, and strength of the one who bore the weight so we would not have to.
That is true confidence, and a confident spirit in God can withstand anything that life or evil throw at us.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
The Cost
So one of the classes I am taking for my Master's right now is a church history class. I have been recently studying and reading about the early church of the first and second century. There were many men I have read about or even read some of their writing that I have come to appreciate. I have come to love followers of the first few centuries; men like Ignatuis and Polycarp and even women like Perpetua (I think my wife would love her to).
But what got me really thinking is what it meant for these churches as the cost of discipleship. The early church knew that to be a disciple of Jesus Christ was first a person that followed Christ, and later also meant someone that was willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice and die a martyrs death. Now I do not think that death is required today to be called a disciple, but a follower should be a description of a disciple. But more importantly someone who is willing to stand for Christ and not back down even to the point of persecution. When was the last time we were persecuted, whether vocally or by discrimination, because we stood for Christ. The real question is would we feel honored to stand next to the first and second century disciples of Christ because we to stood for Christ?
But what got me really thinking is what it meant for these churches as the cost of discipleship. The early church knew that to be a disciple of Jesus Christ was first a person that followed Christ, and later also meant someone that was willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice and die a martyrs death. Now I do not think that death is required today to be called a disciple, but a follower should be a description of a disciple. But more importantly someone who is willing to stand for Christ and not back down even to the point of persecution. When was the last time we were persecuted, whether vocally or by discrimination, because we stood for Christ. The real question is would we feel honored to stand next to the first and second century disciples of Christ because we to stood for Christ?
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
The Quiet
So this being my first attempt at actually writing other than research and term papers, I have no idea what to expect. We shall see how this goes and whether or not God has given me any talent in writing and if I have any hope of ever actually putting a book or two together.
My first post I just wanted to explain the quiet part of my blog title. Habakkuk 2:20 states, "But the LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him." To me this is where life starts, ends, and should be all the time in the middle. Keeping quiet in life can help you discover many enjoyments. It can bring you much wisdom when you listen before you talk. It can make you a better and more generous person as you let others talk and have what looks like the spot light. It can make you a more loving person so that the wrong and hurtful thing is not said. Being quiet is also where you learn the most and gain the most wisdom.
The quiet is where I discovered that I need to be and is the place I need to be in my God, the quiet.
My first post I just wanted to explain the quiet part of my blog title. Habakkuk 2:20 states, "But the LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him." To me this is where life starts, ends, and should be all the time in the middle. Keeping quiet in life can help you discover many enjoyments. It can bring you much wisdom when you listen before you talk. It can make you a better and more generous person as you let others talk and have what looks like the spot light. It can make you a more loving person so that the wrong and hurtful thing is not said. Being quiet is also where you learn the most and gain the most wisdom.
The quiet is where I discovered that I need to be and is the place I need to be in my God, the quiet.
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